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[some time later....]

"Most have accepted you as the new capo for the Moretti clan, they should follow your orders."

"So who's rejecting me."

"Just a handful of groups, sir."


"The santis believe you will tarnish the Sicilian mafia because you are not Sicilian yourself."

"The Ricci clan believes you wont be able to handle the priorities of becoming a boss due to...your wife and children sir. They feel it will only get in the way of serious matters."

"You've got to be kidding me?"

"That's absurd!" I shout, "I never come in between business!"

"It's fine, Luna."

"No it's not! These people don't deserve you as the next leader! It's what Scarlett would have wanted!"

"You mean us as the next leaders."

Tom had made it clear that any decision he made wouldn't be by himself but would be under consideration by myself. He claimed we were now a team, we must work and act like it. I had told him I wasn't necessary and I would never want to govern over others...all I wanted was to be with him. But he had very different views on that.

"What would you like us to do about this?"

"Nothing, it's their choice if they chose to support me or not." He says.

"The Sicilian mafias have different views on that."

"Well good thing I'm not Sicilian. We're not going to kill anyone who isn't willing to obey me."

"Of course."

"They're just going to have to accept the fact that when they need us, we won't comply..what do you think?" Tom says, looking towards me.

"You know I try to avoid any sort of violence."

"I know." He says, his voice taking a soft tone. We had a conversation about this before. After Roman's death he told me everything about Roman and his way of well as his own. He didn't want to get into his manic killing spree's now that he had a family, it wasn't the image he wanted to give out, so he wanted me to remind him when he's being too radical with his decisions...It was still in his nature to kill first and ask questions later.


After our meeting Tom and I came upstairs to our room. "So what do you think about what they said? Are you really okay with all this?" I ask. Tom takes his shirt off, revealing his hefty muscles. "Like I said, it's all up to them. Plus it's not like they could kill me." He says winking. "So even among stronger men you're still a pain in the ass." I say, rolling my eyes.

"You like This pain in the ass, moonlight."

"I'm not sure, I hear divorce is a real thing."

"You're married to such a powerful man, why would you want to divorce me? You should be grateful." He says smirking at me.

"Be grateful I'm not kicking your ass for being such a narcissist." I say. Tom chuckles as he walks towards me, grabbing a hold of my waist as he takes me in for a kiss, his hands trailing down the length of my body....I push back.

"Do you think it's a good idea to go?" I ask.

"Just because they don't fuck with me doesn't mean I should give a fuck?" He says, rolling his eyes.

"You're unbelievable." I say, face palming.

"Thanks for noticing moonlight." Tom's mouth was immediately on mine again. His hand pulled me closer to his body while his other grabbed the back of my neck. I placed both my hands on his chest and leaned into his touch....and then again, I pushed back.

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