Chapter 43

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I'm incredibly hurt, embarrassed and above all so confused. Was this seriously happening to me again? I was getting pushed away once again for no absolute reason? I open my heart out to him and he had to stab it a thousand times before handing it back to me. I felt mistreated, under appreciated. "UGH!" I yell out in frustration, after keeping my self control and guarding my heart, he opened my doors with free reign and I let him. Why was I so naive?

"Snap back to reality Luna. He hurt you more than once now. Gain back your control!" I say to myself, reminding myself of my self worth. I needed to leave. By myself, because eventually I'll be married to a man who will only use me for physical reasons and potentially for breeding, I can't just let my freedom be taken like that? So why not enjoy it until I've been tied down.


I woke up and got ready I was going to spend the whole day, in stores, boutiques and trinket shops. I didn't want to buy anything, I just liked being able to enter a store and people see me as an average girl. Anytime I was with Scarlett we always entered these high end stores and even before I had crossed paths with Tom I was home, studying to take over my fathers business like he had once told me as a little girl, I look back and realize just how naive I was to believe my dad would ever give up such a company to his daughter. He'd much rather his empire burn down with him.

As it was getting darker I decided instead of calling a driver I would walk, it was dangerous. But wasn't my life already? I make my way outside a boutique and in an instant I'm being grabbed by two giant men in all black. Was I getting kidnapped?

"HEY! BACK OFF!" I shout kicking and punching as much as I could, I couldn't die. Not right now.


I wake up, it's pitch black. Was I in a car? I could hear the engine running and cars passing by. I try to shout but my mouth was immediately covered. I noticed I couldn't see, was I blindfolded? Just then, the same person covering my mouth takes off my blindfold with their hand, the other still on my mouth.

"Good evening Luna, Lancaster." A woman very familiar says to me. My eyes try to focus on her... it was the same woman from before, same sophisticated look and different colored blazer.

"Y-you... WHY ARE YOU KIDNAPPING ME what the hell is going on!"

"I'm not obligated to answer your questions."

"Yes you are, YOU'RE KIDNAPPING ME."

"I was just speeding up the process of getting you where want."

"And where do you want me?" I say, taken aback from her statement.

"Like I said, I'm no-"

"Oh, cut the crap! Tell me where the fuck you're taking me!"

"I wonder how Tom can live with someone like this... But then again, he's also got quite the temper."

I glare at her with a blazing anger. "I'm gonna actually snap if you don't start telling me what's going on."

"You'll find out soon enough. So just lean back and enjoy the ride."


We arrive at a secluded home in the middle of the woods.

"ARE YOU GOING TO TELL ME WHAT THE FU-" I say, but my eyes instantly shift to a man sitting down on a couch, his arms crossed... Tom.

"Tom? What's going on!" His manager begins to speak. "So." She says, clearing her throat while completely ignoring me and my existence.

"Earlier this day we got notified by the news department that they got contacted by a person who's about to leak Information about Tom and Bill." My stomach twisted and my head started spinning as I saw what's coming for me. "And information about you Luna."

"What kind of information?" I ask.

"Information about Tom's 'personal life' she says, hinting about Tom's other life... his dangerous life.

"If people find out that you've been essentially betrothed to Tom and his personal life gets leaked. This can be very bad for his very known reputation with the public. We cannot allow one of his lives to bleed into the other."

I gulped. Sweat was forming on my forehead and suddenly the room started spinning.

"It's still not leaked to the public yet, Luna." Tom stared at me. "And what now." I finally found my voice again. "Our team found a way to get in touch with that person." His manager adds. "We're in the midst of negotiating."

"So, what do they want?"

"That's the problem. We don't know. We obviously offered a large sum to keep them quiet. But to our surprise, it's not working."

"So, this person has other motives?" I ask.

"Or they're tying to milk us even more. Wouldn't be unusual." Tom adds.

"He's right."

"So, what are you going to do? Offer a shit load of money to this piece of shit?"

"If it comes down to that, then yes." The manager says.

"So, you just obey to their demands?"

"If there's no other choice, what're we supposed to do? Do you want your information leaked?"

"But who says that even if they're paid off that they won't leak the information anyway?"

"We would set up an iron strong contract. If we would actually commit to the demands, then it's under our conditions." I look at her with concerned eyes. "There's something else." She says.

"Oh gosh.. what now." I say, concern overflowing within me.

"We already know the identity of the person who threatens us."

"You what? who is it!"

"My aunt." Tom adds, his eyes filled with a coldness, a coldness so bestial, it runs shivers down your spine.

"Y-you're kidding.."

"He's not."

"Why... would she do that." I ask, they both look at me, no emotion on their faces. "It's complicated." His manager says, breaking the silence between us, she was beginning to piss me off. "Maybe start making it less complicated for me." I say, air quoting.

"It's not my place to talk about this with you."

I looked at Tom. He avoided my stare and kept quiet. "Tom?" I say, hoping to get an answer, but his manager interrupts.

"We're not done yet Luna, now that your identity is at high risk of being exposed it's best if you keep a low profile, if people find out your connection with Tom, you're risking your life as well as his. So we have to take measurements, no partying, no staying out in public, no social media, anything that can get you exposed faster we will make sure to terminate."

"What are you implying?" I say.

"Paparazzi will be following Tom more closely as well as bill. Which also means that the chance of finding out about you is even higher. You will not be able to leave the premises until we get this all settled."

I side glanced in Tom's direction. He was being usually quiet. Avoiding eye contact with me and barely moving in his seat.

"Do you think you'll come to a solution ever?"

"We hope so." His manager says.

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