Chapter 26

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1 month has gone by since the incident in New York. I still stayed in the house. The house was lonely during the day and night. I don't think he would even come home, The house was practically mine and occasionally I would get a visit from Scarlett. Since Toms disappearance, I never left the house. I looked disgusting and sometimes I wouldn't even shower. Depression was hitting me really hard, But today I decided that I would actually do something productive for myself.

I showered, did my makeup and got ready. For the first time I looked back to my normal self. I decided I would take it slow and go to a coffee shop near downtown of LA. Once I entered I was greeted with familiar eyes, Roman. "wow, long time no see Luna" he says, checking me out. "It has been awhile hasn't it?" I said smiling. "Yeah... wow, you're even more gorgeous than before." He was sweet, why couldn't I fall for a guy like him? "Thank you, Roman. It means a lot!" "Of course!" He looks at me for a moment. "I'm throwing a party tonight. You should come if that's alright with your fiancée" Tom? I laughed.

"He means nothing to me. I'll be there." Romans eyes widen with shock, before replying "Not only have you gotten prettier, your mindset seems to have changed too." He says, winking at me. I guess being around Scarlett really moved something in me. "I suppose so." He smiles. "Well party's at 8, be there" he says, winking at me one last time before walking out of the coffee shop. This is going to be fun. I thought to myself.

After I left the coffee shop, a driver awaits me to take me back home. I enter the car. I decided I would take Scarlett with me, I was being bold even going to the party by myself. Scarlett was moral support, so I called her.


"Hey Scarlett! I'm going to a party at 8 and you're coming with."

"Say less girl! What time should I pick you up!"

"7:45, this is going to be a night to remember" I giggle.

"Hell yeah girl! Get your life back!"

She really knew how to make me feel better in an instant, I'm extremely grateful to have her.
That being said, I decided that if I was going to go out after a long time, I was going to make a big impression. I lean over to Max, the driver, "Max, can we make one quick stop?" "Sure thing miss, where to?" "Just around the corner!"

After the shopping spree I rewarded myself with Toms money, I was ready to drop jaws and leave people staring. I immediately got home, running upstairs to drop my bags off. "Miss Luna! Welcome home" I turned around. "Wendy?! I haven't seen you since forever!" She laughs, "I could say the same about you!" "I suppose so, how've you been?" "I've been keeping up just fine dear. It seems like you've had an eventful day!" "Oh.. yeah, I mean I decided to go to a party tonight and I needed a dress." "I understand Miss Luna." She said, giving me a little wink before walking out of my room. She cleaned up my depression room... I felt a little embarrassed, yet grateful. "What would I do without her." I say to myself.

It's been awhile since I've been to any event, I was excited. I felt an adrenaline rush thinking about going to the party. "This night will be mine." I said to myself. I got up and began. I rushed to the bathroom, grabbing a razor and shaving cream. I began to shave every single inch of my body. I brushed my teeth 3 times, straightened my hair, experimented with makeup and for my finishing touches, jewelry. I felt beautiful. And just as I was going to my closet, I noticed the ring I had on. My engagement ring. I stared at it for a moment. "I won't be needing this tonight." I took off my ring setting it on my vanity.

I went back to the closet and pulled out my dress, a fitted lavender fringed mini dress, paired with laced white heels and gold statement earrings. I grabbed a rhinestoned mini clutch before leaving.

Scarlett waited outside in her bright yellow corvette. "WOOOOOOO LETS GOO PARTY!!" She screams out as I close the door behind me, running towards the car. Laughter overwhelming us as we made our way to the party.

Driving through LA felt exhilarating, palm trees at every corner, lights everywhere and the warm breeze hitting us as we drove off into the night. It had been a long time since I felt happy, and tonight I felt happy. We blast music and sing our hearts out. "DANCEE THE NIGHT AWAY, GRAB SOMEBODY, DRINK A LITTLE MORE" Scarlett breaks out in her singing. "LAAAA LALALALA LALALALALALA" I sang along. "TONIGHT WE 'GON BE IT ON THE FLOOR!"

Once we arrived at the party, music was blasting. It was your typical LA party, everyone was dancing their hearts out, drinking their pain away and making out like animals. "Now this is what a party is!" Scarlett screams as she approaches two shirtless guys. She dances in between them. I couldn't help but laugh, I loved it.

"Luna!!!! Glad you made it!" I turned around to find Roman, he was dressed in a royal blue suit, a white dress shirt and a shiny gold watch gleaming on his left arm. "Of course, I can't miss up a party." He chuckles. "I honestly didn't think you'd make it but I'm glad you did." "Why would you think I wouldn't make it?" "Well.. the last time we spoke was at the masquerade ball and that's when you saw me with a-" "okay,
I think I get it." I said, laughing as I crossed my arms, "it's passed us now. Let's just be friends." He stares at me for a moment. "Sure... yeah!" He said in an awkward tone. "Well? Are you going to invite me to dance or what???"

His eyes sparkle, a bright white smile flashing. "Would you like to dance, Luna?" "Uhh.. hell yeah!" He extends his arm out to me, I take his hand as he spins me onto the dance floor, we danced the night away, our worries disappearing the more we danced, no care in the world whatsoever, tonight was my night and I was going to make the best out of it. All through the party I found myself dancing with a different guy, drinking, laughing with Scarlett. We tried to see how many shots we could take before we wanted to puke our guts out.

That whole night I felt a sensation of satisfaction, thrill, buzz and enjoyment. Even when Scarlett and I couldn't dance any longer, we found ourselves dancing either way, dancing like it was the last night of our life.


After all the dancing we did, we decided we needed to head back home. The night was quickly escaping us and the last thing we needed was to arrive at the house, the next day. As me and Scarlett walked towards the car we found ourselves not being able to walk in a straight line from all the dancing and partying we had done. Scarlett tripped on a rock, falling straight on her butt. We looked at each other before breaking out into laughter. "Oh my gosh... I.. I can't breathe!" She says, choking on her laughter. "Scarlett cmon get up!! We have to get home!" I say laughing back at her.

She gets up, dusting herself off, "okay you're right let's go home!" She looks at me, her finger pointing at me.

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