Chapter 49

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"Our aunt had been an addict in the past. She kept leeching off of Tom and I and burned all the money we gave her. The only times she would try to contact us was to get even more money. And Tom as the good nephew always gave it to her. Our mother left us at a young age.. and our father.." Gustav quickly interrupts bill, giving him a disapproving look.

"At some point.. they just had enough and stopped providing for her. Especially Tom, he felt it would get better when they wouldn't financially support her any longer."

"I guess it didn't get better..." I say.

"She kept begging us for money, but Tom wouldn't budge."

"And then she started threatening them, She was trying to find any reason to make him look bad in the media." Georg adds.

"That woman was making up the most ridiculous stories."

"But luckily for them, she wasn't taken serious. It was obvious she wasn't in.... The best condition."

"How long ago did that happen?"

"Not too long. The last drama happened when she threatened to release your information." Bill says.

"We were all very surprised when she withdrew her threat, This never happened before.." Gustav adds.

"Tom would've obviously paid her. He would never let anyone harm you."

I felt slightly embarrassed "But she seems.....different now, right?"

"I suppose." Georg says, he didn't look convinced though. His eyes told me he was thinking about a lot.

"We're just worried that she's a bad influence on him. All evil he's been consumed in, is all from her." Bill says.

"I'm just afraid he'll fall into bad habits again." Georg adds.

"What bad habits?"

"Have you ever seen him drink?"

Now that I thought about it... "no"

"He's been sober for years, he doesn't do alcohol. Pretty boring." Bill says, rolling his eyes. I immediately thought about the masquerade ball, how upset he was that I was so drunk.


"Thanks for the invitation guys."

"Sure! What do you say? Are we getting wasted?" Bill says in a suggestive tone.

"How about Tomorrow? I'm kind of sleepy"

"So? Have some before you go to bed!"

"I think Bill is the bad influence, not their aunt." Gustav's says, rolling his eyes.

"Ugh! Don't compare me to that witch!"

"Guys, Tom's calling me shut up." Georg says, answering the phone.

"Hey....just eating dinner with the guys and Luna." Bills eyes lit up with mischief.

"Georg put him on speaker! Watch this." Bill says, approaching me. "Hey Luna you got something on your lips." Bill says, touching my lips.

"Oh... thanks." I reply.

"Luna?!?" Tom says through the phone.

"Bill quit!" Georg says, "Tom? Hello? Are you still on the line?"

"I'll be there in 5" he says through the phone, ending the call.

"What was that?" I ask.

"A jealous Tom." Gustav replies.

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