Chapter 24

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"T-Tom" she said, trying to inhale any oxygen left in the room. "Yes, Luna?" I say, whispering in her ear. She begins to breathe deeply, I could feel her hot breath against my shoulder. And I gave in.

I was no longer in control of myself, any morals I had, it was gone. I began kissing her neck, trailing to her breast and down to her stomach. I look back up to her, her cheeks no longer the normal pink they were. They were red. Her look awakens my body, I want to have her, right here in my bed, on the floor, on the wall, on the fucking chair for all I cared. I craved her body like a wild animal. The kisses I was leaving on her body were no longer kisses, no. They were marks, I was branding her with my marks. A sign that she was mine. Mine to enjoy, mine to get pleasure out of.

Her soft moans, driving me insane, I wasn't sure if she'd been with a man.. but I would find out soon enough. I longed for her touch, wanting to explore the wonders of the beautiful woman who I took the pleasure in bruising with my mouth. And just when I was about to stop myself, she grabbed me, kissing me like a ravenous animal. Her hands cupping my face like a child, it only aroused me even more. I instantly grabbed her thigh holding it in one arm and holding her hands together with the other. We made out with intense passion, thirst, hunger and lust. If I kept this up I would've no longer been able to control myself, but I didn't stop. Her hands explored my body. "Fuck.." I groaned, her touch sparking something in me. I let go of her thigh and make my way to her underwear, pulling it down.

But I remembered. She wasn't mine yet, not entirely. "Stop." I said to her, letting go of the hold I had on her, letting go of the underwear I wanted so badly to take off. "I can't do this." I say, getting off of her and walking towards the door. The last thing I needed to do was be in there, with her. She was toxic for me, when I was with her, my judgement was impaired. "No." She grabs my arm, pulling me back. "I won't let you do that again." Pain present in her voice. I turn around facing her, my eyes filled with pain. She took my heart and filled it with nothing but pain.

Pain with the fact that she was too good for me, and I would only end up putting her into danger. "Luna, I'm not the man you want. I will only end up hurting you." She looks at me with so much pain, hurt, sadness in her eyes. "Stop pushing me away. I know you aren't good for me." "Then why do you look for me? Why do you continue to come back to me after I've hurt you."


Why did I continue to come back to him? Why did I feel bound to him? "I... I don't know" he looks at me, his eyes softening, disappointment overwhelming him. "Just what I thought." He pulls away from me. Leaving me alone, yet again, in his hotel room. "Where are you going!" I cry out to him. "Out." He replies before leaving me in the room alone. I cried, cried out my heart. "Mom... where are you?"

[flashback of Lunas past]

"Mom? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine my Luna, promise me you'll always stay strong?"

"Of course mama! Papa's bodyguards have been teaching me how to fight."

"I meant strong in your heart. Strong enough to never stop believing in better days."

"Oh! Like the bird we saved!"

"Yes, just like the bird we saved, she has now spread her wings and freed herself. And so will you, one day."

"Together to the sky.."

"and always! You're so beautiful Luna, your beauty will save you"

"my beauty?"

"The beauty of your heart will weaken even the heart of the cruelest monster"

"do you believe in love mama?"

"I do, it's special."


The beauty of your heart will weaken even the heart of the cruelest monster' but how do you win the heart of a man who doesn't even have one? I'm terrified. Terrified to know that on paper, I'll belong to a man who will own me until my last breath. Would I ever reach my freedom?

After that night Tom and I never spoke again. In the best case scenario, I'll be just a ghost to him... in the worst, I'll lose my soul to a man who doesn't have any. I begin to cry. "I can't do this."


Pain. It's all I felt. I felt a pain like no other, an emotional, mental pain that felt inhuman. I left her heart in ruins, and along the way I left my heart with the same hole. I was devastated, what have I done? She probably hated me, despised me. In any other case this would have been what I wanted, yet it's not what my heart wanted. Along the way I had developed a feeling for her like no other. The only woman in the world that I cared about hated me. And I wasn't able to be there to help her, hold her. She left such an impact on me in only 2 months. I was horrible, bad for her and yet that didn't seem to keep her away.

I came into her life with one expectation, to ruin her and her father. Instead she made me fall in love with her, care for her. Weakness. she was no longer becoming my weakness. She became my weakness. I walked out of the room and went into bills to grab a sweater and I left. I couldn't stay in that room. Not as long as she was awake.

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