Chapter 45

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After playing Tom and I decided to leave, it was getting late.

"I had fun... thank you for taking me with you."

"You really wanna thank me? I'm the reason why you're in this situation. You should be hating me right now. not thanking me."

I should've been, but I didn't, I didn't hate him as much as I should.

"I meant... for teaching me how to play." I say, diverting the situation

"Oh... remind me not to teach you anything ever again." Hey says, I smile.

"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation, I understand you aren't used to a public lifestyle."

"And you are?"

"I mean yeah.. getting thrown panties by hot girls is pretty rewarding" I could feel myself get slightly angry at his statement, I didn't like this one bit. I was about to say something before he got a phone call, he answered the call and listened silently before saying....

"Okay, thanks... they came to an agreement."

"What kind of agreement?"

"Well surprisingly...she didn't take any money from us."

"Then what did she get? "

"Nothing. She just withdrew her claims and promised not to tell anybody."

"Just like that?...."


"So maybe her intentions weren't bad after all... Maybe she just wanted your attention."

"No. But you should probably go inside now, I'll pick you up in a couple days after I'm done being followed."


I found myself pacing around an unfamiliar room. "Shit!" I just couldn't wrap my mind around this dilemma Tom was in, The feud with his aunt, who he said hated him, who only wanted to hurt him and bill. Whereas she only seemed to want her nephews back. I wasn't as naive as to believe that she couldn't just put on an act. After all...Tom was the one, I trusted. Not her. But it was clear to me that Tom was far from being okay. I was worried. He put on a front of confidence while deep down he was hurting. I wanted to take that hurt away.

And the main reason of his hurting was only a phone call away.... But.... He would be so mad at me. I found myself pacing the room again and again until I stopped and dialed her number. "Let's meet up Ms. Kaulitz"

I made my way to a local diner, Geez I'm so nervous.. I thought to myself. I looked around to see if she was here, I didn't see any sign of her. Until I found her talking with someone in all black. I wasn't able to see the face of this person in all black but I was able to tell that this was definitely a man, once the person in all black saw me, they walked away. I wonder who it was? I decided I'd brush it off and walked up to her.


"Oh! Luna, dear! How long have you been here?!"

"I just got here."

"You're earlier than expected!"

"Did I interfere with any of your plans?"

"No not at all! I'm so glad you reached out to me."

"Im not sure if we should do this, it's not exactly fair to him." She knew who I meant.

"I understand what you're saying, Luna. And I know what I'm doing isn't the best thing to do. But I feel like I've got no choice... I tried talking to the boys.. but they wouldn't let me."

"Because you treated him like shit." I say, her eyes looking down at the floor.

"I don't know your past with them. But the first time I'm hearing about you is because you're threatening Tom. Your own nephew."

"You're right. My behavior has been disgusting. I realize that. I was very wrong with the many things I did to them. I had been at a very bad place in the past. And I was angry with myself. Angry for ruining the only relationship that mattered."

"But how come you only realized that now? After so many years?"

"I started seeing a therapist a few months ago. I never before even thought about seeking professional help. My parents always told me that seeking help from others meant failure." I understood that.

"But I've come to understand that the only way for me to get to a better place is to let someone help me. Because I wasn't able to do it on my own. I had chased away everyone who had my good intentions in mind. And I was left with shallow people surrounding me that absolutely didn't care about me. The boys always cared about me, especially Tom."

"What exactly happened...between you two?"

"Too much. And it's all my fault. I'm so angry that I only realized it now."

"You stopped threatening him...why?"

"Because I know now that all I've been doing was selfish. I didn't want his money. I tried to arrange a meeting with him, I wouldn't leak the information in see him only once. But I realized that.... that wasn't okay either. I only thought about myself." I stare at her with disapproving eyes. "Luna, I don't wish to bring you in any difficult situation. I don't expect anything from this. I just didn't want you to think the worst of Tom and bill does. You seem to be someone Tom holds very dear."

"What makes you think that?" I ask.

"Tom and I might not be close any longer but he's still my nephew who I took care of for the longest. I never once saw him taking a girl's hand. Never saw him going to a party with a girl. Never saw him arguing with a girl. You're obviously someone special. Thank you."

"What for?"

"For listening to me. And for being in the boys life when I can't. You and I are not close, but I can see that you're a good person, Luna."

"Thank you.." I say, slightly embarrassed.

"No need to thank me. Do you maybe wanna grab a bite to eat?"

What Tom and bills aunt had said was a lot to take in. She looked sincere but that didn't mean I believed her words. I still didn't know what she had done to him, why Tom despised her so much. Could a person just apologize and show remorse Was that enough to erase everything that had happened in the past and make it okay again? I wasn't sure of that. I would lie if I said that I didn't slightly sympathize with her. She really had to have missed them and if her statements were true, she seriously seemed to wanna make things right again.

But they wouldn't even give her a chance. And Tom obviously had his reasons, I'm not sure about bill. Yes, I sympathized with her. But Tom was the one I trusted and cherished.

"No, thanks, I think it's better if leave now."

She sighs, "I understand. Thank you for coming, Luna. It means a lot to me." I give her a quick smile and leave back to the house.

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