Chapter 41

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I wake up to find myself in Tom's arms once again, this time it was different, It felt almost like he was meant to hold me. I turn around facing him, his face angelic, time stopping. "I..I love you." I whisper as I graze my fingers along his face, my thumb on his lip. He opens his eyes, kissing my thumb. "I love you more." his dark brown eyes, lost in mine.

"What! You were awake!" I say, completely flustered and embarrassed.

"Not exactly, once I felt your hands on my face I woke up."

"Oh... I hope you know this wasn't my intention by coming here." I say, hinting at last nights events.

"I don't believe you." He says, smiling. I push him off of me, he laughs, his eyes squinting.

"I've cut ties with him."


"Tom." I say, rolling my eyes.

"He doesn't deserve you, Luna. I should've punched him harder after what he did."

"I think you've already done enough damage." He shrugs. "He really made out with someone else?" I ask.

"Yeah." I look down, slight pain in my chest. "I'm sorry." He says, looking down at me.

"It's fine." I say, brushing it off. He looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Okay, maybe it's not fine. But I'm relieved."


"I didn't even realize how much he was trying to manipulate me. He blamed you for everything and I believed him like an idiot." I say, facepalming.

"You didn't know better. It's not your fault. I know I Can be hard headed."

"I should've defended you the first time he insulted you."

"He insulted me?"

"He did."

"Little bastard better try doing that infront of my face next time." I rolled my eyes at him, his eyes lit up. "You defended me the second time?"

"Shut up."

"That's cute, Luna. Thank you for protecting me." He says as he pretends to be utterly heartbroken.

"I really hate you."

"No you don't."

No I don't.

"Well what now?" I say. "Go for another round" he says, in a suggestive tone. I rolled my eyes. "Prick." He immediately gets on top of me, kissing my forehead. "Georg wont be here for another hour, let's make use to that." That's when I realized.

"Oh my gosh! We're in Georg's apartment!"


"Tom we cant do stuff like that at your friends place, that's...not okay! And I was so rude to him yesterday!"

"He doesn't care, trust me."

"But I care!" He rolls his eyes before grabbing me, kissing me.

"Are you even listening to me!?"

"Stop talking Luna."

And my self control went out the window. Again.


"Georg Im so sorry! I didn't mean to just barge in. And then we just..."

"It's fine, I stayed at Gustav's... and you two really....needed things out."

Tom laughs, "let's go moonlight." He says as he grabs me by the wrist, dragging me out with him.

"I'm sorry Georg!!"


"Why are you walking funny."

"I'm not walking funny... my feet hurt."

"Sure." Tom says, laughing.

"Shut up, I'm driving us back home."

As we get walk towards the car, he noticed it was one of his. "Nice choice, I so happen to like this one too." I rolled my eyes. "I wasn't exactly picking out colors, I just grabbed a set of keys, you know?" He smiles, "oh I bet." We get into the car and make our way to the highway.


"Why are you driving so slow."

"I'm not driving slow, I'm following the speed limit." He scans the area looking for some sort of regulatory sign.

"You're not even driving the speed limit what the fuck!"

"Oh. Maybe this car isn't meant to drive fast." He looks at me offended.

"All of my cars are meant to drive fast."

"Can you shut up?" I snap back.

"You're in pain aren't you. Pull over."


"I said pull over."

"Not happening. I'm fine."


"You're gonna regret this Tom!" He managed to convince me to pull over, fucking great.

"At least we'll arrive this year."

"Fuck you!"

"Oh but you did." He says, a stupid smile plastered on his face.

We get home and as I walk behind him he stops, causing me to bump into him.

"Ow! What the fuck?"

"Tom, we need to talk."

Who said that? A fan? I wondered as I examined the woman standing only a few feet away from us. Big eyes were staring at Tom's direction. Her high cheekbones and small nose accentuated her elegant attire. Her long legs were to die for. She was at least 6 inches taller than me. Tom's body was towering infront of me and I wasn't able to see his reaction to the stranger.

"Tom please listen I-"

"Let's go, Luna."

"But-" I couldn't finish sentencing my confusion at the situation as he was already taking my hand and pulling me with him. I took a quick glimpse back and saw the woman lowering her stare to the floor. Sad and.....defeated. My heart twisted inside my chest.


"Who was that? And why did we just leave her there?" I asked. He didn't reply to me.

"Is she a fan?"


"So you know her?"

"Let's not talk about her, okay?"

"Didn't we just have this wall talk?"

"I'm not being a wall. It's just not anything important."

"Well it is to me."

He sighs, his eyes darken. "That was my mothers sister."

"Your-! What? Then why did we leave her there!"

"She and I are not on good terms. We haven't spoken to each other in a long time."

"Why?" I asked, his eyes deepen.

"It's complicated."

"I have time."

"Luna didn't we just make up? Let's not talk about her shall we?" He bends down to my ear. "There are other things we can do."

"Tom don't dodge the subject, you can talk to me. Maybe I'll understand. I don't have the best relationship with my father."

"This is different, Luna."

"You can still try and talk to m-" Tom grabs me by the waist pulling me into a kiss, I was about to give in before I pulled back.

"Tom!" I exclaimed. He looks at me, and then turns around.

"I need a cigarette." He says, making his way outside.

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