Chapter 48

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I couldn't help but let Tom cross my mind. Even while I was dreaming. I was ashamed of myself, for what I did and what I hadn't thought through. Yes, I had been aware that what I was doing behind his back was not something he would've liked. But I didn't think about it as betrayal or choosing someone's side. Afterall it was crystal clear to me who's side I was on. But Tom wasn't inside my head. He didn't see how I felt about him...

And how did I feel about him? The answer to that scared me. But what scared me even more was the prospect of him not forgiving me. I really did screw up this time. I violated Tom's trust and now he won't see me any longer. I decided I would go to his room door and knock, maybe talk to him if I could.


"Tom? Hello? I know you're mad at me. But please just hear me out. Please...."

After a minute or two I got no response, I opened his room door, he wasn't in there. I turn around and close the door behind me, bumping into a hard chest.


"What are you doing in my room."

"I wanted to talk to yo-"

"Talk to me later. I'm sleepy."

"Oh.. okay."


His words kind of hurt... a slight pain in my chest. But I thought I'd occupy my mind with other things, I decided I'd read a book, occupy my mind with made up fairytales to escape my dark one. As I grab a book from one of Tom's bookshelves downstairs, my phone rings.


"Where is he?!"

"Who is this?"

"Tom's manager for fucks sake."

"I didn't think I'd have the pleasure again."

"Where is he Luna, I'm losing my patience."


"Who else?" I feel her rolling her eyes at me through the phone.

"Listen he's not at band practice, it's important so get him here." Geez that woman is bossy.

I walk upstairs to his room, knocking on the door.

"Tom! Hello! Your manager is calling! You're late for band practice!"

Again, no response. I opened the door, to find him sleeping, I called his manager.


"He's sleeping."

"That brat! What are you waiting for? Get his ass up."

"Wai-" she hangs up before I could finish my sentence.

"Here goes nothing, Luna..." I walk into his room.

"Tom wake up, you have band practice." I say, but like usual, no response. This wasn't working so I got closer, this time making sure to shout.

"TOM!!! WAKE UPPP! BAND PRACTICE!" As I got near him I noticed his eyes flickering, sweat dripping down his neck and his mouth slightly twitching, was he having a nightmare? Sweat was forming on Tom's forehead and his face looked like it was in pain. I got closer, reaching my hand down to shake him awake.

"Hey..." he grabs me by the arm, pinning me down to the bed, his body now on top of mine.

"Tom.. it's me, Luna"

"Luna?" His face, displeasing and annoyed.

"You had a nightmare."

"What are you doing here?"

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