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"Do you want me to?" Tom said, his voice too low and too dark for me to handle. With careful steps he had slowly closed the distance between us. His tall frame was now only inches away from me and his eyes looked down to meet mine. "W-what are you doing!" I say, My voice sounded shakier than I intended. Tom's hands were now on my waist. "What do you think I'm doing?" His voice still too dangerously low. His hand reached out and caught a strand of my hair, twisting it around his index finger and slowly letting it glide of. Oh boy.

"I-I don't think now's the right tim-" I tried saying but Tom thought otherwise and caught my mouth mid-sentence, silencing me and my lame excuse. How could I never get enough of this? The feel of his lips on mine, his tongue gliding so skillfully over mine. This man had such power over me. And I didn't mind at all. We spent the time showing one another our special way of saying I love you, catering to our own needs...our lustful needs.


I decided for dinner, I would make something. I had yet to cook and with all of Bianca's would've been a shame not to. I made something simple, something easily enjoyed...with the help of her, of course. When everything was set and ready to eat we all sat down, taking our first few bites of food. I was nervous, to say the least. It had been awhile since I last cooked, I was hoping I wouldn't be too rusty.

"T-this is.....delicious!" Bill says, taking bite after bite. I felt a sigh of relief wash over me. It seemed everyone thought so as well, judging by their faces and the widened eyes, it seemed I did pretty good. But weirdly so...the twins had a sweet tooth and loved eating anything consisting of 90% sugar, they decided to skip on dinner and go straight with desert. "I think that's enough sweets guys..don't you think?" Tom says, his comment reminded me of a certain someone who wasn't with us. The twins both look at him before getting back at it. "Don't stuff yourself so much, kids." I say.

"Buis itks sou delicosisi!" They reply, their mouth stuffed with food.

"Don't talk with your mouth open, brats!" Bill shouts out. Georg laughs, enjoying Bill's not so unbothered behavior.

"Slow down!" I remind them.

"Sorry mommy..." Silas says, nudging Scarlett to stop.

"I heard my favorite twins pissed off another teacher. Good job kiddos!" Gustav says, chuckling.

"Don't enable their behavior! Tom had to teach them so many times because all their teachers run away." I say, pointing my finger at him.

"Those brat's just wants their dad as their teacher." Bill says, rolling his eyes.

"Is that so?" Tom says, a wicked smirk on his lips.

"No...." They both say in unison.

"You can tell me how much you love me, guys, it's fine. After all, the reason why you two are so incredibly smart is because of me, I get it." He says, shrugging. both of them glare at him.

"We should go now if we still wanna catch the sunset, Tom." I say, picking up my plate.


"Where are you going?" Georg asks.

"To watch the turtles make their way to the ocean! A tradition of Scarlett and I..."

"I see." He reply's, a flicker of pain in his eyes.

"Would you like to join us?" I ask. He looks up
To me, "No, thanks." He replies coldly.

"Okay...Twins are you coming with us?"

"No! Uncle Gustav is playing with me and scar!"

"Silas has this new game for his console it looks sick."

"We're going to have so much fun!"

"We should invite uncle bill! We can play dress up!" Scarlett announces.

"What." He replies.

"We're going to have so much fun!"

Bill looks at Tom, his eyes glaring. "Thanks for letting your kid ruin my vacation."

"You're welcome." He replies, taking his last bites of food before getting up.


"It was a good idea coming here." I say, looking at Luna.

"Told you so!" She says, putting her small hand in mine, our fingers intertwined with one another. Small Melodie's begin to play, the songs becoming louder and louder. "Ice cream!" Luna shouts in excitement. "Seriously? And you wonder where the kids get their sweet tooth from." I say walking away. "Where are you going?!" Luna shouts from behind me. "Getting your stupid ice cream."


"You're so sweet!" I shout back as he walks away to get me ice cream. I turned around taking in the ocean before me, my senses allowed me to view everything so much more clearly. Seeing the ocean so up close was breathtaking. The water glittered upon the sun setting, the waves lightly crashed against each other. You wouldn't forget a view like that easily.

"It's pretty isn't it" a familiar female voice says. I look beside me, Scarlett had appeared. She looked as beautiful as I remembered. She had a little yellow flower in her hair and A faint smile on her lips as the wind blew against her beautiful tan skin. "Yeah... it is" I replied. "How are the kids" she asked, her eyes still on the beautiful scenery in front of us. "They're doing well, Tom and I tell them stories about you all the time" 

She laughs, "Don't tell them too much." I laughed, cupping the side of my face as memories began to flood in. "You're doing good, Luna. I'm proud of you" she said, turning to me. "Really?" I said, tears beginning to form. "Yeah. You seem happier, I know Tom has been treating you well and your children... they're gorgeous."

"Scarlett, I miss you so much!" I said, looking down to the ground. "Don't be upset, Luna. I've found my happiness. Keep chasing after yours." She smiles at me, and I could hear footsteps approaching me, Tom was behind me. I turned around and then back at Scarlett. She was gone, a yellow flower beside me in the sand.

I smiled, picking it up and placing it behind my ear. "Hey, you." Tom said, coming closer to me. I scanned ice cream in sight. "Where's my ice cream?" I ask. He rolls his eyes.

"Wow that's the only thing that matters to you?"

"Yup." He rolls his eyes, revealing the ice cream he held behind his back. "Is something wrong? You have a tear running down your cheek." He says, wiping it away with his thumb. "Yeah, I'm alright. I was just thinking about Scarlett" I said, taking the ice cream cone.

"Mommy! Daddy!" Two little voices shout out to us. Tom and I turn around, Scarlett and Silas shout, racing towards us. My arms open for the two. "Hey! What are you two doing here!" I ask, showering them with kisses.

"Uncle Georg and Bill took us, they wanted to see the pretty ocean too!" Scarlett says.

"I brought my guitar!" Silas says, running towards bill who was holding the guitar.

"I wanna learn the song you and mommy danced to at your wedding." Silas says, looking up to Tom.

He looks at me, smiling. "Alright, Come sit down." Tom says, lifting Silas in between his legs, his arms wrapped around him with the guitar.

"Uncle bill! Teach me how to sing the song!" Scarlett says, pulling onto his shirt. For the first time bill smiles, "why not I guess." He says, smiling down at her.

And that was my life, my annoyingly cocky husband and my two beautiful twins. Maybe one day they'll become Rockstars and follow into the footsteps of their father and uncle....

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