Chapter 54

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What was she thinking? Taking a bullet for me? She found out my secret, yet she still took a bullet for me?

"LUNA!" I shout, her small body falling to the floor. I pull out my gun from my waistband of my pants, shooting Alfred's soldiers. I couldn't help but shake in terror seeing her body on the floor, taking her last breaths. "D-don't father, pleas-" she says, her breathing stopping. "NO, stay with me... please, please Luna you can't leave, stay awake okay?" My voice breaking as I pick her up off the floor, I couldn't help but cry, embracing her lifeless body in my arms.

I grab my phone calling Bill.

"Tom? What's wrong."

"Bill.. y-you need to come here now, s-she's dying." I say, hyperventilating on my own words.

"Stay calm Tom, don't do anything yet. I'll be on the way with the guys soon."

"Hurry bill... I can't afford to lose her too." I say, looking down at her body. My blood ran cold seeing her, a sleeping beauty, beauty held still in time. I needed her. I needed to save her. I couldn't wait any longer, I carried her to the car, driving into the night and leaving behind everything, I no longer cared about anything or anyone but her.


I arrived at the hospital, holding her in my arms.

"SOMEONE GET ME A DAMN DOCTOR." I shout, as Lunas blood was dripping from her body to the floor. A nurse approaches me, her face concerning.

"Sir, calm down you-"

"If you don't want me to end your life as well as everyone in this room, you will do as I say and get her to the damn operating table now." I say, holding my gun out to her forehead. A doctor noticed and shouted for his nurses.


"Good choice." I say, as four men came in with a stretcher for Luna.

"Sir, please allow us to put her on the stretcher." One of them say, helping me lay Luna into the stretcher, her eyes flickering.

"You better make sure she doesn't die, or I'll make sure everyone in this room dies." I say, I was no longer keeping in my self control. I could hear the monster within me banging on dooms gate. I sat in the waiting room, waiting for anything, something, I was growing impatient and my head began to hurt from all the crying.
Why? Why did she do it! I want to shout in frustration, if I lose her...I'm not sure what I'll do.

Bill and the rest of the guys came in. "Tom! What happened?" Bill says, hugging me, I began crying on his shoulder. "S-she found out... Alfred came to kill us, I couldn't save her Bill I-"

"It's okay, calm down, everything will be alright, shh." He says, embracing me and holding me tight.


It was only a matter of time before Luna had found out, what I didn't know was that Tom would react this way. Seeing him cry, broke something in me. Tom was never a crier, he had never cried not even after what...he did. Seeing Tom so worried about Luna made me realize he cared for her more than he thought. Something broke in him, for the first time, Tom had felt defeated, beaten.


After an hour of waiting for Luna's results, a doctor came in. He was able to prove Luna was in fact going to make a full recovery, but there was something else. She lost the baby she was carrying and with the damage done to her, there was a possibility she wouldn't be able to carry kids at all. I look at Tom, he was no longer the same after that statement, his eyes grew dark.
His body frozen in time, Tom looks at the doctor, his eyes filled with pain..... that's when I knew, he was now becoming the monster everyone feared he'd become, his eyes were no longer that soft brown they usually are, no... they were dark, sinister, evil. Tom was no longer Tom....He became something not human.


A child. She was carrying a child, not just any child but mine. And I.. I hadn't been there for her. I hate myself, I hate myself for hurting her and now I was the reason for the death of my own child. I'm no longer interested in revenge, no. I'm going to kill anyone who stands in my way.

I turn my look to the floor, my voice softening. "Thanks, doctor. You see my brother here... when she wakes up make sure he sees her first." I say to the doctor, Leaving the hospital.

I found myself speeding down the highway, I no longer cared about my own life, I instead wished for my death, as I sped I hoped I would've crashed, a crash so horrible that I would die on impact. My vision became blurry the more I cried. I was in a state of deprived sensation. I'm not sure what I was hoping to accomplish In leaving the hospital that night but I found myself at Alfred's headquarters.

I step out of the car, loading my gun as I walked up to his gates, shooting down all of his guards and anyone who even looked in my direction. Having blood on my hands was the only sort of feeling I felt. I found myself dropping bodies one by one, blood now all over my body, yet I was not satisfied. A young man looked me in my eyes,
"why are you doing this!"....I give him a gentle smile. "Because if my child can't live, then why should anyone." I say, shooting him in the head, his eyes opened in shock.

And so it began, my killing spree. I wasn't sure if I was able to face Luna, if she didn't hate me before, she must hate me now. I didn't kill her mother, no. But there was two things that kept me from seeing her. 1) I needed to end the life of the bastard who showed her those pictures and 2) If I saw Luna in her condition, I'd want to go against her wishes and kill her father. I don't have anymore self control, it's gone. Non-existent.

And so the beast found himself in so much hurt and pain.... And what do beasts do? Kill one another, a pure carnal instinct.

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