Chapter 75

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I swing open the door to where Scarlett and Luna are. My eyes nor mind could have prepared me for the scene before me. Scarlett lying in Luna's arms, her white blouse tainted red. My eyes quickly shift to Roman, his hand reaching for a gun. I quickly raise mine up and shoot him in the head. In that moment, Romans life ceased to exist. I fulfilled my promise in killing him. But when I looked down, I couldn't bare to see Luna, her eyes bloodshot and so much pain in her voice as she cried for Scarlett. My heart hung heavy across my chest as I heard her cries.

"Luna..." I say as I look at her with painful eyes.


"What happened." Georg says, running towards us, his eyes widening in horror as he sees Scarlett's lifeless body on the ground. "No...God no.." he says, looking away, his hands up to his mouth...sniffling. "Georg I'm so sorry..." I say, embracing him into a hug. "Not her...NOT FUCKING HER!" He shouts in affliction. He hugs me tighter, I could feel his distress radiating off of his body. We stood there for what felt like an eternity as he mourned Scarlett. Gustav and Bill joined in, the three of us embracing him. We all stood in silence, no words could be said to Georg, the loss of someone you truly love is something devastating. "She didn't die in vain." I say, looking down to the floor.

"She died in victory, like the woman she is." Bill says.

"We will forever honor Scarlett." Luna adds, getting up off the ground, tears running down her face.

"Right..." Georg says, a faint smile on his lips.


Pain. It's the only thing I feel. I found myself imagining my life with Scarlett, children and a nice wedding. Vacations and planned out dates, but how can you do that when the person you loved has now left this earth, her memory the only thing living. I don't how to feel, but I want to drown in my sorrow. How can you heal from such a situation? How can you keep going without that is a very twisted game. I don't know if I'll ever move on from Scarlett...from her scent, her smile and those wickedly gorgeous eyes. I will forever carry on her memory, engraved in my heart and soul. I will live my life still being in love with her and even after death, I will find her. Because she was something that was made for me and I for her.

[One month later]


It's been a month since I've buried my best friend and companion...a month without her..Scarlett was a fierce and loving girl. One who was down to earth and never took no for an who carried herself with confidence. Her presence is greatly missed, life is not the same. All I know now is that my heart is now left with a hole only she can ever fill. Sure sometimes she was overly protective and I felt like she was suffocating me but in reality she was just worried about me and cared for me like no other.

Tom and I stayed in Sicily, everyone wore green in her memory, green like her beautiful eyes...Just like Scarlett wore white in memory of her mother. I decided that I would want to spend my last moments of pregnancy with her beautiful world surrounding me, and Tom wasn't opposed to the idea. We spent our day at the beach watching the baby sea turtles find their way into their new world. We decided to keep our baby and gender a surprise until he or she was born. I wasn't exactly showing a bump yet but Tom always did his best to show me and our little bean some love.

"Luna...I know you don't want to talk about gender yet but I thought of something." He says, looking into my eyes. "What?" I ask in curiosity "Don't we already know what we're gonna call our daughter?" He asks. I was taken aback by his confidence in having a girl but I laugh.

"We do." I say, smiling. "But what if we have a son?"

"Well then...he'll be named after Scarlett's middle name."

"Her middle name?"

"Scarlett Silas Moretti"

" do you know that! She never told me her full name!"

"Bianca told me, I asked her about it." He says smiling.

"Then so it be." I say, bringing him into a kiss as the sun was setting.

"From the start it has always been you, I love you." I say, smiling in between our kiss.

"I love you, moonlight."

This is how life is with Tom: a constant adrenaline rush.

                             THE END.

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