Chapter 62

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I arrive at where Tom is, he looks at me and I don't dare to meet his eyes. I peak in front of me, a tear escaping my eyes. When his hand brushes on my back, I move away, my body fearing him. He is too close. His woody scent is intoxicating me. He's a danger.

"Today we are here to marry the lovely couple, Ms. Luna Lancaster and Tom Kaulitz....." the priest announces. Vows. Each of them feels like a new chain in my body.

"I do." Each word is a step closer to my next prison. "I do." The alliance is an invisible link bounding our souls together with an ownership deal.

"Now for the rings?" The priest says. Tom reaches into his pocket pulling out a box, inside my ring, a blue sapphire in place of my traditional Silver, diamond cut ring.

"Blue?" I ask.

"You're not ordinary." He replies. "Blue sapphires represent a lot of things, loyalty, happiness, love and wisdom." He says, reaching for my left hand and noticing my fake ring, he chuckles, a smirk on his lips. "You won't need Scarlett's ring anymore." He says. I turn to look at Scarlett, she doesn't dare to look at me.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." The priest declares and with that...Tom leans towards me, his eyes locked with mine. An intensity I couldn't describe to you radiated from them, he was awaiting for my next move. The sudden proximity creates a wave of forbidden desire, mixed with anxiety of the unknown in me. His lips brush on mine, sealing the ownership with a powerful kiss. A kiss that shares hatred and desire, fear and passion, slavery and freedom.

A kiss binding us in an unknown territory that promises only...chaos. "Come" he says, in between our kiss. Applauds rose, people cheered, it is the beginning of the night with an ending I'm fearing...


Tom and I find ourselves at our table, neither one of us speaking to one another, until he breaks our silence.

"You barely spoke to me." And for a good reason. I fear you. You killed someone.

"I heard things about you... bad things." I replied.

"Don't act surprised, I never pretended to be someone I wasn't. You knew from the start that I'm not good. This isn't a fairytale." But maybe I hoped to see another side of you... the caring one you had that night.

"Can I have this dance?" A man says, walking up to me. "No." Tom replies for me, his arms crossing. "No?" I say, turning to Tom. The man immediately backed off, feeling the cold angry stare of Tom on him, and the tension between us.

"You're my wife."  He says.

"I couldn't care less with who you dance." I say, rolling my eyes.

"You don't want to know what this man said about you earlier. He stared at you as if you were his meal...He, and half the men in his room. They all have dirty thoughts about you. They disgust me. I don't want his dirty murderous hands on you. He owes you respect. And we already established you don't like it when a woman gets close to me." Ironic... 'murderous hands'

"I don't care. I don't expect you to keep your vows." I reply, looking to the floor.

"Really?" He says, setting his thumb and index finger on his chin. "It's not like you will." I reply. "If you want me to keep them, I will." Was he sincere? No, it's probably a lie...

A woman approaches us, or to Tom. "Mr. Kaulitz, can I have this dance?" Tom peers over me, waiting for my reply, a sign from me.

"No." He replied.

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