Chapter 58

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[5 weeks later]

It is now one week before my wedding. Scarlett and I have done nothing but pamper ourselves this whole week, I didn't have any siblings nor any family to have as a bridesmaid...besides Scarlett. I think it's safe to say she has now become something more than just a friend or best friend. She's like the sister I never knew I needed. The badass sister to my innocent one. Bill and the rest of guys have been gone for a couple of weeks, I asked bill the night before he left with the guys why he was leaving.....he wasn't able to give me a clear explanation besides the fact that he had business to handle. I assume he must've gone to meet up with Tom...But I'm not sure.

I think it's safe to say that I've somehow found peace in the chaos, I've accepted my fate. Will I regret it? Who knows. But I decided that if I was going to get married the least I could do is enjoy the time I have to myself now, and Scarlett was making sure of that as well. She planned for us to have a girls trip in Vegas for a couple of days before the wedding. I was definitely excited for this trip! My body was looking forward to an escape.


As I packed my bags to leave later tonight, I decided to take a couple of jewelry options with me. I walked up to my dresser looking for a couple of necklaces...until I realized my ring was missing. I looked everywhere for my ring, in my drawers, on the floor, under my bed and in my closet. Nothing. I found nothing. A wave of panic overwhelmed me as I realized that I had lost my engagement ring. I decided to call Scarlett.

"Hey Luna! What's up?"

"Scarlett I can't find my ring!"

"What ring?"

"My engagement ring!"

"You're just joking right?...."


"Oh my gosh! Luna! What are you going to do?"

"Don't ask me! I'm freaking out over here!"

"Shh! don't worry..At the wedding you two will give each other your wedding band.. maybe he won't notice a different ring on your finger because he'll be too busy putting on your  wedding band! I'll let you use one of mine.. it may not be as big but.. it's something!" She says, in a reassuring tone.

"I'm not sure Scarlett what if he notices!"

"Luna he's been gone for months! I'm sure a ring is not that important to him!"

"Maybe you're right..okay I'll do it!"

I was still unsure but maybe she had a point, I shouldn't think too much about it, I thought to myself. I continued to pack the last few things I'd need before leaving for our trip. "Just have fun Luna..." I say under my breath as I head downstairs with my bags.


It is now a week until I'm officially a married man. How do I feel about it? Words can't explain. I feel.....nervous. I'm not a nervous man, I don't find myself in uncomfortable situations, yet I couldn't help but feel nervous about seeing her. What would she think? She's probably horrified by the idea that I, a horrible human being will now tie her down, never letting go. But...Maybe I liked that idea... the idea of never letting her go.

I asked Bill and the rest of the guys to meet with me. I've heard about bachelor and bachelorette parties, from bill and by the messages I've exchanged with him, I know Luna will be making a trip somewhere alongside Scarlett. Bill doesn't know the full details but he thought going to a night club in Vegas would be fun. I decided why not, being the fact that I was no longer needed for business and I had already taken care of a lot...I should probably enjoy my last few days before the wedding with my family.


"Ready Luna! This is going to be so much fun!"

"Yeah! I mean I've never been to Vegas but what could go wrong?"

"Nothing should go wrong! I mean it's not like Tom's gonna be there!" She says, winking at me.

"Oh gosh! Don't say that... that would be my biggest nightmare!"

"Don't worry I was just kidding! Now sit back relax, and enjoy the ride!"


I sent bill the address to where I was staying, an abandoned house 3 hours away from where I live... or lived. Him and the guys would be arriving shortly. My mind still thought about Luna, my heart racing the more I thought about her... I thought about apologizing, apologizing for being such a terrible human being to her and after the marriage for being anymore.... terrible I found myself consumed in my thoughts, not realizing the guys standing Infront of me, trying to get my attention.

"TOM!" Bill shouts.


"Hurry up..We're going to be late..."



As me and the guys arrived at what looked like a haunted house, we found Tom staring out into space, his thumb and index finger rested up to his chin. He seemed to be in deep thoughts, his eyes watering.

"TOM!" I shout.

"Yeah." He says, not facing towards any of us.

"Hurry up... we're going to be late.."


Something didn't feel right. He doesn't look like the Tom I know, he looked....weary, tired and exhausted. He looked as if he hadn't slept, the dark circles under his eyes were prominent, he was developing a stubble on his face, his expression melancholy. I couldn't help but feel uncomfortable...why wasn't he going after Luna? What was stopping him? I know both of them yearn for each other, their hearts calling out to one another. So why?

"Sit beside Tom on the jet." Georg whispers to me, his eyes filled with worry.

"Yeah..Tom really needs your comfort right now." Gustav says.

"Sure.." I reply, looking back at Tom.


"Two more hours to go Luna! Are you excited! We can go to the casino, to the clu-" I turn my look towards Luna, she's fallen asleep, her eyes flickering as if she's having a nightmare. "Hey Luna wake up." I say, poking her awake. She lets out a loud gasp, as if she was submerged in water, her oxygen taken away from her and she's now going up to the surface. "Don't hurt me please!" She shouts.

"Woah, Luna... are you alright? It's Scarlett." I say, stroking my fingers in her hair. I worry for her...a lot.

"Sorry...I think I just had a bad dream.." she says.

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