Chapter 60

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My eyes followed Luna, not once leaving her, I saw her as she walked up to a bar, a man approaching her. He must've been watching her just as long as I was. Who the hell was he? And why the hell did he ever think of approaching her. I'm not liking it one bit. I don't like the proximity between them. As I kept watch I noticed him leaning into her, staring at her lips. I couldn't help but ball up my fist in frustration, luckily Luna seemed to have pulled back. "That's my girl."

She walks away, I see him order drinks. I decided to leave the club, I wouldn't be able to handle being in the same room as her, let alone be anywhere near her. "I'm not feeling the club, meet me at the casino later." I tell the guys as I get up to leave, until I saw the guy Luna was with, pulling out a small vile full of powder pouring it in one of the drinks, most likely for Luna. It has to be ketamine. "On second thought...I need your guys help with something."


"What do I do!" I say to myself, pacing around the women's bathroom, I didn't want to go back out there and face him, I was already uncomfortable as it is... "quit Luna! You need to be strong! You can do this." I say to myself, taking a deep breath and walking out the door. Maybe I'll just tell him I'm not feeling well and leave...and then I can find Scarlett and go...yeah, that sounds better.

I walk out the door and make my way back to the bar. He's gone? I looked around and I didn't see him anywhere.."weird." I say to myself. Then I spotted Scarlett, wandering around the club.

"Scarlett!!" I shout.

"LUNA! Where were you! I've been looking for you!"

"Sorry I had to go to the washroom.."

"It's okay, some weird guy was rubbing up on me, I wasn't feeling it anymore. Why don't we go back to the hotel and do some skincare!"

"Honestly...that sounds perfect."

"Great!" She says, smiling at me before taking my hand and walking out the club with me, her head on my shoulder.


"Hey, buddy! Watcha doin' there!" I say to the man who spiked Luna's drink.

"JESUS! scared me.."

"Oh we didn't mean to do that." Georg says, smirking.

"'s alright." He says, picking up both drinks and getting up to walk away.

"Why don't you sit down, we wanna talk." Gustav says, pushing the man down to his seat.

"Look I don't want any trou-"

"That's too bad, you pissed off my brother. There's consequences when it comes to him." I say, dragging him out to the back of the club, slamming him against the wall, his body falling to the floor.

"What's going on?" He shouts

"You'll find out."


"I'll take care of him." Tom says, revealing himself through the shadows like a hungry beast waiting to devour his meal. Vegas was not a good idea...I wasn't aware she'd be there. "Damnit bill!" I mumble under my breath. Me and the guys waited inside until Tom was finished, he was the type of guy you shouldn't disturb when he's working.



"You know sometimes I ask myself why men are so disgusting, vile, selfish...and then I think, I'm all three of those. But there's a difference between me and men like that. I don't take advantage of women, I respect them. You, on the other hand, you take advantage of them. Tell me, what were you hoping to achieve in drugging her? Getting lucky? Feeling the power of a true alpha male? No... it can't be, you're a weak piece of shit human being who is nothing but a coward, a coward who deserves death." I say, picking him up off the ground, my eyes piercing through his.

"Look, I'm sorry.. I didn't know man.."

"I've heard the same excuse way too many times." I reply.

As of today, the life that man knew will cease to exist. His career is over. And as for his pitiful life...His life was between my hands, and I wasn't known to be merciless to those who hurt the people I care about.



I walk back into the club, the guys looking at me. Scanning my body for any blood, typical.

"Can you guys stop staring, it's pissing me off." I say, rolling my eyes, pushing through them and out the club.

"I'm never stepping foot in a club ever again."

"But you will if Luna does, huh?" Georg asks.

"Why don't you shut the fuck up?"

"And to think we would've expected something different like, Gee guys! I'm so glad you guys came three hours to see me and take me to Vegas for my bachelor party, I probably didn't want. But since you guys care for me so much I can't help but appreciate you guys." Gustav says, rolling his eyes at me.

"It's true Tom, we all did this for you. We all want to help you, and you won't allow us. Don't you think it hurts? As your brother? It hurt me just as much as it hurt anyone else. I cried... I stood by your side after everything! Just for you to leave me too?'re horrible." He says, storming off

"Bill wait...That's not wha-"

"Don't bother, you fucked up. Fix it." Georg says. Walking out with gustav.

"Fuck.." It's true, Bill was there for me when nobody else was...and I took him for granted. How am I supposed to fix this? I look up across the street, a bright green and red sign flashing. 'Gianni's Splendid spaghetti' Then it clicked. I knew what I was going to do.

I walk across the street, entering the restaurant.

"Hi sir, how may I help you?"

"Hi, can I get...."


I called an uber, walking out of the restaurant and back at the place we were staying. In some cases, the way to a man's heart is through loyalty, love, affection and compassion....but in this case, or Bill's case. The way to his heart was food, comfort food. He's my twin after all, why wouldn't I know?


When I arrived, I walked up to his room, a faint light shining from below the door. A lamp, perhaps. I knocked on his door, a secret knock code we made for each other when we were little.

"I'm not answering the door." He says. I didn't say anything, instead I knocked more.

"I said no!" I kept knocking until he opened the door. "Damnit Tom!" He says, finally opening the door.

"We made a promise to never leave each other's side...I'm sorry for hurting you. I'll never hurt you again...forgive me."

"Tom, that's not going to wor-"

"I brought pasta." I say, holding up the bag. Bill looks at me, still aggravated...and suddenly, a smirk developing on his lips. "Fine...come in."
He says, his body relaxing. We found ourselves laying on the bed, eating spaghetti, tomato sauce all over our faces and laughing, reconnecting with each other once again.

"Yeah and Scarlett almost cried when she saw her in the dress, and we both know Scarlett is not a crier! I May or May not have held in some tears myself.."

"Oh really? Bill Kaulitz crying? That's a first."


"Sure..." I say, laughing.

I'm thankful for Bill...more than he knows.

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