Chapter 56

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I found myself back at the boutique Tom had taken me a while ago. The same, woman with plum colored hair and black glasses stood before me. Her expression was different than before, it was welcoming.

"Ah Luna, it's good to see your face again." She says. She turns her look to Scarlett and Bill. "I'm assuming you two are here to help her find a good choice."

"Yes we are." Scarlett said.

"Well there's no need."

"Why?" Bill asks.

"Because Tom came in here and picked out a dress for Luna."

"W-what? When?" I asked.

"3 weeks ago." She giggles, "he came in here with no idea on what to pick but once he set his eyes on a dress, he said to set it aside for you, miss Luna....I'll bring it out." She says, as she walks to the back of the room.

After awhile, her footsteps grew louder towards where Scarlett, Bill and I were; and with her, A big gold box.

"This is one of the most romantic and regal dresses I had the pleasure of designing. With this dress, you'll dazzle the crowd and all eyes will be on you! Now come come, lets bring you to the back where my team will help you put on the dress." Miriam says as she walks to one of her changing rooms, I follow behind her.

As soon I stepped in, I was already getting put to work, a young girl came up to me. "Do you mind if I apply just a little bit of makeup on you." She nervously says. "No problem at all." I say, giving her a gentle smile. Her eyes lit up at my response and she got to work. "I'll make sure not to mess up!" She says excitedly.

As I turn toward the girls who were helping me put on the dress I couldn't help but admire the dress I was about to put on. It was a beautiful white long, mermaid styled dress with the slightest bits of gold accents across the bodice. "Wow.. I-it's stunning." I say, under my breath. The girl who was helping me put on my dress let's out a little laugh. "Wait until you see the veil." She says.

And so I did, my jaw dropped at the veil that was presented to me. It was a long, floor length gold beaded veil, with a gold rhinestoned hair brooch attached. For the first time in a long time, I felt beautiful. Tom has some really...good taste, and he made sure to pick a dress that would show off my body. I couldn't help but blush.


Once the girls were done every single of them told me how beautiful I looked, especially the little girl who had done my makeup.

"Wow miss... you're beautiful." She says, her eyes mesmerizing.

"Thank you... I feel beautiful!"

"I bet your friends will think so too! Come!" She says, grabbing me by the hand and setting me behind a curtain.

"Okay, Bill, Scarlett! Are you ready to see the bride." Miriam says, standing Infront of the curtain.

"Duh!!!" Bill and Scarlett shout.

"Well then, I present to you...Miss Luna Lancaster!"


As the curtains opened, my eyes laid upon Luna, sweet, stunning Luna. She was so beautiful, her cheeks the rosey color they always were. I couldn't help but feel like crying, but I had to save those for the wedding. She looked so beautiful and for the first time I could see a small sparkle in her eyes. I knew she felt stunning, I knew Luna had gone through a lot and she stayed so strong through it all. She was someone to be admired by. Tom was so lucky to have her, I know that son of a bitch is out there seeking revenge in his own way but I'm, I know that deep down he loves her. Just why did he have to be so cold? Why couldn't he allow himself to be loved?


Beautiful, angelic. Those are the only words I can think of to picture how beautiful Luna looks. I turn my look towards Scarlett, her eyes watering but not crying, she was probably waiting for the wedding. I on the other hand, felt like grabbing Luna for myself and taking her away, but I knew my brother loved her... now was not the time to let my inner thoughts speak. I must say, my brother has good taste, wish he had it for himself. I hope my brother allows himself to be loved, with Luna, she's different. I remember after willows death he vowed to never love a woman again. Ironic that he fell in love with willow all over again. Looking at Luna was like seeing her mother, the same soft eyes, soft skin, warm smile and above all the biggest heart you can ever imagine. Luna was a fitting name for her, Luna shines bright even in the darkest of places and I knew that somewhere along the way, she softened my brothers cold heart.


"You're a vision! You're definitely going to leave stares down the isle Luna!" Scarlett says, her smile so pure. I couldn't help but feel a warmness in my heart knowing that I was loved and cherished. I cherish Scarlett with all my heart. "Luna, you're a beauty." Bill says, his eyes wandering my body, but not in a seductive way, he was genuine. His eyes soft, his smile genuine and warm like Scarlett's. I blushed. "Thank you... guys... I really do feel beautiful." I say, looking down trying to hide the heat filling up in my cheeks as I received compliment after compliment.

"Miss Luna Lancaster let me say, when Mr. Kaulitz came in here, I told him this dress was a dress not many can pull off but it's like he knew this dress was made for you." Miriam says, a teardrop falling from her eyes. "Magnificent! You're magnificent Luna!" She says, clapping. Everyone else following.

"Thank you so much everyone." I say, tears falling down from my face. I had finally met my family, the one I dreamed of having. I couldn't help but feel grateful for everyone, they truly knew how to make me feel loved and cherished. My mind began reminding me of him... and then I thought. What would his reaction be to me?

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