Chapter 23

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After the embarrassment I had just went through I decided I'd call a cab to the hotel, I knew where it'd be since Scarlett had taken us before the show, and I'm pretty sure Tom was probably Over there, only question was, how would I get a room? I had no money on me for a hotel room. "That's just going to have to be laters problem." I said as I called for a cab.

As I waited for a cab outside, a driver finally got here. "How much will it be? I only have a twenty on me right now." "A Twenty will do." The cab driver says to me. "Great!" I get in the cab. "Where to?" "Eden hotel!" "Sure thing." We drove off into the night leaving behind Scarlett and everyone else.

"Ma'am we're here" I wake up, confused. "Oh right! I'm sorry I must've fallen asleep." "It's okay, no worries" the cab driver smiles. I look around me to find the twenty I had in my hands. "Here you go, thank you!" I said to the driver as I handed him a twenty and got out the cab. "No, thank you." He said to me before driving off. Once I arrived I made my way to the front desk. "Hello, I'm looking for Tom Kaulitz's room." The receptionist looks at me like I asked the most stupidest question. "Sweetie don't waste your time and go back home. I don't have time for fan girls." "Excuse me? You don't seem to under-"
"look, I already know what you're about to say. You're not a fan girl, blah blah blah. The answer is no. Now run along!"

Was this bitch being for real? "Okay, you're right, you've caught me. Can you at least-" I knocked down the canister full of pencils facing her, all falling down to the floor. "Oh my gosh! I'm so sorry." She stares at me, rolling her eyes before bending down to pick up the pencils. As she does so, I peer over and to look at the clipboard with the room number of all the tenants currently staying at the hotel. Tom K. Room 219, second floor, bingo.

I ran to the elevator, hoping nobody would stop me. Once I was in, I rapidly click the second floor button, feeling a sense of relief as the door closes, Taking me up the second floor. Once the elevator doors open I quickly look for room number 219. Once I arrived, I almost knocked on the door. Until the events from earlier resurfaced in my mind.

I stood outside for a moment, contemplating whether I should knock or not. Did I want to face him? After the embarrassment I had gone through, did I really want to face him? Tom. Then I remembered what Scarlett had told me. "I'm not going to be afraid and let him walk all over me." I said to myself. I took a deep breath and relaxed my body. "Here goes nothing."

I knocked on the door. My heart began beating intensely. Footsteps approaching the door. Tom opens the door, he stood before me, shirtless, water droplets present around his body and abs, his V- line distinguishable and a towel just barely covering his friend. He looks down at me before looking back up to my face. I wanted to leave, after everything I did to get here it's all I wanted to do. But I had to face my problems, I had to face who stood before me.

"May I come in?" I said to him. He doesn't say a word to me and moves off to the side. I walk into the room, I take off his jacket. "Thought you'd might want this back" I said, handing over the jacket. He takes a step towards me, meaning to intimidate me, but I don't budge. He notices and smirks. "Keep it, it looks better on you than it does me." I wasn't sure what to say, I held the jacket in my hands. "Well... I'll be on my way." "Where are you going?" I wasn't sure where I'd be going. Scarlett was most likely with Georg and bill was.. doing what he does best and Gustav was getting lucky. "Out." I said. Walking towards the door. He grabs me by the arm. "You're not going anywhere" he said, with full seriousness. "And why the hell not?" I said back to him. "We both know you came back here because the rest of them were occupied with other things."

What was he? A mind reader? How would he know? "And what if you're wrong." "I'm not." He said crossing his arms. I stared at him. "Well?" "Well, you're just going to have to spend the night with me." Was he being serious? I laughed. "You're not being serious right?" He just stared at me. "I'll get a room with Scarlett." "Scarlett will be staying with Georg." I felt defeated. He was right, Scarlett would most likely come back to the hotel with Georg and stay with him. "Fine." I said, crossing my arms. "Now can you please change into some pants or something?" "Why? Enjoying the view a little too much?" He smirked. "No. It's just weird." I said, rolling my eyes. "Sure. But I'm sure you won't want to be sleeping in that dress." He hands me his t shirt. "What about you?" "I'll sleep shirtless." He replied.

Was he trying to tempt me? I rolled my eyes. "Thanks, I guess." "Sure. bathroom is right behind you, if you want to change in there. And there's an extra tooth brush as well." "You carry around two tooth brushes?" "No, but the hotel gives you packaged toiletries." "Hm, makes sense." I walk into the bathroom shutting the door. I couldn't believe I was going to have to sleep with him... in the same bed. AND he was going to be shirtless.

He was doing this to tease me, but just like before, Two can play at that game. I have a feeling that no one's ever stood up to him before. But that ends today. I'm putting on something HOT that shows him that he's finally met his match. If it wasn't for Scarlett forcing me to wear this I don't know what I would've done. Thank God for her.


I lie on the bed watching TV. What I thought would've been a night to myself ended up being a night with her. Was I mad? Not exactly. She was my fiancé after all, once you get married I'm pretty sure you share the same bed. I'm sure I can handle her in my bed, I wouldn't touch her.

She opens the bathroom door, I expected to see her in my T shirt yet she wasn't. She walked out in purple lingerie. Was she trying to tease me? I thought I would've been able to handle this. I was wrong. How could I handle her? This girl? This nobody? This... temptress.

"What the hell are you wearing." I said to her. She smirked "what does it look like I'm wearing?" She was trying to provoke me, And it was working. "Change." "Why? Are you enjoying the view a little too much?" Yes. Yes I was. She wasn't good for me, yet seeing her like this, it electrified me. I wanted to pin her down... what the hell am I thinking?

She walks towards the bed and lies down. I turn off the TV. The lamp, the only thing lit in the room. I stared at her. "Does it ever grow tiring, not allowing yourself to have the things you want?" I said to her. If she was going to tease me I was going to do it right back. "I don't know what you're talking about." "I saw the sparkle in your eyes at the concert. I know what you're thinking, you want me." She turns around, facing me. "I can promise you a life full of excitement and passion." I say to her. Her cheeks turn a bright rosey color. I flip on top of her leaning toward her, the space between our bodies disappearing when my finger strokes her cheek.

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