Chapter 32

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I decided I would go and buy groceries, I wanted to give Wendy and the rest of the maids a break. They already do so much for Tom and I. It's only fair. Maybe I could make us a spaghetti? That should be possible with my skills. And Tom wouldn't make fun of me. Wait! Why did I think about cooking for the both of us?!

My phone ringed,


"Cook something for me."

"Who's this?"

"Tom, Scarlett gave me your number." Damn Scarlett. Why did she have to do that?

"I'm busy."

"And I'm hungry."

"Then just call someone to do that for you? You have people 24/7 at your service! I'm not your maid."

"Where are you?"

"Grocery store near the mall, why?"

"You know the costume store on the second floor of the mall?"

"Yeah... why..?"

"You can go buy yourself a maid costume, I'll pay for it. Preferably 'sexy maid'."

"D-don't be S-stupid!"

I hung up."I can't believe I seriously thought about cooking for him." I say, facepalming.


"Now I just need to get some bagel seasoning and cream cheese" I make my way to a different isle of the store and see Roman there, with a woman? I check my surroundings, finding a plant to hide behind. guess he moved on rather quickly... But why does the girl look pissed? She slaps him before storming off. Ouch, that had to hurt. What was that about?

"MOMMY! What is big sis doing?" A little boy runs up to me, his mother running behind him. "Stay away from her!!" "Oh you're misunderstanding! I'm just hiding from someone." They both leave off in a hurry, looking at me with concerning eyes. "IM NOT A WEIRDO!!" I shout, getting up and dust myself off. "Luna?" I turn around, facing Roman. "Why were you hiding behind a plant?" "Oh um... I dropped my phone and I couldn't find it!" I pretend to look for my surroundings. "Here it is! Stupid phone..." he smiles. "I'm glad you found it. What brings you here?" He asks. "Oh um, I'm just here for groceries. What about you?" He pauses. "It's nothing." He replies. "Oh... well it was nice seeing you again." I said as I awkwardly made my way to checkout my items.

"Luna, let me invite you to dinner sometime. I still feel incredibly sorry... abou-"

"Roman it's okay, honest-"

"just consider it as an Im sorry gift. Please..."

I wasn't exactly wanting to go out with him but I could see the guilt in his eyes. He felt genuinely at fault for last nights incident. "Sure, why not..." I reply, his eyes sparkling.

"Great. How about tomorrow night? At 6?"

"Sure... why not." I replied.


Today me and the guys had to work with Amber James on her new upcoming movie, she somehow got the role of a singer and needed help on recording one of the soundtracks. She came to us for our expertise but I'm sure she only chose us to get into my pants. We finished our session two hours ago but she insisted on "one on one practicing" with me. She had the voice of a dying animal and the more she sang the more my head ended up hurting. Not even the best auto tuners could fix the voice she had.

"Tom, why don't we have some fun?" She says, biting her lower lip. "Tom? HELLLOOOOO TOM!!"

"Did you say something?"

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