Chapter 37

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I meet up with Scarlett at an outdoor restaurant, it was beautiful and very packed, how did she manage to get us reservations?

"Wow! This place is... beautiful!" I say, looking at the mesmeric view before me.

"Isn't it! Georg actually told me to come here."

"I almost forgot you and Georg were a thing, how is it?"

"He's amazinggggg! Not only him but the se-"

"Okay... I think I get it." I say laughing.


We continued our little chat and chew and then made our ways to get ourselves pampered. The whole time we were in there we got treated with the upmost respect and hospitality, from our head to toes, we felt a huge weight off our shoulders. We both found heaven and we weren't sure we wanted to leave.


After our facials, it was time for us to go, unfortunately. I decided that after everything Scarlett has done for me, I'd pay this time and it'd be my treat.

"Girl! You didn't have to do that! I could've payed." She says, concern on her face when she realized just how much we had spent.

"It's okay, my future husband is a millionaire, 'gotta take advantage at some point." I say, winking at her. A smirk developing on her lips. "That is true!" She laughs. We left the spa and split into our own ways. The whole car ride there I was thinking about Tom and his wound. I hoped it was healed, it looked pretty nasty.


Once I arrived home, I went straight into the house to find Tom, but before I could say anything Wendy was awaiting me at the door.

"Miss Luna, you have guest... Roman Crimson."

"Oh! I wasn't aware of anyone coming, thanks for letting me know Wendy." I smile as I open the door.

Why was Roman here? my Gosh, I hope Tom's not home! I opened the door and entered to find Roman sitting in the living room. His face all bruised up and with a black eye, stitches on his forehead and a bandaid on his nose.

"ROMAN! What happened to you?!!" His eyes were no longer fixated on me, but behind me. "He did this." As soon as I turned around, my eyes fixated on his, Tom's. I hadn't even noticed he was behind me. My heart dropped to my stomach. "Is this true?" No response. "TOM!" Again no response. "Did you do this!" He stares at me before shifting his stare to Roman. "Yes" what the fuck?, he just admitted? Just like that?


"Just felt like it"

"You just fel- are you actually insane? You can't just beat him up, for Gods sake!" He doesn't say a single thing to me, his eyes still on Roman. "I thought we-" what did I think? That we had become friends? He was my fiancée, a monster. "You're sick. Let's go Roman." I take Roman outside with me.

"I'm so sorry... he's not usually like that I don't know why...."

"It's okay. I just wanted to see you."

"Roman what exactly happened? Why did you guys fight?"

"We met at a bar and as soon as he saw me, he just switched all of a sudden. He just started punching me without any reason. I tried to calm him down, but he was completely gone."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I just put my head down. "Is he... not like that usually?" Roman says, waiting for my reply. It got me thinking. That's why his knuckles were bleeding... And I had even helped cleaning up the wound. I was so...disappointed. I thought we finally made up and our confusing relationship was starting to take a turn for the best.

"You never really know someone, Luna"

"I guess..." Roman walks up to me, giving me a hug.

"I'm sorry Luna, I didn't wanna put your mood down..just thought you should see what kind of a person he really is."

"No, it's good that I know. I'm just a bit... tired."

"I understand. Can I see you tomorrow?"



Tom hadn't been in the living room when I came back. I didn't know if to feel relived or disappointed. I thought Tom and I were at this point where we actually talked to each other. Or at least came close to that. But every time we got closer, something happened, and I felt like I didn't even know this person. I thought he and I had become....friends. Friends who knew what each other tastes like. Friends who stayed in the same bed. Friends who made your stomach go all fluttery. Friends who were engaged.

But the second I thought Tom was actually a decent guy, who just lacked a bit of manners and didn't know the word personal space, He did something like this. I didn't like screaming at him. But the way he acted, so nonchalantly, so unbothered. It ticked me off, To say the least. I just wanted to understand him. But he didn't open up. I knew at this point that Tom wasn't this cold, indifferent guy he wanted me to believe he was.

But he made it damn hard to think otherwise.


I left the house, Luna would probably appreciate it if I wasn't there. She most likely hates me. But what am I going to do? I could treat her better than him, I don't need to tell her twice all the ways he wouldn't suffice. He can't be there for her needs like I can. He's not good enough for her like I am. He's not worthy of her, not worthy of even breathing the same air she does. I'm sick, I know I'm sick and I'm getting high off of it.

I knock on Georg's door. He opens his door, confused.

"Can I crash here?"

"First bill, now me. You really keep messing up Tom."

"That prick couldn't shut his mouth for once."

"Of course he can't."

"So can I stay?" Georg rolls his eyes before moving aside to let me in.

"You got anything to eat in here? I'm starving." I say as I go through his fridge, big mistake.

"Why the fuck do you only have fruits and vegetables."

"Because I take care of myself."

"I should've gone to Gustav's, boy knows how to eat."

"You're an ungrateful bastard."

"An ungrateful bastard who's starving."

"You can cook? So what's your damn problem?"

"I'm not in the mood to cook." I say, as I lay on his couch and stare at the ceiling.

"What happened?"

"My best friend wants me to starve."

"And now your best friend is seconds away from throwing you out the window."

"Rude." I say as Georg rolls his eyes.

"Hey... tell me....what is a guy supposed to do if both choices will damage anyway? Lie to the girl and keep her happy or tell her the truth and hurt her."

Georg thinks about the question. "I'm not sure, we both don't know shit about girls Tom."

"What a help, you are."

"Would the guy tell her the truth because he cares for the girl or because he wants to have her for himself?"

"How about both?" I smirk.

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