Chapter 29

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I made my way back to the house after I saw ambers car get out of the driveway. Childish, I know but I still didn't want to see him, so I thought I'd sneak in, get ready and just sneak back out the door. Simple right?

Once the coast was clear I opened the door. Tom was nowhere to be found. This was a good thing. I quickly make my way up the stairs, closing the door behind me. I let out a sigh of relief, "That was easy! Now I just need to get ready."

After an hour or so of getting ready I finished at 6, I was cutting it close but I finished before Scarlett texted me that she was on her way. I quickly grabbed a purse and slowly opened my room door.

As I walked out I saw Tom, his office door opened. He was leaned against his chair, his feet up against his desk, reading sheet music on one hand and holding a cigarette with the other. I figured if he was reading sheet music, he wouldn't notice me walking by. Boy was I wrong.

"So Mr. Kaulitz huh?" He says taking a puff of his cigarette. I freeze, "she thought I was your assistant." He sets the paper down, seeing me all dressed up.

"Where are you going?"

"A club." I replied, I did my best to put on a good poker face.

"What club."

"A club." I shrug

His stare was piercing through mine. "She's only here on business." Was he talking about Amber? "I don't remember asking." I replied in a cold tone. "And I'm still giving you the honor by sharing it with you." I rolled my eyes.

"Where's your ring." He asks. Wouldn't he like to know, I smirk. "Gone. Now if we're done with the interrogation, I'll be leaving." I walked down the stairs. And made my way out the door.

Closing the door behind me I find Scarlett typing on her phone in the passenger seat. "Looks like I'm driving." I say to myself, approaching the car. Almost the whole car ride there we were silent. "You look pissed." Scarlett says, breaking the silence between us.

"I'm not pissed."

"Then why do you look pissed?"

"I'm NOT."


I sighed, "I'm sorry."

"What happened?"

"I saw Georg yesterday"

"Way to change the topic." She says rolling her eyes.

"He was with a girl."

"What? Was she pretty?"

"I think so."

"Dang! Like pretty pretty?"

"Pretty pretty?"

"Was she a ten?" She says, rolling her eyes.

"What does it matter?"

She glared at me, almost like she wanted to kill me.

"She was a six"

"okay." She says letting out a sigh of relief. I giggled.

"Did i forget to mention I was just kidding?"



We arrived at the club, it is definitely one to be excited about, a big hit in LA. Once we entered we were immersed in all the music and dancing. Scarlett immediately makes her way to the dance floor. I on the other hand, did not want to repeat last nights events so I decided I would instead go to the bar and grab a drink... or two.

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