Chapter 8

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I watch her as she runs up the stairs to get away from me. I probably deserved it. I was going to follow her but then I spotted Georg.

"When did you get here" I said.

"Not too long ago, I did fortunately see what just went down. You care don't you"

"Of course not, marriage is just on paper, it'll be like she never existed." Was I lying to myself?

"Keep telling yourself that" he said, "with the way you were staring at her, let me tell you, you won't be able to keep your self control for long."

"I'm not an animal" I said. But was I?


I'm going to make his life miserable! I'll resist until he gets tired of me. I felt like crying, how could he be so cruel.

I hear a knock on the door

"Who is it?"

"Miss Luna.. Mr Kaulitz would like to speak with you."

"Tell him he can speak to me on the wedding day!" I say angry, Ive never felt so angry in my entire life.

"But miss.. he insisted"

"Well, tell that egocentric bastard!-"

"Charming." He said, walking into the room.

"What do you want?" I replied.

"You're bleeding" I had scrapped myself on the stairs as I was running up to my room.

"And what does it matter? I'm fine"

He Analyzed me for a second... "After all you're mine, and I don't like it when things that belong to me are bruised."

"Humans are not possessions" I replied back.

"I agree, but on paper, it's what you are to me. Now will you let me help? We can do this the easy way or hard way."

He then takes a step towards me, his fingers brushing against my arms. My body wants to submit to the unwanted craving I have for this stranger, while my mind is rebelling to hate him with all my blood. I'm facing a duality, fear and fascination duty and cacoethes, hate and desire. "You don't have to fear me. I won't hurt you." He says, his masculine hands caress my knee, applying lotion to heal the dry blood from when I fell. "I don't have a habit of kneeling Infront of people, you're lucky" he said.

My skin reacted with goosebumps, my own body is betraying me. Marriage is a death sentence in my world. Not a swoon- worthy romance. "You're using aloe Vera?" I said to him. "Yes, it has healing properties so you won't be left with a bad scar" he replies. "I didn't take you for the type to care about the environment"

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me moonlight, nature is a beauty. Just like the one Infront of me." He says. "W-what..."
"The way you react to my touch complicates a lot of things. I'm not worthy of your love" he says to me. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Have you ever been with a man" he asked me.

"That's in inappropriate!" I reply, clearly flustered

He stares at me, "That's fine. I'll know it soon enough since I'll be your husband."

"That's doesn't give you the right to touch me" I say as I turn away.

"I don't touch women without their consent, even my wife, but moonlight you'll want me soon enough, you'll want me and you'll come to me begging" he whispers in my ear.

"In your dreams!" I shout.

"I'll be your first kiss, your first everything, and your last"

He was too close, his smell was intoxicating me, he was dangerous for me. He was charismatic and elegant in the most terrifying way.

"Be careful with taking a bride you don't know about, she may stab you in the back while you're asleep" I say.

"Or maybe she'll be tied up in my bed, maybe even blindfolded depending on her taste. Either way you have my protection and my respect, lose it and it's forever. I don't forgive."

"Me neither" I say

"I suppose the next time we speak will be at our wedding..." he says

"I suppose so" I replied. Little did I know that wouldn't be the "next time"

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