Chapter 70

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"Scarlett...I think it's finally time to give you the title you have always deserved." He says, handing me the bouquet of roses, shock displayed on my face. "I can't think of the words to describe my feelings for you. None of them are worthy enough..they're not worthy of you. I love you. Nothing you say will ever change that. So Scarlett..." he gets down on one knee, pulling out a black box with a beautiful diamond ring. "Will you marry me?"

Shock. I could feel myself hyperventilating at the scene before me. Tears ran down my face as my brain finally processed what was happening, a proposal? For me?

"Please say knee hurts." He says, giving me a gentle smile.

"I.... I- yes." I say, in excitement. "Yes, Georg. I'll marry you."

He gets up, giving me a cheeky smile. "Great answer." He then puts the ring on my finger, embracing me in a kiss so passionate, the room was filled with a wave of awe. Everyone clapping, cheering us on. "FUCK!" A loud roar comes from the stage. My lips let go of Georg as we turn to see who rudely ruined the moment.

And of course, it was bill.

"Tom you son of a bitch! now we owe this dumbass twenty bucks!" Bill shouts.

"Shut the fuck up. It's twenty fucking dollars, you're not going to die you bastard." Tom says, rolling his eyes.

"I hope you guys ruined the moment." Luna shouts out to the both of them, rolling her eyes.

"Sorry moonlight." Tom says, winking.

"You egocentric bas-"

"Okay...I think that's enough." I say, stopping Luna from finishing her sentence. "You guys have a concert to prepare for! We can celebrate after."

"Hell yeah we are!" Bill shouts.


The whole night we watched the guys play, Scarlett couldn't take her eyes off Georg and the same went for him. I couldn't help but laugh at the two. Without warning, I felt like I had just gotten kicked in the stomach.I wasn't sure if it was because I hadn't eaten since breakfast but I felt nausea overwhelming me yet again..possibly As punishment. I couldn't throw up...not now. I thought to myself as I turn away and take a deep breath, Collecting my thoughts and hopefully keeping in whatever I was about to release from my body.

When I turn back around I find Tom, staring at me. His face concerning. He nods his head, asking me what's wrong with his gesture. I quickly brush him off, shaking my head and smiling. I was no longer able to keep it in, I could feel all the color on my face go pale. I turn my look around, scanning for a directional to an exit trash can, bathroom...anything at this point.


As we kept playing and preforming for everyone, I couldn't help but stare at Luna, she's breathtaking. Her skin was now darker, her hair seemed lighter and there was something about her that made her so much more attractive. Maybe it was the distance that made me feel this way about her but either way, my moonlight is always stunning. I kept watching and noticed an odd behavior, she seemed to be in discomfort. I noticed her turn around for a moment, when she turned back, her face was washed out and pale.

I give her a concerning look but she brushed me away. I chose to ignore it, maybe she wasn't use to the atmosphere. Until I shortly noticed her make a run towards an exit door. What the hell is going on? I wanted to drop everything and go after her but Instead I gave Scarlett a look, it took me awhile to get her to stop eye fucking Georg but she noticed, nodding as she made her way towards Luna.


I found myself behind a dumpster, missing it completely... what didn't help was that it was dark out...thankfully, nobody seemed to be around and shortly after I heard Scarlett. "Luna? Why did you leave?" She says, approaching me.

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