Chapter 67

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"So wanna tell me what all that was about?" I ask Scarlett, the silence between us killing me. "Not exactly." She replies, her eyes still on the road.

"You sure?" I ask again.

"I don't know Luna, I'm just know?" I paused for a moment before answering.

"I understand... have you tried to have a conversation with him about it?"

"Not exactly..."

"Maybe you should try that next time." I say, crossing my arms.

"Yeah... maybe... I just don't want to get hurt, I don't do relationships, they're not for me and I was a result of a bad one... Georg is amazing but I hate the feeling he gives me...he's like a rock."

"How ironic." I say, laughing. "If you talk to him, I'm sure you guys will come to an understanding."

"Maybe...I just might! Thanks Lu."

"New nickname?"



After awhile, Scarlett and I find ourselves back at a landing strip. Scarlett and I make our way up the stairs to the jet, finding a comfortable place to sit.

"You'll love Sicily! I absolutely adore it! And Bianca will make sure you get the upmost care!" She says, her eyes sparkling as she talks about her home. "Bianca?" I ask. "Yeah! Bianca is my nanny, well she was...She used to take care of me as a child, she was there for me more than my own parents. You'll also meet Mario, her husband!"

"Can't wait." I say, smiling at her.

"Yes! I'll make sure you leave Italy with a smile on your face!"

"I hope!" I reply, laughing.

"Oh you will, don't worry!" She says, winking at me.

Scarlett and I spoke for hours just chatting up a storm about life, her secrets and mine. She showed me pictures of Sicily, the water surrounding the city, blue as the sky. No wonder why Scarlett always had such a nice tan skin tone, she grew up in the coast, the bright sun always shining, her emerald green eyes standing out, the darker she got.


I felt a sharp pain in my head, waking me up. I realized my head was on Scarlett's shoulder and her head resting on my head. We must have fallen asleep throughout our ongoing conversation. I pick her head up and rest her head on one of the decorative pillows around the jet. I get up and immediately feel light headed, my head pounding now. I chose to sit back down...there was no way I was going to be able to get up..


I wake up and find myself laying down, a pillow beneath my head. Luna was now awake, swiping away at her phone. "Could've woken me up." I say, rubbing my eyes as I get up. "I didn't want to wake you. Besides, we're almost there!" Luna says, excitement lighting up in her eyes.

"Really? I must have passed out then."

"That you did..."

"Good evening! The time is 7:00, welcome to!Sicily Italy." The pilot announces over the intercom.


After Luna and I got off the jet, we made our way to my driver, Ricco; alongside him, Bianca.

"Bianca!" I shout, running up to her.

"Scarlett, amore mio! How've you been?"

"I've been alright...what about you?"

"I'm great, now that I see you!" She says, bringing her lips up to both sides of my cheek. Her soft hands on my cheeks. She turns to the side and notices Luna behind me.


And who might you be? She says, coming up to me, with open arms. Bianca had this eye color I can't explain, her eyes a blue-green so bright, they didn't even seem real; her skin just as dark as Scarlett's and long dark, black hair. She seemed to be in her late 60's, wrinkles along her eyes and mouth. She had a long white dress, no color could fit her any better, it complimented her skin and eyes so well.

"Hello, my name is Luna." I say, smiling at her, hugging her right back.

"Aren't you just lovely" she says, caressing my cheek before bending down to grab one of my bags.

"Oh no! You don't have to take that...I can carry it." I say, following her.

"Nonsense! Why would I allow our guest to do such a thing!" She says, smiling as she picks up my bags and puts them into the trunk of the car.

"You can't ever beat her." Scarlett says, laughing.

"I suppose not..." I say, joining them inside the car.


On the way to Scarlett's home, I couldn't help but admire the beauty of Italy, the water was as clear as glass, palm trees, exotic birds around the place and street venders were posted up in little tents selling all types of trinkets, fruit and drinks. I could hear Scarlett giggling.

"You look like a child who's entered a candy shop for the first time."

"This place is...beautiful! How come you've only just now decided to take me to Italy!" I say to her, annoyed.

"Maybe because after a while there's not that much to do. Plus LA is better, in my opinion."

"Of course the girl who lives in the most beautiful place ever, says that." I say rolling my eyes.

"What can I say?" Scarlett says, shrugging. Before I knew it we arrived at a dock, a big white speedboat attached to one of the poles on the dock; moving alongside the movement of the water. "What are we doing here?" I ask, curiously.

"This is as far as we can go in car, we have to travel by boat to get to the island."



She lived on a freaking island? Could this get anymore bougie? We get out of the car, Scarlett's driver carrying our bags and Bianca holding Scarlett by the arm. Scarlett helped Bianca onto the boat, Ricco, the driver loads the boat up with our bags before helping me get on the boat. Once in, he gets in as well, approaching the wheel.

"Hold on tight ladies." He says, putting on sunglasses as he starts the boat. We sped off into the beautiful island, beloved by the sun and sea. Rock mountains covered by the emerald green and green jade grass, surrounding the beautiful deep blue ocean. The more we sped off into the unknown, I found myself admiring the view, the birds that flew over us in different shades of the rainbow and the natural music Sicily produced.


After a while, my eyes turn to a rocky island, greenery surrounding the beautiful cream colored villa on top. Outside, two men awaited us, dressed in all white just like Bianca. Once we arrived at the dock, they both approach us, grabbing our bags and moving towards the villa.

I step out and take a deep breath... "so this is my home, for now." Scarlett smiles, "yes it is."

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