Chapter 13

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"What are you doing here" It must've been Tom. I turned around to see him, I wasn't sure if it was the alcohol in me but he seemed genuinely worried. I wiped my tears, "What about you? Shouldn't you be the star of the party?" I began to giggle as I swayed my body, fully allowing the wind to take control of my movement. "No it's just business. I prefer to be alone" Tom said, in his normal Cold tone. "Now get the fuck down or else you're going to kill yourself" "YEAH! Right" I said laughing. "Are you drunk?" He said approaching me. "Shhhhhh" I said with my finger against my lips. "You better-" "FUCK!" The strong breeze hit me, causing me to lose my balance and fall back.

I fell hard but yet, I wasn't in any pain. "Did you catch me?" I say, still trying to piece my mind together. "Of course, you're worth nothing when you're dead." He said to me, with a tone of annoyance. He really needed to let loose a little in my opinion. "You're cold as stone." I said my face and body on top of his chest. "You keep doing the opposite of what I'm telling you, and I'm not taking it kindly." He said, with a slight tone of anger. "I'm not afraid." I say, wrapping my arms around him. He switched our bodies, putting himself on top of mine with his sculpted body. "Wait until the wedding. Once you're mine, you will be." "I... you're too close" I say, my heart hammering inside my chest. "Feeling encaged." He looks at me, his tongue playing with the lip piercing that once touched my lips in the garden. "No.." I replied, flustered with how close he was to me. "No? Do you want me to kiss these sultry lips of yours? Do you want to belong to me? Because if you do I'll be sure to break you. Own you. Take your soul. So Luna, you better fear me. You'll save both of our lives this way."

He gets up reaching his hand down to me, helping me up. "So what? You want to take me to your bed earlier than planned? I say, crossing my arms and rolling my eyes. "I'm not that desperate. I told you, I wouldn't touch you."
"Sure, you must have a harem for that" I said, I don't want to ruin the moment, but I cannot keep myself from shivering as a cool breeze floats through the air. "Take this" Tom says to me, he begins to take off his suit jacket. His muscles, remarkable against his shirt. "I don't need your jacket" I say, taking a step back. "You're freezing" he says, crossing his arms. "Don't pretend to care." He began to check my body out before saying, "fine. See it this way: you're offering me a great view of cleavage. Now do you want me to watch or would you put the damn-" "Hand me the jacket!" I said rolling my eyes.

"Here" he begins to pull the jacket off, his strong muscles contracting from under his fancy dress shirt. He wraps me with the jacket, before brushing a strand of my hair away from my face. His gaze locks on mine as if he's conflicted between tearing me apart or saving me. "You know in my failed fairytale night you're playing the prince." I say not letting go of his gaze.

"We both know it's a masquerade, anyone can be someone else." "I know." I said back, looking down at my feet. He lifts my chin up with his finger. "So, what truly am I" It took me a moment but I knew what he was. We both knew. "You're... the villain... and I'm.." "My moonlight." He replied.

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