Chapter 66

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I found myself rapidly packing clothes, Scarlett helping alongside me. "We'll be taking off in 2 hours, make sure to bring anything you find necessary." Scarlett says. "What about Tom?" I ask. "He'll be here soon...I'll wait for you downstairs." She says, walking out of the room. My vision became blurry the more I moved; my thoughts escaping me. I had just gotten married and in the same week, I found myself packing for a last minute trip to Italy...most girls would be excited about this but I couldn't help but feel anxious and nervous. I didn't have time to think in this situation...Roman was after me.

Tom was gone, and I wasn't able to spend my honeymoon the way I had imagined I would have spent it. Instead I was leaving the country to escape the wrath of a man.

As I was packing my last few items, I hear a knock on my door. "Come in!" I shout, still packing my last few things. A set of veiny arms wrap around my stomach from behind, a kiss planted on my left cheek. It was Tom. I turn around facing him, his deep brown eyes sparkling and shining like an old vintage wine. "Hey, moonlight." He says, giving me a soft smile. "Tom...what's going on." I say, looking down. "Don't stress alright? Everything will be handled, it's better if you go with Scarlett. I Can ensure your safety this way." He says, lifting up my chin with his finger.

"You make it sound like you're not coming." I say, rolling my eyes. He looks at me, with slight pain.

"That's because I'm not..Luna."

"What? Why not?" I say, shocked.

"Luna, I have to stay here and track him down, I can't be by your side..."

" promised.." I say, looking up to him.


Fuck. How can I say no to her? her doe eyes looking at me with pain... I couldn't bare to see my wife so obviously hurt. "I know I promised you..but Luna I will never put you in danger. If you stay with me, I can't guarantee you any safety. I must stay behind with the guys, Roman will assume I'm with you, he'll target the house first. You have to leave..please." I plead with her, holding her tight. "I love you so much, please don't do this to me." I say, kissing her forehead. She hugs me tighter. "If this is the only way, I'll go... please take care and don't get yourself hurt...I can't lose you either." She says, getting on her tippy toes, her lips now against my own. A bittersweet kiss, a kiss filled with sadness and love.


"I have to go..I just came here to see your beautiful face once more." He says, letting go of his hold on me and walking away. Please don't leave me! Come back! Stay with me! Is what I want to say, what my body is screaming for me to say. But I knew that what he was doing was the best for me, and I shouldn't do anything but accept and appreciate his care for me. I watched as he left, closing the door. Taking a piece of my heart along with him.

Shortly after, I came downstairs to find Scarlett and Georg on the countertop making out rather...passionately. "Not on my countertops please." I say, covering my eyes as I approach them, grabbing a glass of water. Georg chuckles,

"sorry Luna..we were working out some...problems."

"Oh I can see." I say, letting out a small laugh.

"Right....Why don't we go! We're cutting it close now." Scarlett says, brushing herself off as she approaches me and picks up my bags.

"Yeah..bye Georg." I say, following Scarlett to the car. He only smiles and nods.


As I waited for Luna to finish packing, the door opens and lo and behold, Tom walks in...alongside Georg. "Where's Luna?" Tom asks. I get up, "upstairs in her room, she's packing." He nods and makes his way upstairs to her room.


"No problem." I say. Georg approaches me, a smirk on his lips.

"So we're going to pretend we don't know each other now?"

"Go to hell, you have other women to talk to, right?"

"Scarlett, I told you it was a fan. I don't even know her."

"Yeah well that's how it starts."

"Don't be like that. You know I only have eyes for you, and I'm sure the constant messages can back me up here." Maybe he was right...he did send me messages every day without fail..

"Georg you better not be fucking with me."

"I don't understand."

"You know..."

"Say it." He says, his voice demanding...what a turn on... I could feel butterflies fluttering down there.. "I whatever so don't hurt me." I say, rolling my eyes as I turn around and cover my face and hiding my embarrassment. Before I knew it, a pair of hands grab my face, forcing them to the light. "I love you too, Scarlett." Georg says, picking me up off the couch, and bringing me to the kitchen, and plopping me on the counter. His kisses finding their way to my neck and down to my breast, his hands making their way up my dress, pulling down my underwear.

Suddenly...."Jesus, not on my countertops." Tom says, rolling his eyes. "Georg meet me back at Bill's in 15 minutes, and wrap this shit up please....And for the last fucking time, get off my damn countertops." Tom says, walking out of the house.

Georg and I stood there.. "You heard the man." I say, pushing him off of me. "I heard...but who said I was going to listen?" He says, his lips pressed against my own yet again. I wanted to stop him...but his lips are just so....soft. Before I knew it, we were back at it...again, his hands finding their way back up to me.


Minutes and Minutes went by, I wouldn't have known if luna didn't say anything.. "not on my countertops please.." she says, approaching us and grabbing a glass of water. Georg smirks at me, his hands coming out from my dress, his fingers wet. I push off of him. "Right...why don't we go! We're cutting it close now." I say, picking up Luna's bags and making my way to the car. If I had stayed there any longer...I would've had him there, right on the counter.

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