Chapter 22

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I quickly help Scarlett get up, we make a run for it. Unfortunately I wasn't fast enough and bill saw me. The fortunate part was Scarlett did on the other hand manage to get away.

"Luna?" Bill said to me, surprised. "Uhh wrong person." I replied, my back facing him. "Nice try, Luna. I know it's you by the gigantic rock you have on your finger, obviously given to you by my brother." I turn around facing him. "That's awfully presumptuous of you. I could've been someone else with a giant rock on her finger" I said to him, crossing my arms.

He winks at me, "don't take it harshly, I don't typically see fan girls with engagement rings often." I roll my eyes. "Well? Where's your accomplice." He said to me, waiting for Scarlett to come out. "Right here asshole." She said, rolling her eyes. "Ouch! What did I do to you?" Bill smirks. She doesn't say anything, her glare was doing all the talking.

"Bill stop being rude and bring them in here!" Gustav said. "Yeah, stop being rude" Scarlett added. He smiles, bowing down to us "be my guest." We walk in the room. There I saw Tom, laid out with his arms on top of the couch, his eyes wandering the lengths of my body like a ravenous animal as soon as I entered the room. I struggled for breath.

He looked back up to me with lustful eyes, before I knew it, he got up, grabbed me by the arm and takes me away to the back door, pushing me up against the door where me and Scarlett had locked out the guards. His arm leaned against the wall, closing me in, looking at me with profound eyes, like a predator longing for his prey. "The things you do to me..." he whispers in my ear. His hands caressing my face. His touch was all consuming, I wanted him.

His eyes were no longer on mine, they were on my lips, he reaches down to meet them, devour them. I should leave him, but I can't - I'm captivated by his gaze, by the way he makes me feel. I was thirsty for him. No, I was bloodthirsty, for the kiss we had once shared. I yearned his kiss and was infatuated with his touch.

He looks away from me, punching the wall. And just like that, he left. He walks away, leaving the venue. He left me there alone, I felt bitter, heartbroken. He confused me and yet I let him. I let him treat me so cruelly. My heart shatters at the thought that he just left me, no explanation. Worse was the fact that I still wanted him.


She's like a drug, an agonizing yet enticing drug that I couldn't help but desire. Being close to her clouded my judgement. I wasn't the man she needed or wanted. Yet she wanted me just as much as I wanted her. If I didn't leave I would've... I would've taken away her purity. She was like a dove and I was a Raven. We weren't meant to be with each other. I needed to keep her far away from me. As far as humanly possible. I will end up hurting her the more she's with me. She may hate me after this, after leaving her, but this was good. It's what I wanted. I need her to hate me so she can stay away from me, I'm no knight in shining armor. I'm her worst nightmare.


My blood runs cold. I'm not safe with him... I'm in even more danger than before. I'm alone in a fate that was never mine to choose. I walk towards the room where everyone else was, my heart hung heavy in my chest. Bill, the guys and Scarlett look at me like they've seen a ghost. "Luna? What are you still doing here? I thought you and Tom would be wrestling in the sheets by now." Bill says, chuckling. Scarlett looked at me, she saw the sadness I carried in my eyes. "No, that asshole hurt her." She says, running up to me. "What did he do? I'm going to kill him!" She said, anger filling in her eyes. "It's okay, I was just being stupid." I said to her, holding in my tears.

Cry. It's all I wanted to do in that moment, cry. But I knew better than to cry, cry over a man who is notorious for being cold hearted. Georg and Gustav look at each other. "Luna, Tom is not the type of man to show expression or any feeling towards anyone, especially women. You did it to yourself thinking otherwise." Gustav said to me. He was right, I really did do it to myself thinking otherwise.

"Why don't we go to the bar instead and drink, I need a drink." Georg suggested. "YES! I need that and some ladies." Bill says. "Luna do you wanna come with?" Bill asks. "Yeah, I really need that right now." "Great! Let's go" Scarlett says as she makes her way out of the venue. We all follow.

As we get into the car Scarlett turns to me, "Luna are you really okay? What did he do." I broke down. I was no longer able to keep in my tears. Scarlett leans over to hug me. "It'll be okay princess, show him who you really are. Don't let stupid men like him walk all over you like trash. Show him his place!" She said in an avenging tone. I giggled and wiped my tears. "You know what you're right. I will!" "That's the spirit! Now let's go have some fun!" She says as she drives off.

We arrive at a night club, loud music booming, purple and green lights flashing. Bill had to have picked this place, this was a number one hot spot to get lucky. I open the door and get out the car, Scarlett following me as we make our way into the club. Once we enter, we spotted bill on the dance floor with 2 girls and Georg at the bar. "I don't mean to be that type of girl but... Georg is alone and your girl is feeling bold tonight." She says in a seductive tone. I let out a laugh, "be my guest, I definitely don't want to intrude on whatever it is you two have." "Thanks girl, I knew I could count on you." She says, winking. She walks away towards the bar. I find myself alone, yet again, so I tried looking for Gustav as bill was already preoccupied with the ladies.

As I look for him, he's nowhere near sight. "Ugh really?" I say to myself. I decided I would look for him later, I needed to clean up my face because I'm pretty sure I got mascara all under my eyes. I make my way to the bathroom, grabbing a paper towel and running it under some warm water. I walk towards a mirror and wipe under my eyes.

I heard weird noises coming out from the biggest stall, it sounded like a woman in distress. I finished wiping under my eyes and walk towards the stall. "Hello? Are you alright?" I said, hoping whoever was in there was okay, she sounded hurt. "Hello??" I said once more.

I noticed the stall wasn't locked. "Hey, if you don't reply to me right now I'm going to open the door!" No response. I swung open the door, I wished I hadn't. "OH MY GOSH, IM SO SORRY!" I opened the door to Gustav and a girl getting hot and heavy in a bathroom stall. They both turn to me, shocked when I opened the door. I shut the door. "Sorry Gustav!" I said as I ran out of the bathroom. I was now alone once again.

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