Chapter 34

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Tonight was the night I had been dreading. my dinner with Roman. Something In my mind told me not to go, it wasn't worth it. But my heart told me otherwise, to allow Roman to fulfill his apology. I quickly pulled out a dress I owned and put on a little makeup and I was out the door to meet Max outside.


I arrived at the fancy restaurant Roman had sent me to meet him at. Once I entered I scanned the premises looking for Roman, he sees me and waves me over to the table. "Here goes nothing Luna." I say to myself.

"Luna, I'm glad you agreed to dinner. You look good." He says, smiling at me. He was lying. I didn't much effort into my attire at all and I wasn't exactly comfortable seeing him. I thought I would, but I didn't. I don't why but I...almost felt like I was doing something I shouldn't do. Like I was cheating. But that wasn't possible, because Tom didn't seem to care about me and my whereabouts. Right?

"So how's life treating you so far" I was expecting more, but small talk it is. "Pretty good." Another lie. But nobody was interested in the negative, right? "I'm glad." He says, my discomfort growing. I look up to find two guys walking in. Gustav? Georg? Then, Tom walked in, looking at his phone.

"Oh shit!"

"What's wrong, Luna?"

"Roman we should go somewhere else!"


"Can't explain. Let's just leave."

"No, why are you acting so weird?!" He says, getting defensive. I took a second glimpse back to see where he was when I saw Tom looking straight into my direction. And to Roman. And I knew I was sitting in a big pile of shit.

His eyes pierce into mine, disappointment and disgust present. Please don't do anything. Please don't. I was praying to myself seconds before Tom thought it was a good idea to walk in our direction. His steps slow and precise. Almost like a hunter eyeing its newfound prey, ready to take it down. But I wasn't entirely sure just who the prey was. Roman or me? His expression didn't give anything away. As usual.

"Luna, what a pleasant surprise." His voice indicated nothing pleasant about it. I tried my best to sound confident.

"Oh...uhm...hi...Tom. Yeah...w-what a surprise..." Gosh what was I thinking? I sounded like a child. He smirked at my stuttering.

"Why is he here?" Roman looks at me confused. Tom stared at Roman, his eyes with murderous intent. I swallowed.

"So what are you and Luna up to." Tom asks.

"We're on a date, So, would you mind giving us a little privacy?" Roman said. Tom raised his eyebrow. Looking at me for a better answer.

"We're not having a date! We're...talking." His eyebrow stayed high and I could feel Tom's disappointment grow more. "I like to talk, guess I'll stay then." Tom said, and blatantly sat next to me, smiling a bright smile. His body was pressed close against mine and with every movement we made, we touched each other. I noticed that there was enough room for him to leave space between us, but Tom decided to ignore that and sat as close as possible next to me. His eyes focused on Roman, His tone drowned in arrogance and disdain. Lovely.

"I've always wanted to get to know you more Roman." Mischief lit up in his eyes.

"You want to get to know me? More?" Roman rolls his eyes.

"I'm sure you know me very well kaulitz, after all you hate me don't you."

"Oh I wouldn't say that, it's just riding on daddy's coattail gives you the impression of a weak man, not being able to face his consequences."

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