Chapter 64

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When I wake up, I find Tom's eyes gazing at me, his eyes glimmering as he wanders my face. "Good morning, princess." He says, kissing my forehead. "Good morning." I say, smiling back at him. My cheeks turning a dark pink as his eyes stayed on mine. How did you sle-" Tom's phone Interrupting him. "Sorry, it's probably important." He says, grabbing his phone from the nightstand.

"Hello?" He asks, his eyebrow furrowing in confusion. It stayed like that before his eyes went dark, dead, like a black hole, sucking in every inch of light. "I understand.."


One of my men from last night call me, notifying me that my aunt has been found dead, in her home. Bill and the others were already at the crime scene, none of them wanting to tell me what happened, so I could see for myself. "I understand." I say, getting up and changing. Luna's face, puzzled. "What's going on?" She asks, pulling my arm back. "It's just business Moonlight, don't worry. I'll be back." I respond, Giving her a reassuring smile, kissing her on her forehead.

"'re acting like a wall again."

"I'm sorry moonlight, I'll explain everything again later. Take care and please be safe, I can't lose you again." I say before heading towards the door. "I need to see my father." She says, in a serious tone. I turn around. "You can't. He tried to kill you and instead killed my child. it's too dangerous. I've entered a war against him because he's not worthy of you."

"Tom I need to hear the truth from him. I need closure. I know you're trying to protect me from him but my whole life I was told something hurts. You can't stop me, Tom. It's my battle, please...He won't hurt me if I go to him. He's too much of a coward for that."

I look at her, my eyes unconvinced; but then I relax. "Alright Luna...You can go, but I'll have one of my men drive you there and be there for your case."

"Thank you." She says, getting up and getting ready.

Now I had to face my own battles.


The last couple of hours seem surreal. I feel so loved and cared, Tom and I had finally found peace and happiness.. But I can't focus on my emotions, because now, I'll have to face the monstrous man I call father.


I arrived at my once called home, a beautiful home on the countryside, away from the city, meadows surrounding my home, a home full of love...from my moms part. Once my mother had died, I had to beg my father to let me stay at an apartment, once he did I didn't look back, but now that I see my eyes are filled with sadness, a deep agonizing sadness...the amount of years of torment my mother had to endure, I feel a sharp pain of sadness.

I knock on the door, one of my fathers men open the door. My father right behind him..

"Luna..what are you doing here?" My father says, taken aback.

"Oh I don't know, I think maybe because you tried to kill me?"

His eyes go dark. "You chose him over your family, Luna. Plus, I never meant to hurt you and your child... I- I had no choice. If I didn't plan an attack, I'll be the one dead right now! I'm a Capo, I needed to take action." He says, anger in his voice and panic.

"Yeah right, We always have a choice and your choices show how disgusting you are. I know what you did to mom and to my husband! I know all the truth!" I shout.

"I don't understand." He says, his eyes lowering to the ground.

"Oh don't play stupid, I know you abused mom, you hurt her! Caused her nothing but pain and you still had the decency to lie to my face, sell me away and ATTEMPT TO KILL ME? And now because of you, I'm not sure I can even have children. You disgust me, you're disgusting."

"And now you're gonna kill me? You'll send Tom to get me right? I'm crawling under debts. He took everything from me."

"You had everything, dad. A wife. Children. Money. And you lost everything, because
of you, and your selfish needs. No, we won't kill you, we're not like you. You'll crawl under your debts and you'll have no more power over us. I'm sure many other mafia's will probably kill you anyway for your crimes. Your reign ends now. This is goodbye, forever."

"You think you're better than me, but you're not!" He shouts as I approach the door. I turn around. 

"We're something you'll never ever be, father. Your sins will haunt you." I say, leaving the house and going back home, our home, Tom and I.


I arrive at my Aunts home, Bill, Georg and Gustav all waiting outside for me. "T-Tom..." bill says, his eyes dark. "What happened." I demand. "It's better if you see it yourself.." Gustav says. Georg opens the door for me, not even 2 steps inside and I see a giant blood stain, my aunt lied there in a pearl white dress, her eyes closed.

"A gunshot to the head."

"That's not the worse part..." Georg says, his eyes wandering off to her chest. A rose through her heart.

"Tom..we have reason to believe that Roman was behind everything, after speaking with Luna she said she had found a rose inside the box.."

"Enough." I say, walking out of the house. I called my men. "Roman has attacked, find him and bring him to me alive." I say, before hanging up. If Roman believed he could have gotten away with this, oh is he wrong. My mind trails off to last night, Romans words etched in my brain. "Just when you think you've won, just know I'll be there to make sure you downfall."

Too bad Roman won't be alive to witness it.

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