Chapter 28

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I woke up to a blistering pounding in my head, feathers all over the room, a grey goose bottle in my arms and glitter all over my face. What time was it? I checked my phone. It was 2 o'clock in the afternoon, "What the fuck!" I quickly jump out of bed, rushing to look over the stairs. Everything was clean? Everyone was gone? I stood in confusion. I noticed Scarlett wasn't in my bed, After the party I remembered throwing a pillow fight in my room and we ended up falling asleep.

I checked my phone to see if I had any new messages, my phone was blowing up with messages and tags on social media, 'BANGER PARTY LAST NIGHT! Can't wait for LA's party queens to throw another one!' A post read, Pictures of last night had ended up online. "I'm so screwed!!" It was all a blacked out blur, my head hurting the more I tried to remember, but from all the pictures and messages for an invite to the next party, I'm pretty sure it was the best party thrown yet.

As I kept scrolling through the messages and pictures, I received a message from Roman, "you leave my party and next thing I know you and Scarlett ended up throwing the biggest party in LA yet, I must say my ego hurts a little bit but I'm impressed!" I smiled before I began typing back. "I promise you a party was the last thing we wanted to throw, I can't even remember how it even happened!" "Haha! No worries, next time make sure I'm invited." I smiled at the message. "I don't think there will be a next time." I responded.

I turned off my phone, and made my way downstairs. "Good afternoon Miss Luna, I have some pain killers and a tea to hopefully put you in better spirits today." Wendy says, smiling at me, my mind was still trying to connect the dots. "Hi Wendy, you didn't have to clean the house! I would've cleaned it!" Wendy laughs, "oh don't be silly! Me and the rest of the maids didn't clean a thing!" I stood there confused. "What?" I said. "Mr. Kaulitz arrived at the house earlier this morning and didn't let us clean a thing! He had people come in and clean the house up." I was shocked, he came back today? "How did he get all the people to leave?" She giggles, "He threatened to kill everyone if they didn't leave. You should've seen the expression on his face, he was so uptight! It reminded me of him in his youth!"

I was shocked, once again. How long had Wendy been working for him? He was already young. At what age did he begin his empire? "Is by any chance?" I replied nervously. I wasn't sure if I was ready to face him, especially after I threw a party in his house. "Oh no dear! You just missed him he went out for a meeting." "Oh...okay" I replied before walking back upstairs. My phone began ringing, it was Scarlett.


"LUNA!! Last night was amaaazinggg"

"How are you so full of energy? It's hurting my head!"

"Well you are talking to Italy's biggest party girl, but I think you're coming for my crown!" I could feel her pouting through the phone.

"Oh trust me, I do not want to come for your crown. Last night was a mistake."

"Yeah right! I don't regret a single thing and you shouldn't either! There's a new club opening up tonight, we have to go!" I wasn't exactly feeling up for dancing, especially not after last night. I was about to say no until I remembered the conversation with Wendy. Tom had arrived today. The last thing I needed was to see him.

I sighed. "Okay Scarlett just tonight! After tonight I'm taking a big break from partying." I could hear her squeal through the phone. "you won't regret it Luna!! Club opens at 7!" I laughed and hung up. "Great, another event. Maybe this is a good thing, I should treat it as it is." I said, reassuring myself this was going to be a good idea.

After a much needed shower, I wasn't exactly one hundred percent myself but I was very close, I decided that a walk would put me into Better spirits for partying. I got dressed in some casual clothing, and made my way downstairs. As I came downstairs I noticed the beautiful woman who stood before me. Amber James. A Haitian supermodel and actress, the most stunning woman to ever walk the face of the earth. It was hard to not be jealous of her, her presence alone took your breath away. She was typing on her phone before looking up to me.

"Uhm who are you? Can I help you?" She said, looking down at me head to toe. "I could ask you the same question." she looked at me, "ohh you must be Toms assistant right!" Assistant? "Sure" I replied, crossing my arms. "Girl to girl, how does it feel being Toms assistant, are you ever able to get your work done." She whispers. I looked at her confused. "I'm not sure I understand." I replied. She smirks, "he's like the hottest boy in the band." She says, biting her lower lip. "I don't see it honestly." no emotion displayed on my face whatsoever. "Oh girl just wait until you see him shirtless." She winks at me. "What exactly is your business here?" I asked, slightly annoyed. "I'm shooting a new movie that requires me to sing and Tom and the band are helping me record a song. I was supposed to be with bill, working on my vocals but I couldn't pass up the chance to be near this dangerously sexy man." I roll my eyes.

That's when the devil himself walked in through the door. "Luna?" He says, surprised. "Hello Mr. Kaulitz, I've washed the dishes and made your bed. I'll be taking my leave now." I said, booking it to the door. "Mr. Kaulitz?" He said, confused as I ran out the door.

Once I ran a few houses down I had to stop to catch my breath. "Washed the dishes and made your bed?" What was I thinking? I was supposed to be his 'assistant' and I ended up changing my occupation to maid. I slap my hand against my forehead. "What are you doing Luna!" What exactly was I doing?

As I continued my walk, I couldn't help but feel upset. Why was I so upset with him being with her? It shouldn't bother me, that he invited her to our home. "Our home." Fuck, curse him! I couldn't let myself think about him. I continued my walk, surrounding myself with nature.

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