Chapter 36

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We arrive to the bar, it went well at first. We got drinks, Bill had gone off dancing, Gustav went to do karaoke and Georg....Georg stayed by my side.

"Stop monitoring me dude. You're acting like my parent."

"So it be." He replies, no change in his emotions whatsoever. I rolled my eyes and lit a cigarette.

"Don't fall into bad habits again, Tom. You know where this will end."

I roll my eyes, "Do I look like I'm stupid?"

"Yeah, you do."

"I won't, so leave me alone. And trust me, seeing this-" I point at Bill, dancing by himself and acting a complete fool, embarrassing himself Infront of people.

"Is enough for me to control myself, 'k?" Georg laughs, letting go of that uptight attitude of his.

"Who's that guy?" I point my cigarette over to a guy, viciously making out with a girl in the corner of the room.

"Hm? Who?" Leo, Bills new toy asks.

"Why do I know him?" His body structure familiar. He turns around, taking a sip of his drink. Roman.

"Isn't that... that girl's boyfriend?" Leo says, his eyes glued on to them. I put my cigarette out and approach them.

"Tom? What are you doing?" Leo says, as I walk towards Roman and the girl he was sticking his tongue down her throat just a couple seconds ago. She sees me approaching them and let's go of Roman, he turns around.

"FUCK!" He shouts. "You scared me."

"Sorry 'bout that."

"W-what are you doing here..?"

"Just chillin'. What are you up to?"

We stare at each for what felt like centuries, until I broke the silence.

"Don't you wanna introduce me to your friend?"

She looks up to me, blushing. "Hi I'm-"

"Nobody, she's no one.... Look I know this looks weird but-"

I couldn't help myself but punch him. He takes the hit before looking back up to me.

"You-" I punched him again. His body now on the floor, the girl running away.

"What the fuck!" Leo shouts. "Here we go again." Georg says, facepalming.

"It didn't look weird dude. It looked like you're a little piece of shit. And I don't fuck with that." I say, smiling at him.

"I'll kill-"

I kicked him on his side. "What did you say? Dude you gotta speak louder, I can't hear you like that."


I kicked him once again. "What did you say? You want me to punch you harder?" I pick him up off the floor, slamming him against the wall, waves of anger radiating off of me.

"TOM FOR FUCKS SAKE. DONT" Georg shouts, holding me back from one arm. And Leo with the other. "Let's just go. You did enough damage." He says, both of them pulling me back. I walk away.

"Don't tell her."

I turn around. "What?"

"Dude if I were you, I'd keep quiet." Leo says.

"It's gonna break her heart. You know that. You know how fragile Luna is."

I run up to him, punching him. "You know nothing about her, do you hear me? She's strong. Stronger than you'll ever be." I punch him one last time before walking out. I needed a cigarette after this shit show. Leo follows behind me.

"Are you okay? Tom... you almost killed this dude. Why were you so angry?" Leo says, I ignored him, I had no words to offer.

"Is it because of this girl? Luna?"

"Can you shut the fuck up?"

"Are you with her?" He asked, waiting for my answer.

"No. Im not with her, I'm engaged to her."



I get out the shower, and change into some comfortable clothing. Today Scarlett and I would be having a girls day. Manicures, pedicures, facials, basically any sort of pampering. As I got changed, and finished doing my makeup I make my way out my room door. To my surprise I see Tom was outside, waiting for me.

"TOM? You scared the shit out of me!"

"Sorry." He says, with a cold tone. I look down to see his knuckles were bleeding. "Your knuckles are...bleeding." Blood was dripping from the knuckles of his broad veiny hands. I took a quick glance of the rest of him to examine if there were any other wounds. But other than the fact that his hair was a mess, and his face had this coldness to it, he seemed fine. I walk up to him.

"What happened?"

"Nothing." He says, shrugging. There was a silence. A silence that showed he wouldn't tell me. That he didn't trust me enough. "Let's go to the bathroom, I'll take care of the wound." And to my surprise he followed, without any further objection. "Sit down." I said, pointing him to the ledge of the bathroom tub, I began treating the wound. I came to realize that I knew so little about Tom. Sure, I was aware that he was a rich as fuck Rockstar and business man, that enjoyed making fun of other people and especially liked to make fun of me.

But what was underneath all that glamour, underneath all that rockstar and business facade. I wanted to know. That day he taught me how to play the guitar, probably showed me a tenny tiny glimpse to his other self. But it had went by as fast as it came. I was yearning to see that side of his again. To be behind the curtain again, where he let nobody but himself be. I wanted him to trust me. To let me help him when nobody else did.

But Tom was a riddle I still wasn't able to solve. Even though I was so good at solving them. "Are you okay...?" As soon as I asked the question, I wished to take it back. It was such a meaningless thing to say, asking someone if they're okay when they're obviously not. Why did we always feel the need to do that?

"I'm fine."

"You know I can also tell when you're lying." A slight tease to his previous statement.

"Damnit" he says, no emotion on his face, the same cold look.

"Tom..." I was trying to find the right words.
To make him talk to me, really talk to me. "I'm sorry for chasing you away last night. You acted like a jerk but... I shouldn't have treated you that way."

"No you should have. I was angry, and a jerk. I deserved to be chased away." I was shocked, he had revealed his true feelings about Roman. I finished patching up his wound before getting up. "You're all done, you should rest Tom."



His look softening, his eyes no longer cold. "I..."

I look at him, waiting for him to continue. "Never mind, I should probably get rest." I give him a smile, and left to go meet up with Scarlett.

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