Chapter 69

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[2 weeks later]


Over the past weeks Luna and I have been living the blissful life, Luna especially. Her skin was now a darker tone, her hair a lighter shade of brown and she was glowing. Recently Luna was having a major sweet tooth, she preferred sweets all the time. "I think that's enough tiramisu for you..." I say, snatching the dish away from her. "Scarlett! I haven't tried the strawberry flavor yet!" She says, pleading with me. "And let's hope you never do." I reply, picking up our plates and heading towards the sink. "Whatever." She says, glaring at me.

While I was washing dishes, Luna helped with drying them. "So...have you received anything from Georg?" She asks, wiping away at the plate before setting it in the dish rack. "We've been texting." I say. "Well that's progress!" She says, excitedly. "What did you do?" I say, raising my eyebrow at her. "Nothing? Can your best friend not be curious?" She says, rolling her eyes. I turn back around continuing with the dishes. "You're safe for now." I say.

"Yeah yeah! But anyway..I've read an article about places in Italy! I'd love to go and see Milan, seems pretty cool"

"Milan? There's not much to do there, why would you want to go?"

"I think there's plenty to do! Plus we've been here for too long! Let me explore!" She says, pleading with me... again. It was true, as much as Luna was enjoying Italy she was secluded. I didn't want to risk anything and I thought it would've been better to keep her on the island until the coast was clear but sometimes it can be very lonely..

"Milan, that's where your mother was born no?" A deep voice says from behind me. I turn around, "MARIO?!" I shout, a bright smile on his face as he opens his arms and embraces me into a hug. "Hello my little flame." He says, hugging me tight. "Little flame! How cute!" Luna says, approaching us.

"Ah, you must be Luna. I've heard you've been learning to cook by the very best... my wife." Mario says, approaching Luna with a traditional Italian cheek kiss greeting, Luna returning it. "And it seems you've picked up a bit of our Italian customs, no?" He says, smiling at Luna. "Sure have! Sorry to cut it short with you guys but excuse me for a moment, I need to go upstairs." She says, smiling. "No problem." We reply.


A couple of days ago I had been feeling very out of it, constant mood swings and feeling nauseous. At first I thought maybe I was just experiencing a little bit of stomach pain from the switch of food, I was used to very different food....but as time went by I felt more and more sick. Before I knew it, Bianca was noticing my weird behavior, our cooking lessons sometimes having to be cut short. She suspected pregnancy...and after some thinking, I knew there was a high possibility. What didn't help was the fact that I have yet to get on my menstrual cycle and I had been drinking wine. Luckily, Bianca set me private appointments with the family OBGYN. I had yet to get checked up but I decided to stop drinking just in case.

In most cases, this is a good thing. Not in mine. The timing was horrible and what didn't help was the fact that my husband was most likely not going to be happy about this. The good thing was that...the gunshot didn't affect me as bad as I thought. I also had a lot to thank Bianca for. She went into town to buy me some tests, I needed to find out if maybe it was all in our heads. I excused myself from Scarlett and Mario as I went upstairs to check my results. As I approach the bathroom door, my phone rings; No caller ID.

Over the past few days I was receiving a lot of them. I tried to ignore it but I would just get call after call. This time, I decided to pick up.



"W-who's this?"

"You're a tough one to get a hold of."

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