Chapter 35

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After me and Roman finished eating, we paid the bill and walk outside of the restaurant. I wasn't sure what exactly to say, not after the embarrassment I had gone through.

"I'm sorry about everything Roman, I had no idea Tom was coming." Roman just stared at me, his face emotionless, expressionless, nothing. "You should really stay away from him Luna, he's not good for you." He says, his face still expressionless. A small part inside me wanted to say something. Tom had been acting like a total jerk but... "Luna you should know that I don't surround myself with people like that. I Can provide you a better lifestyle." I wasn't sure what to say, I stood there, contemplating his offer. "Sleep on it." He says, walking away into the night.

I felt a slight pain in my heart. Roman was everything Tom wasn't, I should be feeling butterflies in my stomach knowing that there's someone out there who genuinely cares about my well-being, yet I knew deep down my heart belonged to Tom in some messed up way, how twisted is that?

I knew Tom was still in the area, with the look he gave Roman, there was no way he was going to leave me alone with him whether he liked it or not, and judging by the only blacked out luxury car outside I knew he was still around. Possibly lurking in the shadows. "You can come out now. He's gone." I shout out. There was silent for a brief moment before I heard rustling between some garbage bins.

Tom had came out, his arms crossed, his eyebrow slightly raised.

"What's your problem?!" I shout out to him.

"What are you talking about?"

"You know damn well what I'm talking about! Why did you have to act like a complete asshole?"

Tom looks at me shocked, taken aback. "You think I'm the asshole?" He laughs. "I'm sure you're well aware by now that Roman has told you many things about me to keep you away from me. Am I right?"


A couple days back when I had first arrived back to LA I had received a pleasant surprise by none other than Roman. He came bursting into my home like an animal, demanding to talk to me.

"I know what you did!"

"What do you want? I have a meeting and you're kinda killing the mood."

"Nine years ago, you killed a man. Why did you do it!"

"Who tells you it was one man only? You kill people daily in your world, what's your deal?"

"9 years ago you were only twelve! A ki-"

"So that gives you an idea of what I'm capable and what type of man I am." Forced to be a villain. They all pretend to know my story, but none of them know the truth. Like I said I don't do shady. I don't do crimes. But I do revenge and will make them pay one by one.

"Don't hurt, Luna. She's innocent."

"It's none of your business."

"She's a good girl and you're lucky to have her as your soon to be wife. She's obedient." Obedient. That's how the mafia describes their wives. Obedient? As if they were circus animals meant to be tamed. I'm for the wildness. Freedom.

"As you said, she's my soon to be wife."

"If you hurt her, I'll hurt you." He shouts at me.

"And if you touch her, I'll kill you." I shout back.

Before Luna came around, Roman was known for his ruthlessness with his victims. For the longest, people called him the ripper, ripping apart bodies, limbs by limbs, bones by bones, and then to the experimentalist, removing certain parts of a body from all of his victims. To finally, and what he is commonly known for... crimson. After brutally killing his victims in cold blood, roman would then stick red roses full of thorns in their heart. Leaving behind his signature. And that was when Roman crimson was born, crimson like the roses and blood surrounding his victims. I assume the mafia hasn't gone out for any more people. Roman at least.

I never liked him, not after all the crimes he's committed, but then. For Luna, I'd do anything.


"All I want from you is your protection and your respect." I said to him.

"We have something in common, moonlight. Nothing in this world is more important to me than respect and trust."

"Then you'll respect my decision and leave me alone. Don't bother going near me, not after everything you just pulled in there."

He rolls his eyes. "How will you get home?"

"I Can walk."

He stares at me. "Sure."

I felt a sigh of relief that he didn't fight me on this. What I wouldn't know was that the whole way I walked home HE FOLLOWED ME IN HIS CAR, not caring that he was holding up traffic. Just as long as I got home. "What a prick." I say to myself.



Last night after I made sure Luna got home I decided to stay the night at Bill's, we would have a concert the next day and I could tag along with my brother, little did I know, he lived in a fucking brothel.

"Hey Tom, I'm going to the hot tub if you wanna join." One of his.... Workers... to put it in a nice way, asks.

"No thanks."

"C'mon, I'll make it a night to remember." She says, approaching me, touching my body.

"For your sake, hope I forget. Now get your fucking hands off of me."

She looks at me angry before storming off.


Tonight was the night of the concert. We played a couple songs before ending the night.

"That was awesome!! Did you see all the girls looking at me!" Bill says, flexing his nonexistent muscles.

"I'm pretty sure they looked at Tom." Georg interrupts.

"Then get yourself a pair of glasses because I was the main course!" Bill shouts back, Georg rolls his eyes.

"Hey, wanna go to the bar next door?" Gustav suggests.

"That'll be fun! Let me call Leo!" Bill says, excitement growing in his eyes.

"Who the fuck is Leo?" We all say in unison.

"You guys are really rude!! He's the guy we met at the restaurant when Tom ran into Luna on her little date!"

Georg looks at me, his eyes softening.

"Stop looking at me with your damn pity, dude. She's pissed but I don't need your pity." I say, shrugging.

"My twin brother will be fine! Right Tom."


"So you'll go to the bar?"

"Why not?"

We exchange a long stare.

"I can handle myself."

"Can you?" Georg asks me.

"You'll see" I said as we all walked off to the bar.

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