Chapter 7

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Tom is furious, he starts speeding more and more by the minute. "What's going on" I say. "Listen to me Luna, don't ever under any circumstances go near that man again." I stayed quiet, I was a bit worried. But that was the least of my worries. I saw my fathers car parked outside the house. Something was up.

As we get out the car a new maid I wasn't quite familiar with speaks to Tom. Tom nods and heads upstairs to his office. I had to find out what was happening, so I did what I know best I stood outside his office and started eavesdropping.


Revenge, It was all I had in mind. To make this bastard Alfred pay for his crimes, But maybe Alfred wasn't the only one who I wanted to seek revenge on. Roman was now on my list. To beat a monster you must become a greater one yourself, keep your enemies close, make them dependent of you, just like Alfred is dependent on me. And now I've scored his precious daughter, Luna Lancaster, beautiful, pure and wife material.

I didn't need the mafia or anything to rule the world. I don't do crimes, or shady business, but I own the people who do. And I deliver. I've been called a soulless god and they may be right. I don't do feelings, I'm not capable of getting emotionally close to women, they want it but I never give it. And I won't let any woman get to me. Building an empire is all I care about. I respect women. Men are weak Infront of them, them not me.

"Alfred what do you want, why did you show up to my house unannounced" I said to him annoyed.

"I'm here to let you know this isn't over, I've raised my daughter to never break she'll serve you but she'll never love you, she will despise you quietly."

"Hmm Charming, when I have your daughter in my bed, you'll remember that"

"Haah, have her for all you want, she'll marry you and she'll inherit your fortune, it's a win for me in the end"

"You know, your daughter is beautiful, looking more like her mother everyday"

"You shut the hell up!" Alfred says, Bingo. I've found his weakness.

"Well if you're done with your false threats I'll have someone show you out the door, see you at the wedding Alfred."

"That wedding will be a mafia wedding, guns will be involved, I'd be careful"

The wedding. Another joke I have to face but it's all apart of my plan, I'll be owning them one by one.

As I'm walking out Luna was standing there, clear face of betrayal displayed upon her, and yet seeing her beautiful doe eyes staring over at me like I'm some kind of monster, I don't like it not one bit. I took a second to appreciate her. She was beautiful. And oh my God the color she choose tonight, if I didn't leave I wouldn't have been able to control myself, the thoughts of ripping that dress off her, revealing the body that my body craves. I have to snap back to reality. "You shouldn't spy it's impolite" I say. "I'll never be in your bed!" She shouts at me, pain in her voice. This was good... because If one day she was, I wouldn't be able to let her go. And for my sanity and hers, it's better if she stays as far away from me as possible.

"You men are disgusting!" She yells at me.

"So you should know better than provoking me, it won't serve you and I'm not known to be patient." I reply

"you already bought me off it's not like you can do anything else to me" she replies.

Oh but I could do way worse, kiss you for instance, ruin you by making you mine. Woman don't get to me but her.. Christ... she has probably never even been with a man. No. No matter how beautiful, natural or bold she is, she's the daughter of my enemy. Nothing else.

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