Chapter 46

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Tom would be pissed, and I mean extremely pissed once he finds out. Even though he and I weren't always on good terms, I still appreciated the things he had done for me, always helping me out in the past, stayed with me when I was lonely and lost... in his own way. The situation bothered me in a sense that I didn't like prying into someone else's business but That someone else was someone I held.....dear. I think. And my instincts told me to protect what's close to me.

"Stop Luna, it's not your business... focus on yourself!" I Command myself. But instead of thinking about it, I decided I'd go to bed, sleep it off. Care for myself for the couple of days I'll be staying alone.... Yeah.

[A few days later.]

Tom's manager reached out to me letting me know that everything was settled and I was no longer in the picture. How they did it? I'm not sure but I felt a sensation of relief knowing I was allowed to come back home. I was notified Max would come and get me from where I was staying so I waited attentively inside the house until I saw the familiar car.


Once we arrived outside the house I noticed a woman in a white pearl dress standing outside of the house, weird. The closer I got to her the more familiar she was appearing to me...

"Ms. Kaulitz?"


"Why are you standing outside my house?"

"I just wanted to see if I could speak with Tom."

"No. You need to give him some space. We spoke about this."

"But-" suddenly I see Tom towering over her, his look deadly, unpleasant.

"What's going on?" He says, in a tone of anger and coldness combined.

"Tom!" I say, surprised.

"What is she doing here?"

"Tom... my nephew, I-"

"Luna!" He shouts at me, completely disregarding the other human being Infront of him.

"I'm not sure... I just arrived." He looks at me, his eyes roaming my face, was he searching for the lie? The truth? Suddenly,

"TOM! TOM KAULITZ OVER HERE!" A man says, flashing cameras.

"Fuck! Get inside."


The three of us go inside... This had to be the most awkward situation ever. Stuck in a room with Tom and his so not welcomed aunt.

"Wow that was a close call. right? Never would I have thought that the paparazzi would just show up." I said, trying to create some conversation. Tom didn't look pleased and instead looked more angry.

"Did you call them!" He shouts at his aunt.

"Call who?" She asks.

"The paparazzi" he says, rolling his eyes at her.

"Of course not! Why would I do that?"

"Oh I could name countless reasons." He says, his voice getting more aggressive.

"I didn't! Please believe me!" She shouts back at him.

"That's hard, considering your past choices."

"I know I haven't been the best okay!?? And I know I abused your trust a lot.... But that wasn't my doing. Luna, did you see me call anyone?!"


"DONT INVOLVE HER INTO THIS." He roars, his voice echoing. His body radiating in anger, and something dark within him wanting to come out, but he instantly takes a deep breath.

"I'm going to my office, you can leave when they're gone." He says to her, walking off.

"TOM WAIT!" She pleads.

No response.

"Tom." I said, his movement stopping. "Maybe.. you should talk to her. What does it hurt to only listen to her words? If you still feel like throwing her out or leaving, you can do that. Please."

Tom let out a big breath and straightened his shoulders, to weaponize himself for what's to come.

"Thank you." I say as I make my way to my bedroom.


"I'm so sorry for what I did to you. What I put you and your brother through. My intentions hadn't been good, and I was awful an aunt to you two. But please know that that has changed. I want nothing but my nephews back. Nothing else matters to me. Believe me...." We shared some words, and thoughts.. she essentially apologized for not being there for me and Bill and for what.... Happened. I didn't forgive her but I did agree to see her more often, her apology seemed genuine....


I was glad that they were talking, glad for pushing Tom in that direction. There had been so many suppressed feelings and to keep suppressing them wasn't doing any good. It would keep damaging him in the long run. And I didn't want that. Or maybe I just wished Tom to have a healthy relationship to his family when I couldn't. It didn't really matter in the end.
What mattered was that Tom would feel better. That's what mattered to me.

Tom and I didn't speak for awhile after that. Maybe this was good. I was noticing my feelings for him were still very present and I noticed no change in his.

[One week later]

Life the past week has been nothing but calm, I've found peace with myself and my priorities have straighten out since then... at least I'd hope so. I still have yet to know about Tom, he's been very MIA lately, which is fine. I wasn't going to allow myself to sulk, not anymore.


I've been doing my best to try and stay away from Luna. I couldn't see her, I was already taking a lot of time away from business with all the concerts and from just being home in general, so I thought It was time for me to get back into business, press play on rebuilding my empire again. Luna was damaging me, she was changing my priorities, messing everything up. So I wasn't going to stop business because of her. No. Fuck that.

I decided to call bill, bill isn't as involved with the crime world like I am, but he's one hell of a negotiator, business together is better. We decided to pay someone some visits,  it was my time to let my inner monster show out.


"Tom, somethings wrong. You seem... different, what happened?"

"Nothing. We have business to take care of, Georg and Gustav will be meeting us very soon."

By the time we arrived, Gustav and Georg were outside already waiting for us. Waiting for orders. Lunas father was declaring war. He was staying quiet but I knew he was going to pull some stupid shit and cause a scene, I wasn't stupid. I was very aware that Luna had gotten attacked at a club awhile ago, why she didn't tell me? I couldn't care, fact was I knew about it and I was going to do something about it.

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