Chapter 68

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[The next day]

I woke up to the sunrise. in Sicily many people liked natural light rather than artificial So, Scarlett's home was filled with windows. It was always sunny where we were, it was no wonder why! The sun illuminated the whole place, and no lights were needed unless it was night, which we would then turn on a lamp. I got up and decided I'd go out for a walk around the premises. Scarlett promised to take me sightseeing but this was the perfect time to go. I quickly throw something on, and make my way downstairs to the door.

I make my way outside, my bare feet touching the cold concrete, a soft wind blowing against my face, my hair moving the direction it's blowing. I sat on the steps outside and admired the view. A peaceful bliss and I sat there, enjoying it.


"Luna?" A tired voice says from behind me. I turn around to find Scarlett, still in her pajamas. It was probably now 6 in the morning.

"Sorry..did I wake you?" I say, getting up of the ground, dusting myself off. " I just thought..Never mind. What are you doing out here alone?"

"I wanted to watch the sunset....come!" I say, taking a hold of Scarlett's wrist and bringing her to sit on the steps with me. "How are you awake so early..." Scarlett says, rubbing her eyes; trying to wake herself up. "I don't know..." I say, looking out to the sky, the sun slowly rising. We stayed in silence for awhile. "I used to sit here and watch the sunset with my mother...Not a big fan of sunsets anymore." She says, no emotion on her face.

"You know... my mother used to say, take every negative thing about a situation and try to find at least one positive thing about it." I say.


'Take every negative thing about a situation and try to find at least one positive thing about it.' I never really saw it in that way. I always saw it as a bad memory, but maybe it was a good memory? A memory of my mother. "'re right!" I say, getting up off the ground, dusting myself off. "Come, let's go. I'm taking you somewhere."

One of my fondest memories when I was younger was when my mother would take me down to the beach and watch baby sea turtles find their way into the sea, it was a good memory....and it just so happens that it's hatching season. Why not share it with my best friend?

I take Luna down to the beach, sitting on the cool sand and watching the little guys go into the water, discovering their new world. "Wow...this is amazing Scarlett!" She says, eagerly watching the turtles. "It is, isn't it." I say, smiling at her.


After spending a couple of hours at the beach with Scarlett we decided to go back to the house. Once we arrived, outside awaited Bianca with two gowns, both white. "What's it with you guys and white clothing?" I asked. Scarlett, gives me a gentle smile. "White was my mothers favorite color. We all wear white in remembrance of her." She says, pain in her voice. I really wished I hasn't asked anymore... "I'm sorry...I didn't know." I say, looking down to the floor. "It's okay Lu, I didn't expect you to know." She says, taking both gowns from Bianca.

"Thanks Bianca."

"Of course." She says, smiling.

She hands me the gown and leads me upstairs to my room. Once changed, I make my way downstairs and find myself at a table filled with all kinds of fruits, all types of jams and breads. "Wow..." I say, shocked. "Juice?" Bianca says, brining a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice. "Sure" I reply, grabbing the cup from her.

After breakfast I found myself learning the way of the Sicilians, learning their customs and drinking plenty of wine throughout the day. Scarlett even took me to her vineyards, showing me around her very lavish life. Bianca taught me how to cook their traditional food. Mario, Bianca's husband I had yet to meet but I was sure I'd meet him soon.

Regardless, my time here has been nothing short of amazing. Just in the day and a half that I've been here I'm already feeling such an overwhelming sensation of peace...but I'm still missing Tom. Scarlett thought it'd be better for us to go no-contact, that way, if Roman is watching or has tapped into our phones, there wouldn't be a way for him to find me.

The only thing that kept me going was the memories of him. If I couldn't have him here with me physically, I'd keep him in my heart and mind. But for now, I must live with the fact that I can't be with him right now; and until Romans been caught... I won't be seeing Tom anytime soon. Scarlett did her best to cheer me up whenever I felt down, I appreciated her in these I think it was time for me to return the favor.


The guys and I have worked tirelessly to find Roman; especially Tom. Tom had this fascination with finding Roman...and I wasn't sure if it was good or bad. On the other hand, Luna and I kept contact with one another, she would update me with information about Scarlett, I knew she was secretly rooting for us, and I was rooting for us just as much. The band had plans in making a trip to Milan for a concert over the next few weeks. I'd be arranging everything for Luna and Scarlett to go. I just needed to find a way to get Luna to take Scarlett that far without her getting suspicious. Tom didn't agree with a show but bill and Gustav thought the break we took from the music industry was long enough and we needed to come back to keep our image up, and of course I was not opposed to the idea.

When I first brought up the idea to Luna, she wasn't exactly on board with the idea because of how difficult it'd be to pull this off..but I think she had a change of heart because she messaged me about the tickets.


The search for Roman is still in process, word has gone around that he's left the country. I'm not sure to where exactly but if he's gone out to Italy, Luna and Scarlett are both screwed..I'm confident enough to say that he does not know where Luna has gone to. I arranged for her and Scarlett to leave the country off the radar, no traces of them leaving in the past week. One thing is for sure, he's aware that Luna is not with me.

"Tom, we need to make a move, we've been in the shadows for too long." Bill says.

"No. It'll only make him take action faster. He's not the only one who likes to play cat and mouse. Let's just go along with Milan, maybe it'll keep him off our tail."

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