Chapter 20

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My heart stopped as my gaze landed upon the most dangerously handsome man I had ever laid eyes on. It was Tom. I caught myself not closing my mouth for a little too long. My eyes stayed open. I didn't dare to close them. Not when he was standing right infront of me. He didn't need a stage or stage lights shining upon him. He would be noticed anywhere he went. You know how boys have these mesmerizing eyes, you can't help but stare at them? Imagine eyes ten times even more captivating. Toms eyes.

He stood there, in all his glory. Grabbing his guitar in a possessive manner. His long fingers completely closed around the strings. you could see veins becoming visible through his big broad hands. I could feel Scarlett glancing my direction. a smirk forming on her lips. She fully enjoyed my so not unbothered reaction to Tom. I tried to contain myself. Blinking and closing my jaw. Shit. I was embarrassed by myself. This has never happened before.

And then my jaw dropped again. My heart leapt to my throat when our gazes met. Even from this distance, I can see his expression soften as he drinks me in. I could feel a magnetic pull drawing me to him. Spellbound, in just an instant, he makes me feel like a doe chased by the hunter. It's like he's a knight in black armor, pulled straight from a fairy tale. Knowing how dangerous he is should terrify me, but the electric pulse of attraction I felt just now only grows stronger.

I pray he can't see the way I try to catch my breath, overwhelmed by attraction for a man I should fear, but some forbidden part of me wanted the knight in black armor that stood before me.


I scan the crowd. Girls of all ages screaming, posters being held up at every corner, lights flashing. I liked it. Some girls screamed, others cried. I took it all in, the life I was living. Yes, I was living two different worlds. Yes, one was prettier and the other a complete disaster but yet I found comfort in it. Comfort in being able to live in two worlds that would never collide. Strangers knew us by our band. Our music. Others knew us from the business aspect, the not so pretty side. Being in the band seemed like the only normal thing in my life, an escape from the harsh reality I lived. If it wasn't for her... I would've never stayed in this band.

Bill looks at me. "Ready?" He asked me. I nodded. And then we began. The song began with the piano. World behind my wall. It was probably one of the most meaningful songs my brother wrote. And yet the meaning behind it was ironic. The idea that you need to be ready to get hurt, ready to feel. dropping all your protective shields to feel something pure and overwhelming. Something like Luna.

As we continued with the song, I felt eyes on me. Typically something I would normally ignore, fan girls were something else, But these eyes felt nothing nowhere near a fan girl. It was different. I look up. That's when I saw her, my moonlight. She stood right in front of me her gaze captivating. What was she doing here? I couldn't stop looking at her, my mind wasn't on the music, it was being taken over, by her. Yet my hands were still strumming, still playing that song like my life depended on it.

I took a second to take her in, my eyes softened as I saw her wearing my jacket. She was breathtaking. She looked even better wearing something that was mine. I felt the need to get closer to her, kiss her. What was I thinking? I couldn't be thinking that way. Especially about her. She was the daughter of my enemy, yet I find myself not being able to take my eyes of her and she didn't take her eyes off me. The room felt empty, the noises muffled, dissolving into nothingness. Just the two of us looking back at each other, a blistering flame developing inside of us, but it was short lived.

As the song finished, I was brought back to reality, my eyes now focused on the red thong thrown at my face. I laughed it off, flashing a bright smile and a wink to the crowd. I thank God for the girl who threw that thong in my face... otherwise I would've dropped everything I was doing, going up to her and taking her right there, infront of everyone, with no shame whatsoever, just like I once thought at the masquerade ball.

"Tom, Are you alright?" Bill walks up to me. I stared at him for a moment. "Yeah.. I just lost focus, sorry." Bill was confused at first, until he saw my eyes shift back to her. He smirked. "I now understand what had you so captivated." He said. I looked back at him, "she's nothing. Like I said." Yet I was lying to myself, because that whole night, my eyes never left hers.

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