Chapter 14

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"Moonlight. You call me that and yet I don't know what it means"

"what do you think it means" he said to me, waiting for my answer.

"Well, I know my name translates to moon."

"Creative. But not quiet. You've  grown up in a cruel world, yet your heart shines bright. When I look at you, I'm reminded that you're too beautiful for this world, my world. And yet this world is apart of you and has lit a deep fire within you. That's why you're my moonlight, Luna. You shine in a world of darkness. Like the moon shines under a dark sky."

Toms hand's gently skim along my skin. Heat tainting the color of my cheeks and my heart skips a beat in my chest. I wanted him. But the thought scares me enough to make me back down and advert my gaze, letting the heat between us dissipate. Suddenly, a sense of delirium washed over me. "Hey, are you okay?" Tom holds me, helping me get back to balance. "No. My head is spinning and I feel.. weak" Tom holds me tighter. My head now on his shoulders. "I'm so.. tired." I reply back. "Just stay awake" he says, his voice softening.

"You asked me if I was afraid of you.. please don't break me." I said. The alcohol was quickly wearing off, but my heart was hung heavy in my chest. And I was emotionally exhausted by all the torment. Leaning into Toms arms made me feel some sort of security.


"I'll take care of you... Tonight" I said to her. The sheer trust and vulnerability in her voice makes something break in me. She's already too close. If she gets too close, I'll hurt her. How can she trust a man like me? How can she look at me with so much vulnerability? And yet falling asleep in my arms. I don't like it. I don't like the proximity. I don't like that she's needy of me. I don't like that she puts herself in that position. What was she thinking? What if I wasn't here? Reckless girl.

And worse, what am I doing? She's the enemy and yet I find myself saving her. Her blood is tarnished by cruelty and yet here I am. She's reckless, but I was stupid. So fucking stupid. "Don't get too comfortable" I say, picking her up and walking her to the car. I was going to take her home.

On the way to the house, she began to wake up, clutching on to me. Her scent, her beautiful sweet scent. Its driving me insane. I don't want her. I don't want to marry her, but hell I couldn't give her away. How twisted was that? This girl, temptress, woman I don't care about. She is cursing me.

When we arrived to my house I led her upstairs. "You need to shower, first door on your right. And I'll put together a cure for that headache while you're in the shower." "You know, now THAT I'm REALLY looking at youu, you're supper handsomeeeee" she says to me, clearly still drunk. "Take me to your shower! I wanna swimmm" she says, excitement all over her face. What was I doing? I thought I'd be at peace knowing I wouldn't see her for a couple weeks due to concerts and interviews quickly approaching. But yet Again, I was wrong when I heard bangs in the bathroom.

I walk towards the bathroom, opening the door to see the damage already done, not that I needed a reason it was my house anyway. "I'm still a bit woozy.. my head is throbbing" Luna says to me, holding her hand up to her eyes. Avoiding the light. "You don't drink much do you" I say to her, Analyzing her for a moment. "Other than the occasional glass of wine or champagne at dinners... no." She says to me, a bit embarrassed. "Taking a cold shower and rest should help sober you up." I replied, walking towards the shower. "No. I want to sleep" she replied.

That's it. That woman was going to be the destruction of both of us. "And I want you gone from my life but I guess we can't get what we want." I say, rolling my eyes at her. She was the worst decision I made and I was paying the price for it. She looks down at the floor before saying, "Then you should have left me there." I stared at her for a moment before saying, "I couldn't and now that's the problem. Now shower." "I don't want you to see me." I stared at her for a moment. "See you?" "Yeah.. like naked. No man has ever seen me-"

I don't think twice and like an idiot, I take her into my arms and put the both of us in the shower, fully clothed. The water was cold, and her reaction was to grip me, hugging me tightly. She shouldn't do that. I shouldn't allow her to do that. I shouldn't be comforting her. This scenario is so wrong. She keeps on clutching me. Her whole body trembling. I wanted to turn up the heat. But she needed to stay awake. That's why I don't drink, I had a clean lifestyle. I don't handle weakness. "Tom.. I'm cold" her doe eyes rise to mine like that would work. Nope. I got more Strength than that. So what did I do? I turned up the heat like an idiot.

"Why are you always so serious, you never smile." She says to me, staring into my eyes. "You shouldn't ask questions you don't want the answers for." "I've never taken a shower with someone.. nor be that close with a man." And you never will be. Because I won't touch you and because I'm selfish, no one else will either.

Her hands wander on the muscles tensing on my body, as I hold her to keep her steady, clutching our bodies closer. Stop touching me. Stop pretending you are... good, that you aren't his daughter. "I'm sorry" Luna says to me sighing. "How are you feeling?" I say to her. "Terrible" Our eyes connect intensely, and all I could read in her is... distress. Innocence.

Each cell of my body screams to kiss her, to make her forget her torment. But if I do, I'll tear us apart. "You need to drink water, I've got a tea ready." We come out of the shower as I hand her a robe. Can you do this?


I watch him get changed. The waterdrops are dripping on his sculpted body, and I bite my lower lip. He's taller than any other man l've met. He carries his body like a weapon. He's built like a predator with a herculean strength. A merciless king that will make anyone bow to him. And I.. shouldn't be attracted to him. But then, I notice the scars he hides with his tattoos. My body tenses understanding that... Tom isn't a good man. He must have a somber history. A story I'll never know. "Either you're aroused or scared by me, I can't tell" Tom says to me, his eyes trying to read me. "Perhaps I'm both." I replied back. He stared at me, almost shocked by my answer. "You need to get changed, moonlight. We don't have all night." "Can you help me with my dress?"


A man has so much willingness. She turns around, pulling her hair to her shoulder while I help her with her zipper, pulling it down. I swallow, hiding how much her soft skin, her scent, the goosebumps she gets on her skin when I touch her makes me crave for her. I brush my fingers to her nape and the length of her arms. Stop. I needed to stop, I could feel myself getting closer to her. Giving into her. I back away. "Thank you" she says. I stared at her, but not her eyes. Her lips. "Can you please turn around?" I did. But what she didn't know was the window Infront of me was mirroring the whole scene. Did I watch? At first. I didn't want her to fall. Plus, underwear is like a bikini. No. Not at all. Once her dress fell on the floor, and I noticed her underwear, I drifted my gaze away. Not for being polite, no. Because if I see her, I won't be able to stop myself from claiming her right here.

Then I noticed her almost trip on her dress as she was reaching over for the robe. "Fuck" she says. She almost falls, but I turn around and catch her. And that's when I see her. Beautiful. Too beautiful for her own good. A walking dream. A Goddess. My goddess. As if she was created to destroy me or to be my own paradise. "Sorry" she says to me. "You should cover yourself." Please. Do it now. Before I kiss you. Before I'll make you mine. Because I'll trap you with me.

Weakness, my mind whispers. She's becoming my weakness. She makes me a weak man with primal needs. For the first time, I don't just want someone. I need someone. Her. "Ouch that hurts" "hurts?" I said back. "Is it so hard to look at me?" She says. My heart feels heavy. Was she insecure? "Looking at you is the most difficult thing in the world, Luna. You're the most beautiful woman l've met, and that's my problem. Every time I look at you I have to stop myself from ripping off your clothes." She stares at me, almost shocked. This was the first time I had said my thoughts out loud. Did I mess up?

"But anyway. Follow me and I'll give you what you need."

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