Chapter 21

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I felt a hot radiance, radiating off of him, almost like a lion waiting to attack his prey. His eyes on me until a bright red thong clouds his vision. He laughs, flashing a wicked smile as he winked to the crowd. I felt thankful for whoever the person was that threw the thong, I took a deep breath replenishing myself with the oxygen lost from the intense eye contact we shared.

Toms eyes never left me that whole night. Heat rose in my cheeks as I imagined the more scandalous things I could be doing in bed with this beautiful man. And As if he could read my mind, he winked at me. My heart dropped to my stomach after realization hit me. I was thinking about being in bed with a soulless god. I Look over to Scarlett, her eyes on Georg, her eyes sparkling. She must have liked him more than I had thought.

That's when the next song came on. Bill's beautiful siren voice singing, Georg strumming the bass, Gustav's perfect hits, hitting each beat on time. And him. a Rude yet pure amplified sound of the strings leaving a dark, Radiant sound. The electric guitar was fitting for him, like it was made for him. Made for a man like him. He sings alongside Bill, for the first time, I could see, feel true, raw emotion. Bill sang his heart out like it was the last song he was ever going to sing. Tom strumming on, like his life depended on it, his face left with so much expression, emotion. It was the first time I saw the other side of him.

My breath, taken away yet again, my heart beating out of my chest, I was in love. The song was fitting. I fallen at the feet of a Man who I pledged, I would make his life miserable. Yet here I was at his concert, watching him play. A true pain of love. I now understood why so many girls came their concerts. All four of them, Bills voice, Gustav's drumming, Georg and Toms playing, it was not justified. The emotion of their music did not justify them through a simple recording, no. Not at all, there was a big difference between, live music and recordings.

Tom, began to to walk Towards the opposite side of the stage, playing alongside Georg, suddenly everything went quite and then it was just him,
Georg and Gustav. He looks at me, his eyes piercing into my soul. A Trio breaks out between the three of them. And that's when he began, this wickedly handsome man begins to play, his eyes not off mine, his tongue playing with his lip piercing as he looks at me, playing. His Veins now more visible under the bright light. His gaze making me feel like the only person in this room with him. Was I starting to fall for him?


As we kept playing I noticed Lunas eyes wander off, trying not to make eye contact, her flustered composer visible. Was I making her feel some type of way? I thought to myself smirking. Her eyes didn't dare leave mine and as I continued to stare into hers, I could see her cheeks heat up, biting her lower lip. She was turned on. I liked it. It was cute seeing her try to fix her composure but quickly dissolving the more I looked at her. So what did I do? I winked at her, teasing her. She noticed and looks away, looking over to a familiar face. Scarlett. This had to be her doing, and yet I wasn't surprised. Scarlett was rebellious and never listened to anyone, 'No' wasn't a word in her vocabulary. As Luna looks at her she quickly realizes that Scarlett herself had laid eyes on Georg.

Predictable if you ask me, she looked at Georg with sparkling eyes. And knowing Georg, he noticed and he's playing along with her antics. Sometimes I had to feel bad for buddy in the back, Gustav. He wasn't like us, he kept a more reserved lifestyle and now that I thought about it, I wasn't really sure what he was up to, he was probably married for all I'd know and he just didn't tell any of us. The four of us together were the perfect Ratio. We had Bill, the ladies and gentleman's man. A heart breaker, but the nice type of heart breaker. He isn't as ruthless as I was at least, he was the good in my evil world until her. And Georg was much like me.

Georg wasn't as explosive as I was, he was the behind the scenes type of man. He's fine until you've pushed the wrong button. He's cold, sure but wasn't destructive not unless he had to resort to such a way. He held a clearer head out of the rest of us. The brains behind the band, as you will. Bill was the face, and for the most part the lyricist with the occasional collaboration of me. And Gustav... he was just... Gustav? I should really put more of an effort into him. I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes. 

After the concert ended we made our way to the practice room backstage. There, the four of us sat down to drink water, eat snacks. Most importantly chill. After the intensity of the crowd.


After the concert ended, Tom and the rest of guys went backstage. I was shocked, scratch that. Shocked didn't even describe everything I witnessed. I was feeling so many different emotions at once. "That.. was amazing." Scarlett said to me, her eyes sparkling. "Yeah... it really was" I replied back, shock present in my tone. "Well what are we doing standing here? LETS GO FOLLOW THEM!" "Are you insane? We're not about to follow them. I'm sure they don't even wanna see us." "Oh boo hoo, with the eye sex you and Tom were having, I'm pretty sure we're passed that" Scarlett says to me, rolling her eyes. I look at her like it was a bad idea. "Idk Scarlett, Let's play it safe!" "Oh please, have some balls Luna! Cmon it'll just be a little!" She runs off before I could even say anything back to her.

"Scarlett! Come back here!" I say, chasing her backstage. "Shhh they're right there" We peeked through the door to find all four of them sitting down on a couch, drinking water. "Guys, I'm beat. I think I'm going to need a hot tea for my voice. After todays concert, I think a break is much needed." Bill says "yeah I think I'm developing carpal tunnel" Gustav adds. "Make sure to stretch your hands and writs Gustav." Georg added. "Ummm excuse me? What about me? I just said my voice hurts" "bill you always say that after a concert. Stop being dramatic" Tom says rolling his eyes at Bill. "Touché, but why don't you tell us about what kept you so distracted tonight?" Bill chuckles. "Shut up bill" Tom said to him. "Oh yeah I saw Luna and Scarlett. I think Scarlett has a thing for you Georg." "Why wouldn't she, have you seen me?" Scarlett's looks at him glaring as if she wanted to send a bullet to his head. "Oh I'm gonna show this mother fuc-" I stop Scarlett from walking through the door, "Scarlett! We're gonna get seen!" She looks at me for a moment before relaxing her body. "You're right. I don't got time for this. Let's go."

As we make our way back, she trips on a cord. "FUCK!" She cries out. "What was that?" Bill said. Me and Scarlett look at each other. "Oh no..." we said at the same time.

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