Chapter 6

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He stares over me as if he was claiming his prize, Fear reaches over to me, Tom wasn't your ideal beauty type. He doesn't have the beauty of a model, no. He is all man. All power.

We arrive at the party. "Remember to play your role as fiancé. Otherwise the media won't buy it." "I shouldn't have to act any way towards you!" I shout back. "Don't forget who gave you away. You belong to me now." He says, this time with pride in his voice. "You'll never have me, not my body, my soul or my heart" I say back with disgust filling my tongue. He looks at me with his hand placed under his chin. "You know you should never tell someone he cannot have something" I roll my eyes as I stared out the window. He gets out of the car and opens the door for me with his hand out. I push away his hand and stare deep into his eyes, not breaking eye contact. He glared at me but then, smirks and gestures his hand towards where we were to be walking.

We go up a couple of stairs before getting flashed with cameras, he really was this famous. He doesn't look towards the cameras and guides me to a table, there I see 3 men, one of them looked like Tom, except his style was a lot different than him and another had shoulder length, pin straight brown hair, and the last one had blonde hair and fair skin. The guy who appeared like Tom waves and comes to greet Tom, instantly Tom didn't look the same, he didn't have that icy cold demeanor anymore, he seemed... normal. His smile looked genuine and the hug sincere. Why was this?

"You must be Luna! I'm Bill, Toms twin brother"
"Nice to meet you" I replied with a gentle smile, he smiles back at me with a bright smile. For Tom and Bill being Twins, these two were different. One was solar and the other rough as a rock. "This is Georg, the brunette and Gustav, the blondie" "shut up Bill" Gustav says, annoyed. Georg didn't say anything to me he just nodded.
"P.S Luna, that color choice was amazing, It's Tom's favorite color" Bill says, Wendy's words came back to me. "Thank you!" I replied.

As the party was going I noticed Tom had disappeared. All was fine with me, I didn't want to be near him anyway, I find my way to a bar. "Hello Miss what will it be tonight" the bartender asked. "Whiskey sour on the rocks" I reply. As I'm waiting for my drink a Tall 6 foot man stood beside me, his eyes as blue as the ocean, his skin dark, and a smile that could undress you if you kept looking. "I've never seen you before, Do I know you? I could've remembered a face like yours." He was charming. "No, no I'm here by myse-"I'm here with my fiancé!" I said, almost forgetting about my engagement. He chuckles, "Too bad, I would've invited you to a drink" "who says you still can't do that" I respond, I may have been engaged but Tom disappeared on me and a free drink is a free drink in my book! "Ahh well okay then" he says smiling at me. Just then he reaches his hand out to mine and rubs his thumb against my hand. "You're too gorgeous to be left alone, why don't w-"

suddenly a loud roar comes from behind us. It was Tom, he was infuriated, I felt my heart drop to my stomach as he was approaching us, his glare piercing through me. Get your damn hand off of her Roman."

Roman? Who was Roman and why was Tom so upset? "I won't repeat myself twice crimson" he said as he grabbed him by the collar and pushed him against the bar table, glasses shattering. "Now now Tiger" Roman replies "I didn't know she was yours." "Of course you wouldn't you fucking bastard" Tom replies, fuming with anger. "You wouldn't like to cause a scene right now would you Tom, I'm sure everyone here wouldn't want that" Roman says, clearly enjoying Toms anger. Tom releases him "Don't flatter yourself, I think you're weak" Tom said before grabbing me by the arm. "We're leaving Luna"

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