Chapter 18

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I ask myself. Was I ready for what was about to happen? A part of me wants to say yes. But in reality, I wasn't ready. I wasn't ready at all.

Speeding down the highway, the warm breeze was blowing straight in my direction, You would've thought I looked like those girls in the movies with her hair blowing in every perfect direction. But no, that wasn't the case. "Scarlett, maybe we should slow down. I'm kind of choking on my hair from it being blown to my mouth." "It's not my fault the guy I knocked out drives a convertible." She said. "Im pretty sure it is. You picked it after all?" She looked at me for a second before turning her eyes back on the road. "What? It was pretty." "Oh what a great excuse!" I said to her in a tone of sarcasm. "Why don't we listen to some music?" She says, clearly wanting to avoid the situation."Sure why not." I replied. She looked at me, smirking.

"Why don't we play my favorite song. I think you'll love it." She goes through her phone before turning up the song. After a couple seconds, the song begins. Intense strumming of an electric guitar opens the song, creating an incredible ambiance, followed by the hits of a drum. it was electrifying, but I wasn't prepared by the incredible voice that followed. A siren. It's all I could think that could describe how captivating the song was, like a siren singing to fisherman, luring them.

"I've got othaaa plans todayyy, don't need permission anywayz! 'Cause here we're standing after allll with ma back against da walllll, AGAINST THE WALLLLLLLLLLLLL" Scarlett sang along to the song. Her voice did no justice for the song... for the singer. "Who sings that song?" Scarlett turns to me a bright smile displayed on her face, almost like she was waiting for me to ask her.

"None other than your future husband, and his band." She said, a mischievous smile beginning to appear on her face. I was puzzled? "That's them?... wow." "Yup sure is. You know that electric guitar in the opening of the song was Tom right?" That was right. Tom was the guitarist. He had talent, no. More than that. He was gifted. "I'm... speechless." No words. I had none. "You know you're starting to sound like one of their groupies." She laughed. "WAIT WAIT! Here's the best part!" She said as she turned up the volume all the way. "YOU AREEEEEEE LIKE A BITTER PILL THAT I HAVE TO TAKEEEEEEE!!! AGAINST MY WILL!!!!!" I laughed, wonder who came up with that lyric I thought to myself, rolling my eyes. On the other hand Scarlett sang her heart out. For her claiming that the band themselves weren't all that, she sure sounded like a fan girl herself. Especially after the comment she made about George, maybe I could play Cupid, I thought to myself. A smile forming on my lips.


After 30 minutes or so we arrived at a landing strip. an all black jet stood before us, a small staircase laid out and two flight attendants awaited us. One holding a tray of champagne, another, a tray with snacks. "Hello Margo, Maximus. Good to see you both again" Scarlett said to them. "The pleasure is ours Miss. May we interest you in some drinks and snacks?" "No need to ask Maximus, of course!" Scarlett said to him as she walked up the staircase, entering the jet, the flight attendants follow.

"Get comfortable Luna, we'll be here for a bit. Roughly 5 hours." "I think... I'll take a nap." I replied to her. "Sure. When we arrive to New York it'll be 7. Concert starts at 10. So we're definitely going shopping." I smiled at her. "I wouldn't expect any less from you." I said before lying down.

"Time is 6:55pm! the weather is 46 degrees Fahrenheit with a low of 15. Welcome to New York." The pilot said Over the intercom. "46? That's freezing!" Scarlett whines. I laughed, "well it is December" "it's not even that cold in Italy! But, I hope the malls around here have nice clothes. We're going to like H.O.T!" Scarlett squeals in excitement. I let her have her moment. After all, she did all of this for me. Deep down. Or maybe she did it to see George. I rolled my eyes. "Come Luna, a driver will take us to the nearest mall."

Once we arrived at the mall, Scarlett jumps in excitement, like a little girl who entered a candy store. Sometimes it felt like she was a little girl, but after stores on stores and shoe departments on shoe departments Scarlett set her eyes on a dress. A red silk dress with lace, a sophisticated white fur coat and white tights, followed by black heels with a red bow. Her whole outfit screamed vampire, mafia princess. A badass.

"Well Luna, I've found my outfit! What about you?" Realization hit me when I realized that I did not look at all for any dresses that I would be wearing to the concert. I was too busy 'rating' Scarlett's outfits that I had completely forgot about my own. "Oh, I forgot to look..." I said, slightly embarrassed with myself. Scarlett sighs laying her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry princess, you won't leave this place until we've found the dress fit for you." Her smile reassuring.

We looked at every single clothing department in the mall before I laid my eyes on a dress. It was a black mini dress, it was simple. But I liked it. A lot. Scarlett wasn't too excited about it. "It needs a little something...." She thought for a moment, "Aha! I know just the thing. Grab some shoes and let's go. We're going to their hotel.

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