Chapter 51

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I went back home after a few hours. I was still kind of upset with Tom's behavior and the words he had spoken. But spending time with the members made my mood go up again. I realized more and more what amazing people they were.

I had forgotten my house key and decided I'd go in through the back. I checked the window to see if anyone was in the kitchen and I found Tom's aunt... again? I almost knocked on the window to get her to open the door for me but seconds before I knocked, I found her dropping a pill inside the water, it wasn't dissolving right away but I was able to get a good picture of what the pill looked like. What did she just do..?

I knocked on the window, startling her.

"Luna! Maybe say something next time." How was I supposed to do that if I was outside? She opens the door. "Sorry. I didn't mean to scare you."

She looked at me coldly. "Well, you did." Her arms crossing as she spoke her words.

"Where's Tom?" I ask.

"Do you need anything?" He says, walking into the kitchen, he was obviously still upset..we stared at each other for what felt like forever, until I broke our silence. "No. Goodnight Ms. Kaulitz." I say, turning to her and leaving the kitchen.. or so they thought. I decided to stay near the staircase, hiding my presence and listening in on their conversation.

"How long do you two intend on living together?" Ms. Kaulitz asks.


"Tom, maybe it's better for the both of you to go separate ways. It often complicates matters and you're well aware of the fact that with your personal hobbies, she isn't fit, she's weak. Like your mother was." What did she mean? I wasn't able to see Toms reaction but by the silence, I'm assuming he gave her one of his famous icy cold glares.

"Anyway! You should drink something."


"Well you're a hardworking man, you can't forget to hydrate and take care of yourself."

"I suppose." He says, I could hear Ms. Kaulitz approaching the kitchen grabbing the glass of water, bringing it up to him. I moved to see clearly what exactly was going on, he now had the glass of water in his hands. Time to make my move.

I immediately run up to Tom, seconds before he drank the glass of water and snatched it.

"I'm thirsty." I say, bringing the glass up to my lips.

"NO!" She shouts.

"Something wrong?"

" that's just...Tom's water."

"Oh... then I should get him a new one, my lips already touched the rim."

"What's going on?" Tom says to his aunt as I walk into the kitchen. I examined the glass of water, finding little pieces of the tablet in the water. "I knew it!" But after some more careful examination I realized the pill was the same one as the ones in Tom's room... antidepressants, known to cause horrible mood swings... and able to overdose with these... if Tom was already taking the pill and taking more of it the same day, there was a high chance of an accidental overdose.

I could feel my heart drop to my stomach... this woman...

"Say one word and I'll ruin you." I turn around and find Ms. Kaulitz, her tone and eyes just like Tom's when he's upset.

"What are you trying to do to him?!"

"That's none of your business."

"It is when you're hurting Tom!"

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