Chapter 30

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"You're a fan?!" One of them asks.


"Oh.. which fan club do you belong to?" Another one asks.

"Which?! Uhm.. I still haven't entered one."

"WHAT!" All four of them shout.

"Girl. You must be so lonely!" They approach me, one by one hugging me.

"Here" they handed me a blacked out card with silver letters, reading:

'TOM'S FANCLUB CALL: xxx-xxx-xxx'

"this is our card. We would gladly take you in!

"Thank you..." I replied.

"Well? Is this where he lives?" One of them asks.

"Well, I thought he was living here but turns out he's not."

"This is not his home?! Then why are you here?"

"Oh....well you see the house numbers are completely different, I came here to find out if I was right or wrong."

One of them sighs. "But we analyzed all the pictures and fancams!!"

"I guess it was a trap." I shrugged. "I heard his house is somewhere far far away from
here. His management just wanted to make us believe it's here."

"Shit! I was really hoping to take a picture of him" one of them says, angry.

"We're gonna find him, suzy. Thanks for telling us."

"Of course."

"We'll be leaving then. You can reach us by calling the number on the card."

"Sounds good." We wave each other goodbye.

"Why do I do this to myself?" I say, making my way up the steps to the house. When I entered, I was greeted by all four of them, Tom, Bill, Georg and Gustav, all with a glass of some sort of alcohol.

"LUNA!" Bill exclaims. "Long time no see!! Kinda heart broken I wasn't invited to that party."

"Stop saying that you dumbass. We were at a concert." Georg says as he rolls his eyes at bill.

"STILL!" He shouts.

Tom stares at me. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing." I replied back with.

"She should have a drink with us!" Bill announces. "C'mon drink!"

"You're such a bad influence dude." Gustav says to Bill.

"Thanks guys but I'm pretty tired.. I'll go to my room. But have fun." I walk past them and make my way upstairs. I could feel Toms eyes on me the whole way there.

                             -TOMS POV-

I could sense something was wrong with her. "Leave." I tell the guys.

"Huh?" Gustav asks, his eyes glued on his phone.

"I said leave."

"Why?!" Bill looks at me weirdly.

"Just get the fuck out!"

"Geez... wonder who shit in his food....." I glared at Bill. He starts sprinting out the door and Georg and Gustav get up and walk out.

As I made my way to the stairs, I found a card. "Tom's fanclub huh" I smiled and continued my way up the stairs. I went to her room and knocked on the door.

"Yes?" Luna says. I walk in.

"Tell me, what's up."

"What are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb, moonlight. You look like someone stole your favorite purse."

"Like I said, I'm tired. I had a long night and dancing with creepy old men isn't my thing."

I didn't buy it. She didn't look like she came back from dancing. She looked too Intact, her makeup wasn't smeared and her hair wasn't frizzy from all the sweat and humidity inside a club. I walk towards her, backing her into a wall.

"W-what?" She says, choking on her words.

"You're such a bad liar, moonlight."

"I'm not lying I'm-"

I caress her face, trailing my fingers to her lips. "Then look me in the eyes and say it again."

A tear drop runs from her eyes. I pull back in shock, "Luna you're-" she hugs me, "don't... don't look at me.. please." I look down at her.


"Who did this to you?" His voice deeper and lower than usual. Toms eyes were tender, filled with concern for me. "Tell me." It was a command. "I can' about it now..." I said.


"just hold me... please."

He sighs. "As long as I'm here, no one can hurt you."


No matter how much I tried to fall asleep. My brain couldn't stop playing tonight's scene in my head. Those three guys. Trying to kill me. I had felt so helpless. So small. If Roman hadn't shown up, it could've ended very...bad. I knew I was safe now. But the scene still didn't stop from looping inside my mind. Over and over again. I got up from bed and made my way to Tom's room and knocked on his door.



"What are you doing here?"

"I can't sleep..."

we look at each other for a moment, awkward tension beginning to build up.

"Do you wanna sleep in my bed?"

"If you don't mind..." As emotionally rattled, I was feeling right now.. I soon realized that going to Tom's room was maybe not the smartest idea. The weird sexual tension between us was still lingering in the air. I didn't like admitting it to myself, but Tom's presence had this certain effect on me. The more time we spend together the bigger it grew. It's true that I didn't wanna be alone in this moment. But in the past, I'd never tried to seek someone else's comfort when feeling down. But now I was doing exactly that. Why was just seeing his face making me feel more at ease? Why did this guy have such an effect on my feelings?

It utterly confused me. But now it was too late. I already made my decision. He shifts to the side. And now I was walking into the lion's den. Very well aware of the fact that I was its prey and about to be devoured.

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