Chapter 4

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I walk into a building I'm very familiar with, the building of the man himself, Alfred Lancaster. Alfred was what you could say a "corrupt business man" he was an advocate for criminals, created numerous amounts of Tax fraud but above all, a Liar. I don't like Liars, Liars have to be punished.


"Mr. Kaulitz! W-welcome... to what do I owe this pleasure..?" He said, obviously worried. "You know what I'm here for, don't be surprised." I said, I could see the obvious worry go through Alfred's face. He knew what was coming.

"Ehm... you see-"

"Cut the bullshit Alfred, either you give me my damn money or your life ends tonight. The only reason why this business is here today is because I'm the one who helped you when you already owed a lot of fucking money. You just like making the same mistakes huh." I said, I was angry. The man obviously doesn't show respect for anyone. "Listen Tom... I don't have the money.. j-just give me a couple of days to make some calls.." calls? Did this man really just say calls? He's already in enough debt with the wrong people, and he's just going into more debt? "No more Time for calls Alfred" I said as I cocked the gun I had under the waistband of my pants and point it right at his head. His life was going to pay for all his debt.

"Wait!" He yells, sweat running down the side of his forehead. "I hear you're in need of a wife." It was true. I needed a wife, not for love, I'm not in need of love. Love is a waste of time. I needed a wife temporarily, something to get the media off my back and to get the groupies to stop. Strictly for business. Nothing more.... Or so I thought.

"What are you offering me Alfred" I demand. I was already tired of his bullshit but I was intrigued by what he had to offer me. "My daughter.. Luna she isn't married, and she's beautiful, my prized possession!" Hm.. it seemed like the corrupt business man had someone he held important to him and yet he's willing to give it away all for a company. Stupid man, he'd rather give away his own blood.

"Alright Alfred, I'll take part in this deal. But don't forget you still owe a debt. It's only the beginning, I'll take everything you own and I'll make you break inside."

Alfred makes a call, I'm assuming to his daughter so I settle down in a chair in the corner of the room waiting.


After 20 minutes or so I hear the door open. There she is, Luna Lancaster. She wasn't as bad as I thought she'd be. Her curves were perfectly hugging the black dress she was wearing, she had beautiful long brown hair. She was beautiful. But beauty means nothing when you're with a beast.

"Why you" she says asking why it was she had to be married to a man like me. "Your father owes me a lot of money moonlight" I said.

She doesn't know what she's gotten into. Im going to ruin her.

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