Chapter 19

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"Wait? What?" I replied to Scarlett. "He had a black leather jacket on him before he left for New York. It'll go perfect with this outfit. Now let's go." What was she thinking? Did she wish for my death sentence? I stood there, contemplating on what to do. "Oh cmon Luna, it's not a big deal. He'll be your husband after all." That was the issue. I didn't want to be with a monster. Not him. "I'm not sure about this..." "don't worry. It'll be alright."


After some convincing, we arrived at their hotel. "How do you even know this is it?" "Social media? Duh? They can escape a lot of things but they can never escape the Paparazzi. Stay here, I'll get you the jacket. But just in case... be ready to drive off." She was up to no good. First the last minute trip to New York. Now we're at Tom's hotel stealing his jacket because miss perfectionist here just had to make me wear a leather jacket. Not just any leather jacket. Toms leather jacket.

I decided I'd preoccupy my brain in the meantime, but nothing seemed to work. I get on social media; he's there. I get on the news, he's there. He's everywhere! "Heart throbs Bill and Tom kaulitz to be appearing in New York!" "Bill Kaulitz found with another mystery woman 3 times this week!" Of course Bill, the man whore would be out with different people. I giggled, I couldn't blame him, he was handsome and he had both genders at his feet. I continue reading the article before I hear a loud bang in the window. It was Scarlett pleading with me to open the door. "Ughhh, what a drag. Do you know how hard it is to get into their rooms. Geez, there's a line of girls of all ages lining up to their doors!" "I wouldn't be surprised. Tom and bill are considered 'heartthrobs' I replied to her. "hmm... good point. But on a good note, I brought you the jacket!!!" A face of accomplishment displayed on her.

She handed me the jacket, it was carefully worn. Toms woody smell lingered. I recognized his smell. But this was different. I had his smell closer this time. It intoxicated me, I felt I was being put into a trance. But I had to focus. He is dangerous. A dangerous person I should not be feeling some type of way for.

Scarlett drives off to the venue. As we drove I noticed all types of intricate lights, buildings, skyscrapers. And as we got closer to the venue, flashes of lights of different colors and directions lit up. I finally understood the concept of New York being named the city that never sleeps. It truly never did. Anywhere you looked, any corner there was some sort of light, club, get together. It was magical.

Once we arrived, Scarlett didn't go through the normal entrance. "What are you doing? Im pretty sure the entrance was behind us." I said to her, She doesn't take her eyes off the road. "I never bought tickets, so we'll be entering a different way. Backstage." "What! What if we get caught? There's no way we'll be allowed to enter." "Cool out! We won't get caught. We'll just have to be creative." Scarlett parked the car a couple houses down the venue. We begin to make our way.

As we get closer, we spotted two guards standing Infront of the back door. "What now?" I said to her, there was no way we would have been able to get passed them. They were huge, scary men. "Pretend you're lost and make him help you find your way back to the car, I'll take care of the rest. Once you hear me say NOW make a run for the back door." "Got it." Our plan was set.

I walked towards the guard with the heavy set of keys in the pockets of his pants. "Excuse me sir... I'm lost and I can't find my car? Do you mind helping me?" "Look lady I can't help you right now, I'm on the job." "It'll only take a few minutes! I just need to find my car and I'll be out of your hair!" He was bald.... "Um I mean.." he looked at the guard beside him, the guard nodded. "Okay, I'll help you."

I took him far enough to a back alley where Scarlett walked passed us, snatching the keys from his pants. After she reached the end of the alley, I heard her say, "NOW" I pushed the man into the corner of the alley and make a run for it. Scarlett runs towards the guard at the door and punches him in the face, causing him to lose his balance. She unlocked the door and closes it shut behind us, grabbing a broom and keeping it between the door handles to avoid the guards catching us. "You sure have a thing with punching people." I said to her.

"You think so? I haven't noticed" she smirked.

As we searched for a place in the crowd to hide from the guards, me and Scarlett found ourselves in a fan frenzy. "I can't wait to see him" a girl said "we have to take so many pictures!" Her friend added. "But what if he's gonna make eye contact with me?" "I'll make sure to take all the pictures!" "I hope all the other girls here won't get too jealous though. I mean it's gotta be hard to accept that Tom belongs to me and only me." "Probably.. But I'm sure if anyone tries to do something, he's gonna be there to protect you."
"I know. Thanks for supporting our relationship so much. It's so hard to keep friendships when your boyfriend is THE Tom Kaulitz." "Of course, baby!"

"So delusional..." Scarlett says, her face filled with disgust. "Yes..." I replied. "I mean she's so gonna try to snatch him away the second her friend only blinks. Not that I blame her. I would too." Scarlett smiles, what was that supposed to mean?

"These girls are craz-" suddenly a group of girls surround us " Omg! Tom, the guitarist! He's sex on legs! But all four of them are the most beautiful men you'll ever see in your life!" "Imagine being this talented and good looking"   "They can't go anywhere else, they're stuck with us in this room!!" "I KNOW I'M GONNA FREAK OUT!!" "We gotta make as much use of the situation as possible." 5 girls all nodded in agreement.

I looked at them funny. Yes, the band sounded good. But what was the big deal? I wouldn't spend money to see them play the songs I could hear for free on the radio?

But boy was I wrong. Thats when they came out.. Tokio Hotel.

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