Chapter 3

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He takes me back to my apartment home to get my things, I only got what was needed as he had told me everything else would be "arranged." As I was walking out my room door I noticed Tom standing at the door smoking a cigarette. I took my time to see him. He was attractive, handsome even. But I was afraid of him.

"You know it's rude to stare right" he says smirking. My eyes widened, I wasn't aware he was able to see me. "I wasn't staring you jerk." I said, but I was definitely staring. He throws the cigarette out and walks up to me. His eyes wandering around my body, not afraid to appreciate his new possession. "For the next few weeks you're going to meet a lot of people, don't embarrass me" he says. What an asshole I think my myself. Just then, he walks closer to me, his eyes wondering the length of my legs, not feeling shy to undress me, claiming me as his prey.  He takes a step closer to me, and I back away. He scoffs and walks to the car. I thought to myself. Oh God I'm in some trouble

As I make my way to the car, I noticed he left the trunk open for me, At least he was nice enough to do that, I thought to myself.


Making our way to his house I noticed the neighborhood we were entering, it was one of the most expensive neighborhoods in the area and it wasn't easy to get a house in such a place. He was more well off than I had thought. "Don't act surprised moonlight." He says, "you underestimate just how influential I am" "asshole" I say under my breath. We had just arrived to the house when he says "Get out" in a cold tone, I knew this wasn't going to be a good idea.

"When you get inside hand your bags to my maid Wendy, she'll bring them up for you." "I can handle myself just fine" I say. He looks at me for a moment, "Suit yourself" he gets out the car and heads inside.

As I walk inside the house, I noticed how well maintained it was. "At least he's clean" I thought to myself.

"Hello" I hear a small voice from behind, it startled me a bit. " I'm sorry dear! I'm Wendy. I didn't mean to scare you." She said in the sweetest voice ever. "Oh don't worry" I say, "I was just a bit startled that's all." I gave her a gentle smile to reassure her. She responds, "Let me help you with your bags!"

"Oh no need" I say, "I can carry them myself." She looks at me a bit confused but proceeds. "Well let me help you get settled in." "Sure!" I reply.

As we're walking up the staircase to the second floor I noticed a room with double doors. Wendy noticed my eyes watching the door. "That's Mr. Kaulitz's office" Wendy says, "you must not under any circumstances enter in that room unless you've been given permission by the man himself. He's very sensitive about that room." She says. I wonder to myself what could be in there?

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