Chapter 61

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Days and weeks passed... and my freedom was escaping me. Today I'll be Mrs. Kaulitz. I'll be a wife. I'll cease to exist. I'll fade away. My life will not belong to me anymore. Today is the day I'm getting caged in a lifelong sentence. My wedding seems like I'm attending my funeral. My wedding dress tainted with blood, sin. l'Il be given away from father to husband. From monster to villain. I'll be a prisoner to a castle on an Island, a lonely one. I'm alone in a fate that was never mine to choose.

"You look beautiful..." Scarlett says, helping me put on my dress, her look reassuring.

"I'm always know that right?"

"Yeah.." I reply.

"What about tonight? The honeymoon." She asks. I swallowed. Could I trust Tom? Would he even want to touch me...

"I'm not sure...who all is out there?" I ask, diverting the question. Scarlett looks down to the floor.

"A lot of people Luna.."

"I see...may, I have a moment alone?" I ask.

"Sure...I'll wait by the door." She says, walking out. I make my way to a mirror, seeing myself, I felt stunning. Yet...I'm terrified. Terrified to leave myself at the mercy of Tom. Terrified to know that on paper, I'll belong to a man who will own me until my last breath. Would I ever reach my freedom? After that night, Tom and I never spoke's been months... hopefully after this... I won't have to ever see him again.


"Thanks for being here." I say.

"Of course, we'd be here. It's your prison sentence we're celebrating." Georg says, smirking.

"Plus, being in a room full of criminals is a dream come true." Bill says, taking his phone out and taking pictures.

"I should have been at the after party of this one super hot girl, if it weren't for your wedding." Gustav says, crossing his arms.

"This is gonna be a long day. Plans change but the goal remains the same. Revenge and pain." I won her. I trapped her with me. She wasn't destined for me. And in a twisted turn of fate... I saved her and condemned myself.

"Aren't you afraid to get mixed up with their shady business?" Georg says.

"They won't act. They know who I am."

"You're not invincible, Tom. Life isn't a poker game, you can't keep bluffing your way up here."

"That's where you're wrong. Each of my scars is a reminder of the part of me left that day."

"That's why you're the scariest in our group. I've seen in an article they call you the caveman." Gustav says.

All the men in this room are the same. Criminals. Liars. Murderers in a quest for power. But I had something none of them had. No, scratch that, I have two things. First, they all want my fame, my business, my money. Second, they want my wife.

"TIl be back." I say, spotting Alfred across the room, dressed in emerald green, head to toe.

"Kaulitz." He says, his stare cold, trying to intimidate me. "Alfred. How does it feel that every man in this room yearns for your daughter to be theirs?"

He laughs."My daughter's beauty is very known indeed. A pleasure some men would like to get acquainted with closely."

"Did you forget your code? 'You can not touch the wife, nor look at her'. I advise you to keep your soldiers in rank from my wife." I say.

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