Chapter 72

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"There's absolutely no fucking way that's happening.....FUCK SCARLETT! You had one fucking job and you couldn't even do that."

"Tom, there's nothing I could have done." She says, pain in her tone.


"TOM SHES PREGNANT DAMNIT! She...she was in the bathroom..I-"

What....."what did you say?"

"Tom Luna is pregnant, with your baby"

Pregnant...Luna was....pregnant? The moment Scarlett uttered those words time stopped, I was frozen in time as the sudden realization hit me...everything was now making sense now, Luna acting weird and out of place... she had been pregnant, and yet she didn't tell me. Why? I had blamed myself for her not being able to have any children, made myself the villain for ruining her chances of ever being able to have a family...and yet, she gave me the greatest gift by carrying a child once again...and not just any but mine.

"We have to find her." I reply.


I wake up to find myself in a dark room, my mind hazy...wasn't I just in the bathroom? I remember being in the bathroom, cleaning myself up and suddenly....a pair of hands were covering my eyes widen, my senses now fully awake, I scan the area; no windows, only a small mattress on the floor with a toilet in the corner of the room...a concrete room. "Hello?!" I shout, in confusion. "Hello." A manly voice says from the ceiling, a speaker. "What's going on? Where am I? Scarlett?" I say, a rush of panic overwhelming me.

"Scarlett isn't here Luna, but don't worry I am."

"W-wha- Roman?!"

"Seems like you're catching on pretty quickly!" He says, chuckling.

"Roman..what do you want from me...please let me go."

"This all could have been avoided if you took my offer. Do you know how long it took me to plan this? how long I had to endure the pain you caused in my heart? Not everything is about you Luna!" He says in an angry tone.

"Roman, I never meant to-"

"Save your excuses for someone who actually cares. Now onto the more important part. He says, a door opening. He walks into the room, approaching me slowly. "Aren't you just stunning." He says, caressing my cheek. I looked at him with all the confidence I have left in me. "Why don't we have some fun, Luna." He says, pinning me down to the bed. His touch repulsing. "Don't touch me!" I shout, pushing him back. He stares at me for a moment, "you're right. I shouldn't touch you, not until we get rid of that nuisance." He says, looking down at my stomach. I place my hand over it.

"You won't do anything."

He stares at me. "Is that so? I think it's early enough to get rid of it." He says, tapping his finger up to the corner of his lip.

"Roman please...don't do this.." I say, my tears beginning to well in my eyes.

He smiles. "Don't cry, Luna. I'll make sure our child is well taken care of."

'Our child' the idea of Roman being the father to my child makes me feel sick. "My child. No child will ever be yours." I say, in disgust.

"I understand the idea of us being together is not on your mind. Eventually it will be, don't worry."


"We'll be staying here for a week. Until I can get us situated. You'll love the new house I have for us. I think you'll love Brazil, pretty islands, beaches and amazing culture.. as for now, you should get some rest." He says, kissing my forehead as he gets up and walks out the door.

"THEY WILL FIND ME ROMAN!" I shout. I only received a laugh, a callous laugh, fading away.

I sat on the cold floor, crying as I realized my situation. If I didn't know where I was, how could they? Will they be able to find me.....


I felt as if my heart was going to pound out of my chest. Roman had a hold of Luna, nobody knows where he is and he's smart. He had to have had this all planned out. I felt lost and so alone, I couldn't bare the idea of what he was doing to Luna, she was carrying my child and yet again, I can't be there for her like I wish I could have. The boys and I got the very first flight for Sicily Tomorrow morning. I am going to find her, I will climb mountains, travel from country to country, corner to the end of the earth to find her. I cannot lose her, not again. I promised to never leave her side and I'll make sure to fulfill that promise until my time on earth is done.

"I will find you Luna, wherever you are..."


Over the next couple of hours I found myself and the guys searching for Luna, Scarlett and her men doing the same from Sicily. We couldn't do much since we were in LA but I did my best to pinpoint certain locations of where they might've been. Scarlett and her Team searched for any traces of credit card uses under false aliases that might lead us to Roman. Georg, hacked into the database for air travel, looking for any mistakes in the systems. Bill and Gustav made calls for any sort of muscle we may need to go against Roman and his men.

Roman wasn't someone to be underestimated. He would do anything to get his way, even if he has to end a life. He probably prepared for the worst and most likely had an army of men ready at his command. The only advantage we have right now is Scarlett, roman expects her to help him leave this country and I'm assuming with her jet. We tried to track where roman might have been when he made the call to Scarlett but it was a fresh burner phone with the location of the store it was bought, and of course paid in cash. This made everything extremely difficult. At this point, the only way to find Luna is if Roman lets down his guard, just a little of it and I could find her.

I'm not a patient man, it's not a virtue of mine. I knew how to get to roman, so I contacted him.

"Tom, what a pleasant surprise."

"Cut the bullshit, you have something that belongs to me."

"Something? That's how you treat your dear wife? It seems not much changes about you, am I right?" He says chuckling.

"Roman, if you so much as touch her, I will make sure you die a very painful death, I will torture you until your body shuts down and tear you limb to limb until I've separated every single piece of your body. Don't fucking tempt me."

"Oh how scary! The thing is Tom, you can't do anything about it. Luna is mine, you'll never have her back. As for that child of yours...I'll make sure to get rid of it, I'll make sure to erase your image inside of Luna's brain. Now if you're done with your meaningless threats, don't ever call me again if you want her to stay alive." He says, hanging up.

"I'm going to kill that bastard whenever I get my hands on him!" I shout in anger. It wasn't a was a promise.

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