Chapter 47

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We arrived at one of Alfred's warehouses, we knew a big drug deal was being made with none other than Maximus De Rosa, another disgusting human being who needed to be removed off this earth. He took pleasure in kidnapping young girls and making them his sex slaves. Alfred's number one mistake was thinking he could touch Luna without any consequences. I owned her. She was mine.

The four of us were dressed in all black, they hid the blood stains better. We load our guns and make our way to the warehouse, just like Roman had his signature with Roses, I had my own, I left my victims with their eyes open, witnessing their murder as I brutally killed them. I'm a killer, and a damn good one. Killing people brings something within me, an amusement that doesn't compare to anything else in this world, I find joy in ending the lives of monsters, ironic right?

Georg and Gustav open the warehouse doors as me and bill walk in, shooting anyone in sight, especially me, there was something thrilling, exhilarating about declaring war, but I just couldn't allow Luna to see that side of me. I had a dark secret within me that I couldn't allow anyone to know, especially Luna.

"You guys take care of the rest of them, I'm going to find Maximus."

"Tom, don't lose yourself in the process." Georg shouts. His eyes filled with concern for me.

"Don't worry, I won't try to torture him too much." I say, smirking.

I went to go look for Maximus, I just wanted to borrow him for a moment, that was all. I knew he was here, probably watching from above. I take the stairs and found him. He instantly makes a run for it, shooting at me in the process.

"The least you could do is actually make a good shot." I shout, rolling my eyes. I follow him, my steps slow and precise, I could see the terror in his eyes as he turned back, shuffling to open one of the exit doors. There was something so amusing about people in a state of horror, any sort of survival Instinct disappears. I found joy in knowing I was feared, I get high of it like a drug.


"But you're here, so I guess I have to get rid of you."

"YOURE MAKING A BIG MISTAKE." Maximus says, running through the door.

"Keep running Maximus, I love playing cat and mouse." I say, shooting through the door, Maximus was in distress. "Perfect shot!" I say, I could feel something dark within me as I approached him, something sinister.

I pick him up off the ground, his leg bleeding, his eyes filled with terror, horror.

"You're going to tell me everything you know, or I'll kill your right here, and maybe I'll pay a visit to your daughter Leonor."

"Okay! Okay! A-Alfred... he plans to kill you before you marry Luna... he, he doesn't plan to
wait any longer.

Hilarious accusations made by the coward himself.

"Not if I kill him first. Sweet dreams Maximus, say hello to my father." I say, shooting him in the head, dragging his body down the stairs. I find bill, and Gustav with blood smeared all over them, and no surprise, Georg stayed clean.. as usual.

"Tom, did you have your fun." Gustav asks

"Well of course." I say, throwing Maximus on the floor, his blood starting to become a problem.

"This is disgusting, his blood is beginning to spread." Georg says, giving a disapproving look.

"Don't worry, I plan to use his blood for good use." I say, staining my hands with his blood as I open one of the trucks stacked with drugs and write "your war is on." With Maximus's blood.

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