Chapter 71

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[Next morning]

Once Scarlett and I arrived back to Sicily, we both came home extremely exhausted. The front door was opened when we arrived. "Why is the door open Scarlett...." I nervously say. "Bianca must have left it opened." Scarlett says, slowly walking into the house. We turned the lights on and everything seemed to be in order and nothing taken out of place.

"Yeah maybe you're right.." I say, my body relaxing.

"I'm going to bed now, we can talk more later." Scarlett says, wearily taking off her heels and heading upstairs to her room. "Yeah!" I reply, making my way up with her. Once I came in the room I felt an odd presence around me, something was here and it was bothering me. "you're just paranoid!" I say, reaffirming myself. I changed into a sleeping gown and went into the bathroom to wash the makeup off my face. As I was washing my face I look up and notice a shadowy figure behind me.

I quickly turn around, the shadow now gone. I paused before deciding to close the door, my thoughts trailing off to the phone call. He couldn't have known I was here? Right? I made my way to the bed. I did my best to fall asleep and forget about it.

[later that day]

I woke up extremely tired, that whole time I felt eyes on me. I knew Romans call had something to do with it...but I decided to brush it off. I went downstairs and everyone was gone. I looked around the kitchen, "Bianca! Scarlett?" I shout. There was silence for a moment.

"Over here!" Scarlett shouts from outside. I quickly went outside to find a woman in a lab coat, purple glasses and light grey hair. She was accompanied by 2 other women, they seemed to be in their late 20's.

"Hello, nice to meet you. My name is Lucia, you must be Luna?" The woman asks.

"Y-yes! You are?"

She smiles, "I'm the family doctor, I hear you're pregnant."

"Oh..! yes, I am."

"Great, why don't you take these two ladies up to your room?"

"Oh sure." I say, nervously. The two women begin to connect what looked like monitors. I stood there by the door, nervously rubbing my arm. One of the girls give me a gentle smile.

"Don't be nervous, is this your first time?"

"Yeah.." I say, giving her an awkward smile.

"Don't worry, we won't draw blood or anything, we're just going to make sure you're healthy and your baby as well."

"Yeah, doctor Lucia is good at determining how many weeks you are just by looking at you and she's never wrong!" The other says, in admiration. The Doctor now steps into the room, she gives me a warm smile. Something about her immediately calms your nerves down and makes you feel at peace.

"Why don't you lie down! we're going to only check your vitals and put you on some good prenatales. I think it's only safe to assume you're around 3 weeks pregnant. Around your 7-8 week mark, we'll check back in with you." I give her a confused look.


"Yeah...Since you're pregnant, your body will now be undergoing many changes. Taking a prenatal vitamin ensures you have all of the extra nutrients you need for your health and your baby's during pregnancy. It also supports healthy brain and spinal cord development, and it reduces the risk of neural tube defects."

"Oh...I wasn't aware." I felt slightly stupid after she explained the importance of these vitamins.

"It's okay, nobody expects a first time mom to know anything when it comes to being pregnant. That's why doctors and OBGYNS are here, to help you understand your body and health!" She says, giving me that warm smile once again.


"No problem, now why don't we check your vitals?"


The Doctor took my vitals, and made sure my body was healthy. Luckily everything was in check and order, I seemed to be perfectly fine and the doctor assured me my baby should be fine as well. After an hour she left with the two women and scheduled me for another appointment in 4 weeks. I then spent the rest of the day with Scarlett and continued my cooking lessons with Bianca.

As we all sat at the dinner table and ate, I couldn't help but think about what Roman said, his words replaying on and on in my head.

"Luna are you okay?" Scarlett asks. My eyes shift to hers.


"I don't know...maybe because you aren't eating?" Scarlett says, looking down at my food.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry I just had something on my mind."

"Remember not to stress! You're carrying a child!" Bianca says, pointing her finger at me. I give her a smile. "Yeah, let me just go upstairs for a second...I'm feeling kind of sick."


Once we got back to LA the guys and I all went to Tom's place; it was closer to the airport and had rooms for all of us. We all settled into a room. I couldn't stop thinking about Scarlett.... my heart fluttering. I find myself cheesing as I replay the scenario in my head. I couldn't sleep that whole night as I thought about her, thought about having her in my arms once again....having a family with her. I was finally able to find true love.

"Georg? Are you awake?" I hear Tom say from behind my door, softly knocking.

"Yeah, come in." I shout. Tom comes in, his eyes heavy, traumatized.

"Georg there's something seriously wrong."

"What? Whats wrong?"

"Roman is off the charts...nobody can find him..what if.." Tom says, trying to hide the panic in his tone.

"Woah...Tom, it'll be alright...let me call Scarlett...I'll ask how everything's going."
Bill enters the room confused.

"What's going on? You guys are loud as shit."

"Roman is off the radar, we can't locate him."

"Oh shit..."

"It's fine guys, I'm calling Scarlett right now."


Luna was still upstairs as Bianca, Mario and I all continued to eat dinner. My phone lights up, a message from Georg to call him. "Excuse me for a moment guys." I say, getting up and walking outside.


" everything alright over there?"

"Yeah, Why?"

"Is Luna with you?" A different voice says.

"Tom? No, she's upstair- SHIT!"

"Scarlett so help me God, you better hope she's not gone."

I hung up, running straight for Luna's bedroom, slamming the door open. "LUNA?" I quickly scan her room, her bedroom window opened. A wave of panic hits me, I was feeling scared and sick at the same time. A phone rings, it wasn't mine. I approach her bed and find her phone, an unknown number calling.

"Hello?" I say, shakily.

"Hello Scarlett, do as I say and I'll spare her life."

"W-what do you mean?"

"You're going to make sure Luna and I leave this country safely. If you can't do it, I'll kill her and you in the process. Wait until my next call." He says hanging up. "FUCK!" I shout, pacing around the room. "I need to call Tom, shit." I grab my phone and start dialing Tom.

"Scarlett? Is she safe?"

"Tom, Roman took her...he's going to kill her, unless-"

"Unless what Scarlett...UNLESS FUCKING WHAT?" He shouts through the phone, anger in his tone.

"Unless....I help them leave the country safely.."

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