Chapter 74

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"You stupid fucking bitch!" Roman shouts, his hand on the bloody eye I gave him. I tried to run but before I knew it my vision went dark.

[A couple hours later.]

I wake up, my vision blurry. Bright lights flashing in my face, I blinked and blinked to get my vision back to normal. A man stood before me, a doctor? He wore a blue face mask, gloves and a bouffant cap.

"W-what's going on." I say, getting up. Two women hold me down in place. I begin to panic, "What the hell is going on!" I shout. "I'll tell you what's going on. I'm getting rid of that nuisance in your stomach." Roman appears, a white patch on his eye. "You just love to test my limits, don't you?" He says, a sinister laugh coming out. "I will never love a man like you!" I shout as I squirm my way out of the two women holding me back. "Sedate her." He says.


Over the past hours we spent our time gathering as many men as we possibly could. With Scarlett's men and mine we had a good chance of winning this battle and getting Luna back, Scarlett had ties with many Sicilian mafia's so it wasn't too hard to team up with many of them.

"We have a solid chance at getting Roman!" Scarlett says in relief.

"True, but we have yet to know the right location."

"This could be used to our advantage..." a man says, walking in. He had tattoos down his neck and a scar across his nose, going up to his cheek. "You are?" I say, looking up to him.

"A family member of Scarlett. I go by Ace and I'd like in on this war."

"Ace?! I wasn't sure you'd actually come.."

"Why would I not help my family?" He says winking at her.

"Wait...What do you mean by 'advantage' Scarlett says, air quoting."

"I've been doing my own investigation." He says, turning to me. "Your wife Luna was recently transferred from one facility to another."

"How? How do you know?" I reply.

"De Luca is a weak man, what he lacks I have. I already have his men working for me, it's only a matter of time before I take action. I have people in with her as we speak." He says, crossing his arms.

I pause for a moment, analyzing what the man before me could possibly want in return.

"What does helping us give you?" I ask.

"It's simple really, De Luca and I have... history. I'd like to take back what's rightfully mine...and maybe I'll do more than just that." He says, his eyes filled with bloodlust.

"So what now? Are we taking action?" Bill says, walking into the room. Scarlett looks at me for a sign, signal, anything. I wasn't sure what this 'Ace' had with de Luca but if he can ensure the safety of my wife...I'll do anything.

"Let's move."

I will find her, take her back for myself and kill Roman. It's one thing to kidnap my wife, It's another when you're trying to kill my unborn child.


The doctor approaches me, a syringe needle slowly approaching me. "stop...please.." I say, pleading with them. "I can't lose this child!" I shout, and before I knew it; the two women as well as the doctor suddenly stop.

"We won't hurt you Luna." One of them say.

"Thank you" I say in relief...."Wait W-what"

The doctor chuckles. "Our objective is to make sure you leave the premises safely...We have another battle to fight one that doesn't involve you."

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