Chapter 25

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After hours of being out, walking and exploring New York, I decided it was time to go back when I noticed the sun coming up. My mind was preoccupied with what we had done yesterday.

As I found my way back to the hotel, I entered the elevator, making my way up to the floors. Once the elevator door opened I walked out and made my way to the room. I hesitate, was I ready to go in there and face her? No. But I hoped she'd be asleep and I'd be able to get my clothes and leave. We had an interview that would take place in a couple of hours, I was thankful. I couldn't bare to see her.

I open the door, she was asleep, wearing my T-shirt. I walked up to her taking in her beauty. She's beautiful, she's always been beautiful but even in her sleep she looked stunning. I caress her face gently, grazing her lips. She's breathtaking. That's when I noticed a tear run down her face. How long had she been crying for? Seeing that teardrop impelled something in me to kiss her.

I bend down to her, Gently kissing her on the cheek, "I love you so fucking much, it hurts." I whispered, hoping she wouldn't wake up, she was the only thing I cared about. I grabbed my bag and walked out of the room. shutting that door, I cried, I cried as I walked out of that room, leaving my heart behind with her. I wasn't the emotional type of man, yet this girl made me feel a rollercoaster of emotions.
I had never cried the way I did for her. I never knew somebody like her and I was falling just as hard as she was falling for me. After that night Luna and I never spoke again. Not
For a long time.


I wake up, the sun shining brightly on my face. All I could think about when I woke up was him and what we had done last night. I touch my lips remembering the passionate kiss from last night. I had finally gotten a taste out of him and also ended up losing him in the process. I became angry with myself. Angry for making the same mistake twice. I hate him. I'm no longer going to allow myself to be so naive. I'm going to face the harsh reality I live and accept the fact that I will be marrying a monster. A monster who I hate with all my heart. A monster who will never get the satisfaction of touching me again.

I got up to take a shower, I noticed his bag was no longer on the armchair it was once on. He probably must have came and got his things while I was asleep. "I don't care anymore" I said to myself, walking up to the bathroom. I was lying to myself, yes. But it's like they say, "sometimes you have to fake it, to make it." That's exactly what I was going to do. Convince myself I hated him to stay as far away from him as I possibly could.

I walk into the bathroom, splashing warm water on my face to wake myself up. That's when I noticed. The hickey he had left on my neck and shoulder. I lift up my shirt, revealing all the marks he had left on my body. I felt disgusting knowing a piece of him was now apart of my body . I turned on the shower, waiting for it to warm up, until I got a call.


"Luna! Turn on the TV to Channel 9."

"Why? Who is this?"

"Just look at it!"

They hung up the phone before I could say another word. "I really wanted to shower" I say to myself. I turn off the water and grab the remote on the nightstand table, switching between channels until I got to channel 9.

"Good afternoon New York! Im your host Cindy Carter!, the time is 12:30pm and today we have the amazing pleasure to have an exclusive interview with none other than the band themselves! TOKIOOOOOO HOTEL!!!!" I rolled my eyes. This is what they wanted me to see? I almost turned off the TV when the same person  called me again. "Hello?.." "DONT TURN OFF THE TV JUST KEEP WATCHING!" "Scarlett?! how do you even have my number?" "Uhhh... don't worry about it.. by the way I also put Toms number in there as well.. you're welcome!" "What?! How?" "You left your phone in the taxi drivers car and he came back to the hotel looking for you, me and the guys were at the front desk when he came in saying a girl named Luna had called a taxi and left her phone in the car so I took it and added in our numbers before going into your room and setting it beside you in the bed."

I rolled my eyes. "Scarlett..." "oh shut up! I'm hanging up now! WATCH IT!" I did just that.

"So for our first question today, the fans want to ask Mr. Tom Kaulitz a very important question!" Tom looks at the host, smiling. "Shoot your question." He says, crossing his arms. "Paparazzi has recently gotten a hold of some pictures with you and a mystery girl back in October, it seems she is wearing a ring? The fans must know! Are you married?"

He stares for a moment, his eyebrows raising in shock. He looks down, his eyes heavy, sad? Then he looks back up again, smiling. "It's somewhat true, I'm not married but I am engaged." Everyone gasps at his response, the host shocked, almost like she was hoping he would say it was all fake. "Well.... Who's the lucky girl?" The host asked, the obvious jealousy in her speaking. He looks at the camera, his eyes filled with guilt, regret, pain. "Her name is Luna." The crowd begins to abruptly talk. "Now now everyone!" The host says, trying to calm down the crowd. "May we ask how you and this lucky girl met?" "What's her last name?" Tom looks visibly upset now, almost annoyed from all the questions.

"I'm sure my brother would love to keep his love life personal until him and his fiancée are ready to make it public." Bill interrupts, placing his hand on Toms knee, trying to get him to stop bouncing his leg. Tom looks at bill, letting out a genuine smile. His smile seemed so real, passionate. I wonder why I never received such a smile. I decided I would Turn off the TV. I wasn't going to allow myself to be reminded of him constantly. I turn the water back on and enter the shower.

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